Alipay, China's leading third-party online payment solutionAlipay, China's leading third-party online payment solution

Release notes

June 2024


May 2024


March 2024


February 2024


January 2024


  • Added the payment method Yapily to the Payment methods document.
  • Added the paymentMethodId field in the create API.
  • Added the enumeration value CARD for the paymentMethodType field in the create API.
  • Updated the description of the subscriptionEndTime field in the create API.
  • Added the phaseNo field in the notifyPayment API.

December 2023


  • Added the sample codes for K PLUS in the consult API.
  • Added the authExpiryTime field in the response of inquiryPayment API.
  • Updated the download link of test wallet for the Android version in the Test wallet document.
  • Added the error code INVALID_AMOUNT to the following APIs: pay (Checkout Payment), notifyPayment, inquiryPayment .
  • Updated the description of enumeration value TOKEN_CREATED for the authorizationNotifyType field in the notifyAuthorization API.
  • Updated the component name AMSEasyPay in the Web/WEP, Android, and iOS Integration guide of Easy Pay.
  • Updated the component name AMSCashierPayment in the Card payments Web/WEP, Android, and iOS Integration guide of Checkout Payment.
  • Updated the component name AMSCashierPayment in the Bank related payments Web/WEP, Android, and iOS Integration guide of Checkout Payment.

November 2023


In-store payments

  • Added the error code ORDER_STATUS_INVALID to the cancel API.
  • Added the error codes ACCESS_DENIED and ORDER_IS_CANCELED to the refund API.


Removed the domain used by GAGW:

October 2023


  • Added the scenarios of KONBINI, BANKTRANSFER_PAYEASY, and ONLINEBANKING_PAYEASY to the fields order.buyer.buyerEmail, order.buyer.buyerEmail.buyerPhoneNo, order.buyer.buyerEmail.buyerName.firstName, and order.buyer.buyerEmail.buyerName.lastName of the pay (Checkout Payment) API.
  • Added the error code DO_NOT_HONOR to the inquiryPayment, notifyPayment, and pay (Checkout Payment) APIs.
  • Added the auto-capture ability to card payment in the paymentFactor.captureMode field in the createPaymentSession (Checkout Payment) document.
  • Updated the integration solution of LINE Pay, Pay-easy, and Konbini in the Non-card payment document.
  • Added the Quickstart and Test resources documents to the Checkout Payment documentation.
  • Added the payment methods DIRECT_DEBIT_SIAMCOMMERCIALBANK and DIRECT_DEBIT_KRUNGTHAIBANK to the Payment methods document.
  • Added the payment methods DOKU, KPLUS, Pay-easy online banking, and Pay-easy bank transfer for Checkout Payment to the Payment methods document.
  • Added the payment methods KPLUS for Auto Debit and Subscription Payment to the Payment methods document.
  • Added the optional field agent-token to the request header to authorize ISVs for API calls.


September 2023



  • Deprecated the payment methods of Dolfin, BPI, bKash for Direct Debit and Periodic Subscriptions, and Easypaisa for Direct Debit and Periodic Subscriptions.

August 2023


July 2023


  • Added the createPaymentSession (Easy Pay) API for Easy Pay product.
  • Added both the English and Chinese version of the integration guide for Easy Pay product.
  • Added the enumeration value TOKEN_CREATED to the field authorizationNotifyType in the request parameters of the notifyAuthorization API.
  • Supported the acquirer AlipayBR for the Brazilian cards and PIX.


June 2023


Document improvements

  • Modified the domain names for Cashier Payment and Auto Debit to which API requests are sent. For details, see Call an API.
  • Modified the format of Request-Time to a timestamp whose value is accurate to milliseconds. For details, see Construct the content to be signed.

May 2023


  • Added the enumeration value ZALOPAY for Cashier Payment and Auto Debit in Payment methods.
  • Expressed the transaction amount in major units. For more information, see the following documents:
  • Changed the length of the parameter customerBelongsTo from 16 to 64 in the request parameters of the consult and applyToken APIs.
  • Changed the length of the parameter paymentMethod.paymentMethodType from 32 to 64 in the request parameters of the pay (Auto Debit) API.

April 2023


  • Added the payment method type OTC in Payment methods.
  • Added the enumeration value KREDIVO_ID for Cashier Payment in Payment methods.
  • Changed the download address of the test wallet for Android in Test wallet.
  • Added the parameter cardInfo.threeDSResult in the response parameters of the inquiryPayment API.
  • Added the parameter cardInfo.threeDSResult in the request parameters of the inquiryPayment API.


  • Deprecated the parameter redirectActionForm in the response parameters of the pay (Cashier Payment) API.
  • Deprecated the parameter authUrl in the response parameters of the consult API.
  • Deprecated the parameter cardInfo.eci in the response parameters of the inquiryPayment API.
  • Deprecated the parameter cardInfo.eci in the request parameters of the notifyPayment API.

Document improvements

  • Added the description of Blik in the Collect or display extra information section of Pay with card-excluded payment methods.
  • Updated the description of the parameters order.env.clientIp and order.env.userAgent for the payment method Blik in the request parameters of the pay (Cashier Payment) API.

March 2023


  • Added Best practices for BNPL channels for Cashier Payment.
  • Added the enumeration values KONBINI, FPX, and PAYEASY for Cashier Payment; PAYPAY and GrabPay for Auto Debit in Payment methods.
  • Added the parameter payerEmail for the scenario Payeasy and Konbini to the parameter paymentMethod.paymentMethodMetaData in the request parameters of the pay (Cashier Payment) API.
  • Added the error code AUTH_IN_PROCESS in the applyToken API.
  • Added the sample codes for QRIS in the pay (Cashier Payment) API.
  • Added the enumeration value OTC to the field paymentOptions.paymentMethodCategory in the response parameters of the consult (Cashier Payment) API.

Document improvements

  • Added the enumeration values PAYPAY and GrabPay to the field paymentMethodType. For more information, see the following documents:
  • Updated the report sample in the Sample 5 section. For more information, see the following documents:
  • Updated the description of the parameter originalTransactionId. For more information, see the following documents:

February 2023


  • Added the Cashier Payment documentation in Chinese and English versions.
  • Added Payment methods for the use in the description of parameters.
  • Added the enumeration values BILLEASE, QRIS, MERCADOPAGO_BR, MERCADOPAGO_MX, MERCADOPAGO_CL, and MERCADOPAGO_PE to the field paymentOptions.paymentMethodType in the response parameters of the consult (Cashier Payment) API.
  • Added the enumeration values BILLEASE, QRIS, MERCADOPAGO_BR, MERCADOPAGO_MX, MERCADOPAGO_CL, and MERCADOPAGO_PE to the field paymentMethod.paymentMethodType in the request parameters of the pay (Cashier Payment) API.
  • Added the parameters cpf and payerEmail for the scenario Mercado Pago to the parameter paymentMethod.paymentMethodMetaData in the request parameters of the pay (Cashier Payment) API.
  • Added the enumeration values BILLEASE, QRIS, MERCADOPAGO_BR, MERCADOPAGO_MX, MERCADOPAGO_CL, and MERCADOPAGO_PE to the field paymentMethodType. For more information, see the following documents:
  • Added the enumeration value REFUND_REVERSAL to the parameter transactionType. For more information, see the following documents:
  • Added the enumeration value REFUND_REVERSAL to the parameter summaryType. For more information, see the following documents:

Document improvements

January 2023


  • Added the enumeration values AKULAKU_PAYLATER_PH and GRABPAY_MY to the field paymentOptions.paymentMethodType in the response parameters of the consult (Cashier Payment) API.
  • Added the enumeration values AKULAKU_PAYLATER_PH and GRABPAY_MY to the field paymentMethod.paymentMethodType in the request parameters of the pay (Cashier Payment) API.
  • Changed the parameter allowedPspRegions to allowedPaymentMethodRegions in the request parameters of the consult (Cashier Payment) API.
  • Added a list of enumeration values to the parameter PaymentOptions.paymentOptionDetail.supportCardBrands.cardBrand in the response parameters of the consult (Cashier Payment) API.
  • Added a list of enumeration values to the parameter PaymentOptions.paymentOptionDetail.supportCardBrands.logo.logoName in the response parameters of the consult (Cashier Payment) API.
  • Added the parameter PaymentOptions.paymentOptionDetail.funding in the response parameters of the consult (Cashier Payment) API.
  • Added the parameters paymentMethod.paymentMethodMetaData.dateOfBirth, paymentMethod.paymentMethodMetaData.businessNo, paymentMethod.paymentMethodMetaData.cardPasswordDigest, paymentMethod.paymentMethodMetaData.payerEmail, and paymentMethod.paymentMethodMetaData.payMentMethodRegion in the request parameters of the pay (Cashier Payment) API.
  • Added the parameters cardInfo.issuingCountry, cardInfo.funding, and cardInfo.paymentMethodRegion in the request parameters of the notifyPayment API.
  • Added the parameters cardInfo.issuingCountry, cardInfo.funding, and cardInfo.paymentMethodRegion in the response parameters of the inquiryPayment API.
  • Added the enumeration values AKULAKU_PAYLATER_PH and GRABPAY_MY to the parameter paymentMethodType. For more information, see the following documents:
  • Added the parameters issuingCountry, funding, and cardBrand. For more information, see the following documents:
  • Added the parameters interchangeFeeAmountValue, interchangeFeeCurrency, schemeFeeAmountValue, schemeFeeCurrency, AcquirerMarkupFeeAmountValue, and AcquirerMarkupFeeCurrency. For more information, see the following documents:
  • Added the enumeration values AUTHORIZATION, VOID, CAPTURE, and DISPUTE to the parameter summaryType. For more information, see the following documents:

Document improvements

  • Modified the data type of the parameter PaymentOptions.installment in the response parameters of the consult (Cashier Payment) API to an object.
  • Updated the description of the parameter PaymentOptions.paymentMethodRegion in the response parameters of the consult (Cashier Payment) API.
  • Updated the description of the parameter feeAmountValue. For more information, see the following documents:

December 2022


  • Added a drop-down box to filter the child parameters of the field paymentMethodMetaData in the request parameters of the pay (Cashier Payment) API.
  • Added a note indicating the rounding rule applied to IDR to the fields paymentAmount.value in the request parameters of the pay (Cashier Payment) API, paymentAmount.value in the request parameters of the consult (Cashier Payment) API, captureAmount.value in the request parameters of the capture (Cashier Payment) API, paymentAmount.value in the request parameters of the pay (Auto Debit) API, refundAmount.value in the request parameters of the refund API, and declarationAmount.value in the request parameters of the declare API.
  • Added the enumeration value MAYA to the field customerBelongsTo in the request parameters of the consult API.
  • Added the enumeration value MAYA to the field customerBelongsTo in the request parameters of the applyToken API.
  • Added the enumeration value MAYA to the field paymentMethod.paymentMethodType in the request parameters of the pay (Auto Debit) API.
  • Added the enumeration value MAYA to the field paymentMethodType. For more information, see the following documents:

November 2022


  • Added the error code FRAUD_REJECT in the pay (Cashier Payment), notifyPayment, and inquiryPayment APIs.
  • Added the error code SUSPECTED_RISK in the notifyPayment and inquiryPayment APIs.
  • Added the enumeration value PROMPTPAY to the field paymentOptions.paymentMethodType in the response parameters of the consult (Cashier Payment) API.
  • Added the enumeration value PROMPTPAY to the field paymentMethod.paymentMethodType in the request parameters of the pay (Cashier Payment) API.
  • Added the enumeration value EASYPAISA to the field customerBelongsTo in the request parameters of the consult and applyToken APIs.
  • Added the enumeration value EASYPAISA to the field paymentMethodType in the request parameters of the pay (Auto Debit) API.
  • Added the error code NO_PAY_OPTIONS in the consult and applyToken APIs.
  • Added the enumeration value PROMPTPAY to the field paymentMethodType. For more information, see the following documents:
  • Added the enumeration value EASYPAISA to the field paymentMethodType. For more information, see the following documents:


Document improvements

October 2022


  • Added the paymentOptions.intallments field in the response parameters of the consult (Cashier Payment) API.
  • Added the paymentOptions.paymentOptionDetail.supportBanks field in the response parameters of the consult (Cashier Payment) API.
  • Added the enumeration value PAYPAY to the field paymentOptions.paymentMethodType in the response parameters of the consult (Cashier Payment) API.
  • Added the enumeration value WALLET to the field paymentOptions.paymentMethodCategory in the response parameters of the consult (Cashier Payment) API.
  • Added the error code CURRENCY_NOT_SUPPORT in the consult (Cashier Payment) API.
  • Added the fields blikCode and payerEmail as child parameters to the field paymentMethodMetaData.paymentMethodMetaData in the request parameters of pay (Cashier Payment) API.
  • Added the paymentMethod.paymentMethodMetaData.bankIdentifierCode field in the request parameters of pay (Cashier Payment) API.
  • Added the paymentMethod.paymentMethodMetaData.cpf field in the request parameters of pay (Cashier Payment) API.
  • Added the description of the fields order.buyer.buyerPhoneNo and order.buyer.buyerEmail in the request parameters of pay (Cashier Payment) API.
  • Added the description of the field paymentMethod.paymentMethodMetaData.billingAddress in the request parameters of pay (Cashier Payment) API.
  • Added the description of the field paymentMethod.paymentMethodMetaData.cpf in the request parameters of pay (Cashier Payment) API.
  • Added the value range to the field creditPayPlan.installmentNum in the request parameters of pay (Cashier Payment) API.
  • Added the enumeration value PAYPAY to the field paymentMethod.paymentMethodType in the request parameters of pay (Cashier Payment) API.
  • Added the error code MULTI_CAPTURE_NOT_SUPPORTED in the capture (Cashier Payment) and notifyCapture (Cashier Payment) APIs.
  • Added the field disputeJudgedTime in the request parameters of notifyDispute API.
  • Added the description of the field disputeJudgedResult in the request parameters of notifyDispute API.
  • Added the field installmentsNum. For more information, see the following documents:
  • Added the fields disputeHandlingFee, disputeHandlingFeeCurrency, disputeReverseFee, and disputeReverseFeeCurrency. For more information, see the following documents:
  • Added the enumeration value PAYPAY to the field paymentMethodType. For more information, see the following documents:
  • Updated the description of the fields settlementAmountValue, feeAmountValue, and taxFeeAmountValue. For more information, see the following documents:
  • Added the sample 4 applicable when the acquirer is Hundsun. For more information, see the following documents:


  • Deprecated the card child field of the paymentOptions.paymentOptionDetail field in the response parameters of the consult (Cashier Payment) API.
  • Deprecated the ACCEPT_BY_ALIPAY value of the disputeJudgedResult field in the request parameters of notifyDispute API.
  • Deprecated the error codes of the notifyDispute API.

Document improvements

  • Modified the enumeration value MIXEDCARD to CARD of the field paymentOptions.paymentMethodType in the response parameters of the consult (Cashier Payment) API.
  • Capitalized the enumeration values of the field paymentOptions.paymentMethodCategory in the response parameters of the consult (Cashier Payment) API.
  • Modified the description of the field paymentOptions.paymentOptionDetail in the response parameters of the consult (Cashier Payment) API.
  • Modified the paymentOptions.installments.interestRate to an optional field in the response parameters of the consult (Cashier Payment) API.
  • Modified the data type of the paymentMethod.paymentMethodMetaData field to an object and modified its description.
  • Modified the enumeration value MIXEDCARD to CARD of the field paymentMethod.paymentMethodType in the request parameters of the pay (Cashier Payment) API.
  • Modified the enumeration value MIXEDCARD to CARD of the field paymentMethodType. For more information, see the following documents:

September 2022



Document improvements

  • Modified the description of the paymentOptions.paymentMethodRegion field in the response parameters of the consult (Cashier Payment) API.
  • Modified the minimum length of the paymentOptions.logo.logoName field in the response parameters of the consult (Cashier Payment) API.
  • Modified the description of the result.resultStatus field in the response parameters of the pay (Cashier Payment) API.
  • Modified the name of the error code PAYMENT_METHOD_NOT_SUPPORTED in the refund API.
  • Updated the result process logic of the pay (Cashier Payment) API.
  • Modified the description of the transactions field in the response parameters of the inquiryPayment API.
  • Updated the payment result codes of the inquiryPayment API.
  • Modified the description of the file path naming rule and the field seq. For more information, see the following documents:
  • Modified the description of the field customerId. For more information, see the following documents:
  • Added the field acquirer. For more information, see the following documents:
  • Added the field acquirerReferenceNo. For more information, see the following documents:
  • Modified the description of the fields transactionId, originalTransactionId, transactionRequestId, referenceTransactionId, paymentMethodType, and transactionType. For more information, see the following documents:
  • Modified the description of the field settlementBatchId. For more information, see the following documents:
  • Added the fields taxFeeAmountValue and taxFeeCurrency. For more information, see the following documents:

August 2022


  • Deprecated the Data dictionary for APIs.
  • Deprecated the APIs about registration for online payments: registration, notifyRegistrationStatus, inquiryRegistrationStatus, inquiryRegistrationInfo.

Document improvements

  • Modified the description of the referenceTransactionId field. For more information, see the following documents:
  • Added the fields processingFeeAmountValue and processingFeeCurrency to the Settle and reconcile documents. For more information, see the following documents:
  • Modified the description of the feeAmountValue field. For more information, see the following documents:

July 2022


  • Added the userRegion field in the request parameters and the paymentData field in the response parameters of the pay (Cashier Payment) API.
  • Added two error codes REFUND_NOT_SUPPORTEDand PARTIAL_REFUND_NOT_SUPPORTED in the refund API.
  • Added Best practices for BNPL channels for Cashier Payment.
  • Added the goodsCategory field to pay (Cashier Payment) and pay (Auto Debit) APIs.
  • Added Akulaku PayLater payment method to Cashier Payment, and Boost eWallet to Cashier Payment and Auto Debit. For more information, see the following documents:

Document improvements

  • Updated the result process logic in the pay (Cashier Payment) API.
  • Updated the error codes in the interfaces: consult, applyToken, revoke, pay (Cashier Payment), pay (Auto Debit), notifyPayment, inquiryPayment, cancel, refund, inquiryRefund, notifyRefund, declare, inquiryDeclarationRequests, pay (User-presented Mode Payment), pay (Order Code Payment), pay (Entry Code Payment).

May 2022

Added the consult (Cashier Payment) and notifyRefund interfaces.

Updated the pay (Cashier Payment) document:

  • Added the paymentMethod.paymentMethodMetaData field in Request parameters.
  • Added some new enumeration values in the paymentMethod.paymentMethodType field.
  • Modfied the field description of settlementStrategy.settlementCurrency.
  • Added the following error codes:

Updated the notifyPayment document:

  • Added the new enumeration value of PAYMENT_PENDING in the notifyType field.

Updated the inquiryPayment document:

  • Added the new enumeration value of PENDING in the paymentStatus field.

Updated the refund document:

  • Added the refundNotifyUrl field in Request parameters.
  • Added the error code: REFUND_IN_PROCESS

Updated the Transaction Items, Settlement Items, and Settlement Summary documents under Cashier Payment:

  • Added the following new enumeration values in the paymentMethodType field in Transaction Items and Settlement Items:
    • IDEAL
    • SOFORT
    • PAYU
    • P24
    • BLIK
    • EPS
    • PIX
  • Added the following fields in Settlement Items and Settlement Summary:
    • processingFeeAmountValue
    • processingFeeCurrency
  • Modified the Report path and name parts in Settlement Items and Settlement Summary.

April 2022

  • Added the merchantRegion field in the request parameters of the following interfaces:
    • pay (Cashier Payment)
    • consult
    • applyToken
    • pay (User-presented Mode Payment)
    • pay (Order Code Payment)
    • pay (Entry Code Payment)
  • Modified Customs codes in the sample codes of the following interfaces:
    • declare: modified ZHENGZHOU to ZONGSHU
    • inquiryDeclarationRequests: modified shenzhen to ZONGSHU
  • The Business Registration Country/Region field is moved from the Welcome page to the Create New Application page.

March 2022

  • Added the Sandbox documentation.
  • Added a new version of the Cashier Payment documentation.
  • Added a new version of the Auto Debit documentation.
  • Added the redirectActionForm field in the response parameters of the inquiryPayment interface.

February 2022

  • Deleted the initAuthentication and verifyAuthentication interfaces.
  • Added the USER_NOT_EXIST error code in the pay (Auto Debit).

January 2022

Added the grossSettlementAmount and settlementQuote fields in the following interfaces:

  • notifyPayment
  • inquiryPayment
  • refund
  • inquiryRefund

Updated the pay (Cashier Payment) document:

  • Added the following error codes:
  • Deleted the following error codes:

Updated the pay (Auto Debit) document:

  • Deleted the following fields:
    • Request parameters:
      • order.env.storeTerminalId
      • order.env.storeTerminalRequestTime
      • payToMethod
      • paymentMethod.paymentMethodMetaData
      • isAuthorization
      • paymentVerificationData
      • paymentFactor
    • Response parameters:
      • authExpiryTime
      • challengeActionForm
      • redirectActionForm
      • orderCodeForm
  • Modified the following fields from Optional to Required:
    • Request parameters:
      • paymentMethod.paymentMethodId
      • env
      • env.terminalType
      • settlementStrategy.settlementCurrency
    • Response parameters:
      • result.resultMessage
  • Added the following error codes:
  • Deleted the following error codes:

Updated the notifyPayment document:

  • Deleted the following fields:
    • Request parameters:
      • notifyType: OFFLINE_PAYMENT_CODE
      • result.resultStatus: U
  • Modified the following fields from Optional to Required:
    • Request parameters:
      • paymentCreateTime
      • paymentId
      • result.resultMessage
  • Added the error codes of pay (Cashier Payment) and pay (Auto Debit).

Updated the inquiryPayment document:

  • Deleted the following fields:
    • Response parameters:
      • authExpiryTime
      • redirectActionForm
      • transaction.transactionType: PAYMENT, CANCEL, AUTHORIZATION, CAPTURE, VOID
      • transactionTime
  • Modified the following fields from Optional to Required:
    • Response parameters:
      • result
      • result.resultMessage
      • transactions.transactionId
  • Added the following two result codes tables:
    • Payment result codes
    • Transaction result codes
  • Deleted the following error codes:

Updated the cancel document:

  • Modified the following field from Optional to Required:
    • Response parameters:
      • result.resultMessage

Updated the refund document:

  • Modified the following field from Optional to Required:
    • Response parameters:
      • result.resultMessage
  • Added the following error codes:

Updated the inquiryRefund document:

  • Added the following field:
    • Response parameters:
      • refundStatus: FAIL
  • Deleted the following error codes:
  • Added a Refund result codes table.

Updated the consult document:

  • Modified the following field from Optional to Required:
    • Response parameters:
      • result.resultMessage
  • Added the following error codes:

Updated the applyToken document:

  • Modified the following field from Optional to Required:
    • Response parameters:
      • result.resultMessage
  • Added the following error codes:

Updated the revoke document:

  • Modified the following field from Optional to Required:
    • Response parameters:
      • result.resultMessage
  • Added the following error codes:

Added the grossSettlementAmount and settlementQuote fields in the inquiryRefund interface.

Updated the pay (User-presented Mode Payment) document:

  • Deleted the following fields:
    • Request parameters:
      • isAuthorization
      • paymentFactor.isPaymentEvaluation
      • paymentMethod.paymentMethodMetaData
      • paymentRedirectUrl
      • paymentVerificationData
      • payToMethod
    • Response parameters:
      • authExpiryTime
      • challengeActionForm.challengeRenderValue
      • orderCodeForm
  • Added the settlementStrategy field.
  • Modified the paymentMethod.paymentMethodId field from Optional to Required.

Updated the pay (Order Code Payment) document:

  • Deleted the following fields:
    • Request parameters:
      • isAuthorization
      • paymentFactor.isPaymentEvaluation
      • paymentMethod.paymentMethodMetaData
      • paymentVerificationData
      • payToMethod
    • Response parameters:
      • authExpiryTime
      • challengeActionForm.challengeRenderValue
  • Added the settlementStrategy field.
  • Modified the orderCodeForm field from Optional to Required.

Updated the pay (Entry Code Payment) document:

  • Deleted the following fields:
    • Request parameters:
      • isAuthorization
      • paymentFactor.isPaymentEvaluation
      • paymentMethod.paymentMethodMetaData
      • paymentVerificationData
      • payToMethod
    • Response parameters:
      • authExpiryTime
      • challengeActionForm.challengeRenderValue
      • orderCodeForm
  • Added the settlementStrategy field.
  • Modified the order.env and the order.env.userAgent fields from Optional to Required.

December 2021

  • Auto Debit added the authorization result notification functionality. Therefore, the following documentation are reorganized:

For Online payment and In-store payment:

  • Added the refund inquiry functionality in the following products:
    • Cashier Payment
    • Auto Debit
    • User-presented Mode Payment
    • Order Code Payment
    • Entry Code Payment
  • Therefore, the following documentation are reorganized:
    • Post-payment service
    • Best practice
    • API list

Updated the pay (Cashier Payment) document:

Request parameters

  • Deleted the following fields:
    • order.env.storeTerminalId
    • order.env.storeTerminalRequestTime
    • payToMethod
    • paymentMethod.paymentMethodId
    • paymentMethod.paymentMethodMetaData
    • isAuthorization
    • paymentVerificationData
    • paymentFactor
  • Modified the following fields from Optional to Required:
    • order.env
    • settlementStrategy.settlementCurrency

Response parameters

  • Deleted the following fields:
    • result.resultStatus: S 
    • paymentTime
    • authExpiryTime
    • challegeActionForm
    • redirectActionForm.method: SCAN
    • orderCodeForm.paymentMethodType
    • settlementQuote
    • grossSettlementAmount
  • Modified the following fields from Optional to Required:
    • orderCodeForm.expireTime
    • orderCodeForm.codeDetails
    • result.resultMessage

Added the userLoginId field in the applyToken interface.

Added the following fields in the pay (Cashier Payment) and pay (Auto Debit) interfaces:

  • schemeUrl
  • applinkUrl
  • normalUrl
  • appIdentifier

Added the new enumeration values of BPI and RABBIT_LINE_PAY in the following APIs:

  • pay (Cashier Payment): paymentMethod.paymentMethodType

Added the new enumeration value of RABBIT_LINE_PAY in the following APIs:

  • pay (Auto Debit): paymentMethod.paymentMethodType
  • consult: customerBelongsTo
  • applyToken: customerBelongsTo

November 2021

October 2021

  • Auto Debit added the payment result notification functionality. Therefore, the following documentation are reorganized:
  • Added the following new APIs in online payments:
  • Added the following new API in in-store payments:

September 2021

  • The following terms are renamed:

Obsolete term

Current term 



Alipay+ MPP

The meaning of the current term is the same as the obsolete term.

Connect Wallet



mobile website

  • New introduction videos of online payment and in-store payment scenarios are added. You can go to Online payment and In-store payment to view details.

August 2021

  • Added MULTIPLE_REFUNDS_NOT_SUPPORTED of error code in the following APIs:
  • Removed the inquiryUserInfo interface is removed.

July 2021

  • Added the error code of USER_KYC_NOT_QUALIFIED in the following APIs:
  • Modified the orderCodeForm.codeDetails field from Required to Optional for the following interfaces:
  • Deleted the orderCodeForm.codeDetails.codeValueType field in the following APIs:

May 2021

  • Antom Docs redesigned with improved user experience and new information architecture. New docs to assist new users:
  • Reorganized the structure of API-related instruction documentation.
    • Added the following documentation:
    • Renamed the following documentation titles:
  • Removed the following documentation to the corresponding product documentation:
    • Settlement Items
    • Settlement Summary
    • Transaction Items

For example, you can go to Cashier Payment > Reports and reconciliation > Settlement Items ( to view details.

  • Terminology renaming. The following term is renamed:
    • Consumer-presented Mode Payment -> User-presented Mode Payment

April 2021

  • Added a new field and enum (appId and MINI_APP) to the following APIs:

March 2021

  • Added new settlement modes to the following products:

Removed the following fields from the Settlement Summary file for each product:

    • transactionAmountValue
    • transactionCurrency
  • Deleted INVALID_CODE of error code in the following APIs:
  • Added INVALID_PAYMENT_CODE of error code in the following API:

December 2020

  • Renamed the following term:

Obsolete term

Current term 




The obsolete term might be still displayed in codes, for example, API specifications, Java code specifications, or other places where technical elements exist. The meaning of the obsolete term is not changed.

  • New versions of Product APIs for online payment and in-store payment products are released in December. The API documentation format has been updated to a new version for better user experience. You can now access subfields in the same documentation. Previously, subfields were only available in data dictionary. You can go to API Reference > Product APIs > Online payments ( to explore the new version.

May 2020

A new version of Antom Docs is released in May. Technical documentation on original portal ( is merged to this new site for a better user experience. You can go to Documentation > Legacy Documentation ( to view details.