Alipay, China's leading third-party online payment solutionAlipay, China's leading third-party online payment solution

Settlement details report

The settlement detail report contains transaction settlement details for all transactions within a settlement period. The report is generated along with the settlement summary report on the next day after receiving the bank receipt for the settlement. You can obtain this report through the SFTP server or Antom Dashboard.

Report details

The settlement details report consists of three parts: header information, transaction details, and the end-of-file <END> that appears in the last line of the report. The header information is represented by parameter names, and the settlement details are represented by the corresponding values of the parameters.

The following table shows the parameters in the settlement details report and parameter descriptions:




MANDATORY String (64)

The unique ID that is assigned by the acquirer to identify a settlement period, which corresponds to the settlement batch number in the settlement summary parameter. If the acquirer does not assign settlementBatchId, Antom will generate this ID.


MANDATORY String (64)

The unique ID that is assigned by the acquirer to identify a merchant.


MANDATORY String (64)

The name of the acquirer that processes the transactions.

The acquirer here specifically means the acquirer that provides acquiring and funds settlement services for the merchant.


OPTIONAL String (64)

The unique ID assigned by the non-Antom acquirer for the transaction.

This parameter is specified when the transaction is settled by the non-Antom acquirer.


OPTIONAL String (64)

The unique ID of the sub-merchant that directly provides services or goods to users, assigned by the primary merchant to its sub-merchant.

The value of this field needs to be the same as that of the referenceMerchantId field in the original payment or authorization request.


OPTIONAL String (64)

The unique ID of the store that belongs to the merchant, assigned by the primary merchant to its sub-merchant.


MANDATORY String (64)

The unique ID that is assigned by Antom to identify a transaction. The value of this parameter follows these rules:

  • When transactionType is PAYMENT, CANCEL or AUTHORIZATION, the value of this parameter is identical to that of paymentId.
  • When transactionType is CAPTURE, the value of this parameter is identical to that of captureId.
  • When transactionType is REFUND, the value of this parameter is identical to that of refundId.
  • When transactionType is DISPUTE, DISPUTE_REVERSAL or RAPID_DISPUTE_RESOLUTIONthe value of this parameter is identical to that of disputeId.


OPTIONAL String (64)

An identifier for the original transaction.

  • When transactionType is CANCELVOIDREFUND, CAPTUREDISPUTEDISPUTE_REVERSALRAPID_DISPUTE_RESOLUTIONPAYMENT_REVERSAL or REFUND_REVERSAL, the value of this parameter is identical to that of paymentId of original payment or authorization request.


OPTIONAL String (64)

The unique ID that is assigned by the merchant to identify a transaction request. The value of this parameter is identical to the value of paymentRequestId for a payment, or the value of refundRequestId for a refund.

  • When transactionType is PAYMENT , AUTHORIZATION or CAPTURE, the value of this parameter is identical to that of paymentRequestId of original payment or authorization request.
  • When transactionType is REFUND, the value of this parameter is identical to that of refundRequestId for a refund.
  • When transactionType is CANCEL, the value of this parameter is Antom's internal ID.


MANDATORY String (64)

The unique ID assigned by the merchant that directly provides services or goods to users, to identify a transaction. The value of this parameter is identical to that of referenceOrderId for a payment.


OPTIONAL String (64)

The payment method for processing the payment. See Payment methods to check the valid values. 

The value of this parameter is identical to that of paymentMethodType in the original payment or authorization request.



OPTIONAL String (64)

The name of the Alipay+ Mobile Payment Provider, such as GCash.

The value of this parameter is identical to that of pspName in the original payment or authorization request.



Transaction type. Possible values are:

  • PAYMENT: indicates a payment process.
  • REFUND: indicates a refund process.
  • CANCEL: indicates a cancellation process.
  • AUTHORIZATION: indicates an authorization process.
  • CAPTURE: indicates a capture process.
  • VOID: indicates a void authorization.
  • DISPUTE: indicates a dispute process.
  • REFUND_REVERSAL: indicates a refund fails and the funds are returned to your account.
  • SETTLEMENT_FEE: indicates the settlement fee charged by the acquirer. The fee details are represented by the settlementAmountValue and settlementCurrency parameters.
  • DISPUTE_REVERSAL: indicates a reversal of a successfully defended dispute.
  • PAYMENT_REVERSAL: indicates a refund fails and the funds are returned to your account.
  • COLLATERAL_WITHHOLDING: indicates the withholding of collateral funds.
  • RESERVE_WITHHOLDING: indicates the withholding of reserve funds.
  • RESERVE_RELEASE: indicates the release of reserve funds.
  • COLLATERAL_RELEASE: indicates the release of collateral funds.
  • RAPID_DISPUTE_RESOLUTION: indicates a dispute process with Rapid Dispute Resolution (RDR).
  • ADJUSTMENT_FEE: indicates the adjustment fee. For card payment, the adjustment fee may be charged due to reasons including but not limited to changes in fees or additional fees imposed or set out by payment system operators, errors and other reasons.


OPTIONAL String (64)

The date and time when the corresponding transaction reaches a final status of success, in the format of YYYY-MM-DDTHH:MM:SS+hh:mm as defined in ISO 8601.

  • When transactionType is ADJUSTMENT_FEEthe value of this parameter is empty.


MANDATORY String (64)

The date and time when the settlement file is generated, in the format of YYYY-MM-DDTHH:MM:SS+hh:mm as defined in ISO 8601.



The type of payment product that is contracted between Antom and the merchant. Valid values are:

  • AGREEMENT_PAYMENT: indicates the auto debit payment.
  • CASHIER_PAYMENT: indicates the cashier payment.

The value of this parameter is identical to that of productCode in the original payment or authorization request.



OPTIONAL String (16)

The transaction amount in major units of the corresponding currency (For example, dollars for USD, and yen for JPY).

When the Interchange++ pricing model is used, the interchange fee charged by the issuing bank and the scheme fee charged by the card scheme may be charged in subsequent settlement batches, and the value of this field is 0 in this case.

  • When transactionType is ADJUSTMENT_FEE, the value of this parameter is 0.


OPTIONAL String (3)

The currency of transactionAmountValue, specified by a 3-letter currency code as defined in ISO 4217.

  • When transactionType is ADJUSTMENT_FEE, the value of this parameter is identical to that of settlementCurrency.


MANDATORY String (16)

The net settlement amount in major units of the corresponding currency (For example, dollars for USD, and yen for JPY).

When the acquirer is Hundsun and the value of summaryType is TOTAL, the value of this parameter is accurate. When the acquirer is Hundsun and the value of summaryType is other than TOTAL, the value of this parameter may be skewed. For more information about the error correction information, see Acquirer Hundsun.


MANDATORY String (3)

The currency of settlementAmountValue, specified by a 3-letter currency code as defined in ISO 4217.


OPTIONAL String (16)

The currency pair of the settlement currency and the transaction currency, which is provided by the foreign exchange partner. The two currencies are separated with a slash and use a 3-letter ISO-4217 currency code, such as USD/IDR.

The value of this parameter is empty when the settlement currency is the same as the transaction currency.


OPTIONAL Decimal (20)

The quotation of the exchange rate between two currencies in the currency pair specified in the quoteCurrencyPair parameter.

The value of this parameter is empty when the settlement currency is the same as the transaction currency.


MANDATORY String (16)

The amount of the processing fee that is charged by the acquirer. The value of this parameter is in major units of the corresponding currency (For example, dollars for USD, and yen for JPY).

When the acquirer is Hundsun, the value of this parameter may be skewed. For more information about the error correction information, see Acquirer Hundsun and Sample 2.

When the acquirer is 2C2P and the Interchange++ pricing model is used, the value of this parameter may represent the error correction information. For more information about error correction information, see Interchange++ pricing model and Sample 3.


MANDATORY String (3)

The currency of feeAmountValue, specified by a 3-letter currency code as defined in ISO 4217.


OPTIONAL String (16)

The tax fee amount in major units of the corresponding currency (For example, dollars for USD, and yen for JPY).

When the acquirer is Hundsun, the value of this parameter may be skewed. For more information about the error correction information, see Acquirer Hundsun and Sample 2.


OPTIONAL String (3)

The currency of taxFeeAmountValue, specified by a 3-letter currency code as defined in ISO 4217.


OPTIONAL String (16)

The amount of the processing fee that is charged for the payment processing services Antom provided for each transaction. The value of this parameter is in major units of the corresponding currency (For example, dollars for USD, and yen for JPY).


OPTIONAL String (3)

The currency of processingFeeAmountValue. The value of processingFeeCurrency is specified by a 3-letter currency code as defined in ISO 4217.


OPTIONAL String (16)

Merchant discount amount, which is not settled to the merchant. The value of this parameter is in major units of the corresponding currency (For example, dollars for USD, and yen for JPY).


OPTIONAL String (3)

The currency of nonGuaranteeCouponValue, specified by a 3-letter currency code as defined in ISO 4217.


OPTIONAL String (16)

The amount of the fee that is charged by Antom to the merchant for handling a dispute. The value of this parameter is in major units of the corresponding currency (For example, dollars for USD, and yen for JPY).


OPTIONAL String (3)

The currency of disputeHandlingFee. The value of this parameter is specified by a 3-letter currency code as defined in ISO 4217.


OPTIONAL String (16)

The amount of the reverse fee that is charged by Antom to the merchant. The value of this parameter is in major units of the corresponding currency (For example, dollars for USD, and yen for JPY).

This parameter is specified when the merchant does not agree with the dispute.


The currency of disputeReverseFee. The value of this parameter is specified by a 3-letter currency code as defined in ISO 4217.


OPTIONAL String (64)

An identifier for the original transaction.

  • When transactionType is CANCELVOID , CAPTUREDISPUTEDISPUTE_REVERSALRAPID_DISPUTE_RESOLUTIONPAYMENT_REVERSAL or REFUND_REVERSAL, the value of this parameter is identical to that of paymentRequestId of original payment or authorization request.
  • When transactionType is REFUND, the value of this parameter is identical to that of refundRequestId for a refund.


OPTIONAL String (8)

Indicates the number of installment payments.


OPTIONAL String (2)

The issuing country or region of the card. The parameter is a 2-letter country or region code that follows the ISO 3166 Country Codes standard.

This parameter is specified when paymentMethodType is CARD.

The value of this parameter is identical to that of issuingCountry in the original payment or authorization request.


OPTIONAL String (256)

The brand of the card.

This parameter is specified when paymentMethodType is CARD.

The value of this parameter is identical to that of cardBrand in the original payment or authorization request.


OPTIONAL String (20)

The funding type of the payment method. This parameter is returned when the value of paymentMethodType is CARD, GRABPAY_MY, or GRABPAY_SG.

When the value of paymentMethodType is CARD, valid values are:

  • CREDIT: indicates a credit card payment.
  • DEBIT: indicates a debit card payment.

When the value of paymentMethodType is GRABPAY_MY or GRABPAY_SG, valid values are:

  • WALLETS: indicates a regular wallet payment using the wallet balance.
  • BNPL_POSTPAID: indicates a buy-now-pay-later payment, and the user pays the full amount.
  • BNPL_INSTALLMENT: indicates a buy-now-pay-later payment, and the user pays in installments.

The value of this parameter is identical to that of funding in the original payment or authorization request.


OPTIONAL String (16)

The fee that is charged by the issuing bank. The value of this parameter has the following features:

  • In major units of the corresponding currency (For example, dollars for USD, and yen for JPY).
  • Accurate to eight decimal places in the settlement details report, and is rounded to two decimal places using Banker's rounding in the settlement summary report.

This parameter is specified when paymentMethodType is CARD and the Interchange++ pricing model is used.


OPTIONAL String (3)

The currency of interchangeFeeAmountValue, specified by a 3-letter currency code as defined in ISO 4217.

This parameter is specified when paymentMethodType is CARD and the Interchange++ pricing model is used.


OPTIONAL String (16)

The fee that is charged by the card scheme. The value of this parameter has the following features:

  • In major units of the corresponding currency (For example, dollars for USD, and yen for JPY).
  • Accurate to eight decimal places in the settlement details report, and is rounded to two decimal places using the banker's rounding in the settlement summary report.

This parameter is specified when paymentMethodType is CARD and the Interchange++ pricing model is used.


OPTIONAL String (3)

The currency of schemeFeeAmountValue, specified by a 3-letter currency code as defined in ISO 4217.

This parameter is specified when paymentMethodType is CARD and the Interchange++ pricing model is used.


OPTIONAL String (16)

The fee that is charged by the acquirer. The value of this parameter is in major units of the corresponding currency (For example, dollars for USD, and yen for JPY).

This parameter is specified when paymentMethodType is CARD and the Interchange++ pricing model is used.


OPTIONAL String (3)

The currency of acquirerMarkupAmountValue, specified by a 3-letter currency code as defined in ISO 4217.

This parameter is specified when paymentMethodType is CARD and the Interchange++ pricing model is used.


OPTIONAL String (16)

The commission fee charged by the acquirer for a refund. The value of this parameter is in major units of the corresponding currency (For example, dollars for USD, and yen for JPY).

This parameter may be specified when the value of transactionType is REFUND.


OPTIONAL String (3)

The currency of refundFeeAmountValue, specified by a 3-letter currency code as defined in ISO 4217.

This parameter may be specified when the value of transactionType is REFUND.


OPTIONAL String (16)

The region where the transaction occurred. Valid values are:

  • DOMESTIC: domestic transactions, where the issuing country, acquiring country, and merchant registration country are the same.
  • INTRAREGIONAL: intraregional transactions, where the issuing country, acquiring country, and merchant registration country are different, but belong to the same region.
  • INTERREGIONAL: interregional transactions, where the issuing country, acquiring country, and merchant registration country are different, and do not belong to the same region.


OPTIONAL String (16)
The fee amount for the installment payment charged by Antom to the merchant. The value of this parameter is in major units of the corresponding currency (For example, dollars for USD, and yen for JPY).

This parameter may be specified when the value of paymentMethodType is CARD

and it is a card installment payment scenario.


OPTIONAL String (3)

The currency of financingFeeAmountValue, specified by a 3-letter currency code as defined in ISO 4217.

This parameter may be specified when the value of paymentMethodType is CARD

and it is a card installment payment scenario.


OPTIONAL String (16)

The fee amount for RDR type transactions charged by Antom to merchants. The value of this parameter is in major units of the corresponding currency (For example, dollars for USD, and yen for JPY). 

This parameter may be specified when the value of transactionType is RAPID_DISPUTE_RESOLUTION and the merchant has activated the RDR service through Antom.


OPTIONAL String (3)

The currency of rdrFeeAmountValue, specified by a 3-letter currency code as defined in ISO 4217.

This parameter may be specified when the value of transactionType is RAPID_DISPUTE_RESOLUTION and the merchant has activated the RDR service through Antom.


OPTIONAL String (16)

The fee amount for the settlement period acceleration charged by Antom to merchants. The value of this parameter is in major units of the corresponding currency (For example, dollars for USD, and yen for JPY). 

This parameter may be specified when when customers use Brazilian local cards for installment payments or when the days of delay for customer fund settlement are less than T+26.


OPTIONAL String (3)

The currency of anticipationFeeAmountValue, specified by a 3-letter currency code as defined in ISO 4217.


OPTIONAL String (16)

Risk control decision-making fee. The fee will be charged when the merchant does not sign the risk control and liability agreement, while it will not be charged when the merchant signes the risk control and liability agreement. The fee is only charged during AUTHORIZATION and is not refundable.

The value of this parameter is in major units of the corresponding currency (For example, dollars for USD, and yen for JPY). 


OPTIONAL String (3)

The currency of riskDecisionServiceFeeAmountValuespecified by a 3-letter currency code as defined in ISO 4217.


OPTIONAL String (16)

Risk control operation fee. The fee will be charged when the merchant signes the risk control and liability agreement, while it will not be charged when the merchant does not sign the risk control and liability agreement. The fee is only charged during CAPTURE and is not refundable. The value of this parameter is in major units of the corresponding currency (For example, dollars for USD, and yen for JPY). 


OPTIONAL String (3)

The currency of riskManagementFeeAmountValuespecified by a 3-letter currency code as defined in ISO 4217.


OPTIONAL String (256)

Card categories. The valid values are:

  • CONSUMER: independent cards.
  • COMMERCIAL: bussiness cards.

Table 1. Parameters and descriptions in the settlement details report

Note: Use the header parameters to parse the transaction details report. The parameter order in the report downloaded from the SFTP server and Antom Dashboard may not match the parameter order displayed in Table 1.

Error correction information

The settlement report you obtained may contain the error correction information in the following scenarios.  

Acquirer: Hundsun

The acquirer Hundsun only provides the final settlement total amount. Therefore, Antom calculates the settlement details of each transaction for you. Due to the different calculation methods, the total settlement data calculated by Antom and Hundsun may be different, so Antom provides the error correction information about the amount calculation differences in the settlement report. The error correction information is displayed on the second-to-last line of the report and is represented by settlementAmountValue, feeAmountValue, and taxFeeAmountValue. For example:

  • If the total settlementAmountValue values calculated by Hundsun and Antom are respectively 37164 and 37140, the error correction information for settlementAmountValue is 24.
  • If the total feeAmountValue values calculated by Hundsun and Antom are respectively 760 and 760, the error correction information for feeAmountValue is 0.
  • If the total taxFeeAmountValue values calculated by Hundsun and Antom are respectively 76 and 100, the error correction information for taxFeeAmountValue is -24.

The final settlement amount to you is subject to the settlement amount provided by Hundsun. For information about the settlement report when the acquirer is Hundsun, see Sample 2.

Interchange++ pricing model

Interchange++ is a pricing model that consists of the fees charged by the relevant issuing bank, card scheme, and acquirer for processing every transaction. This pricing model is transparent because it offers the most detailed breakdown of the true costs. The Interchange++ pricing model includes the following three types of fees:

  • Interchange fee: The fee that is charged by the issuing bank.
  • Scheme fee (first+): The fee that is charged by the card scheme.
  • Acquirer fee (second+): The fee that is charged by the acquirer.

When the acquirer is 2C2P and the Interchange++ pricing model is used, the settlement reports may have error correction information. The error correction information represents the discrepancy between the fee that should be charged and the fee that is actually charged, and is presented on the second-to-last line through the feeAmountValue field of the settlement reports.

  • If the value of feeAmountValue is positive, it means the fee that should be charged is less than the fee that is actually charged, and the acquirer needs to pay you the discrepancy fee.
  • If the value of feeAmountValue is negative, it means the fee that should be charged is greater than the fee that is actually charged, and you need to pay the acquirer the discrepancy fee.

The acquirer sends the error correction information to Antom irregularly. Antom sends you the error correction information through the settlement reports.

In addition, under the Interchange++ pricing model, there may be a delay in the collection of Interchange++ fees. For example, for a transaction that happened on January 3, 2023, the interchange fee charged by the issuing bank was not settled in the same batch as other transactions, but the fee was charged in the next batch settlement. For more information about the settlement report that contains the error correction information under the Interchange++ pricing model, see Sample 3.

Report samples

The following samples show settlement details reports in different scenarios.

Sample 1 (Standard report)

From November 24, 2024 to December 9, 2024, the merchant with an ID of 21881201642***** had seventeen transactions, including authorization, refund, request for payment, payment, cancellation, dispute, refund failure, settlement fee, chargeback defense, final payment, collateral release, collateral withholding, reserve withholding, reserve release, and RDR dispute. After Antom settled with you and you received the bank receipt, Antom generated a settlement details report in CSV. The details of the report are as follows:

"2024121619607xxxxx ","21881201642xxxxx ",Alipay_SG,,," ","202411281940109000001887902628xxxxx  ",,"REQUEST_c900xxx ","ORDER_065665446534XXXX   ",CARD,,AUTHORIZATION,2024-11-28T20:11:41+08:00,2024-12-17T03:43:47+08:00,CASHIER_PAYMENT,0,USD,-0.23346,USD,USD/USD,1,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,GB,VISA,DEBIT,,,-0.23346,USD,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
"2024121619607xxxxx ","21881201642xxxxx ",Alipay_SG,,," ","202411301940108001001884902629xxxxx  ",,"202412010454000004_a5106d88-57f8-4b65-8191-1edff90xxxxx ","2024120104540xxxxx   ",PAYU,,PAYMENT,2024-12-01T04:54:58+08:00,2024-12-17T05:16:17+08:00,CASHIER_PAYMENT,477.05,PLN,113.12,USD,USD/PLN,4.15002917,-1.72,USD,,,-0.11,USD,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
"2024121619607xxxxx ","21881201642xxxxx ",Alipay_SG,,," ","202412011940108013001884902428xxxxx  ","202411301940108001001884902629xxxxx  ","9375xx   ",,PAYU,,REFUND,2024-12-01T11:22:48+08:00,2024-12-17T05:16:17+08:00,CASHIER_PAYMENT,-2.53,PLN,-0.93,USD,USD/PLN,4.15002917,0,USD,,,0,USD,,,,,,,"202412010454000004_a5106d88-57f8-4b65-8191-1edff90xxxxx ",,,,,,,,,,,-0.32,USD,,,,,,,,,,,,
"2024121619607xxxxx ","21881201642xxxxx ",Alipay_SG,,," ","202412091940108070001881402661xxxxx  ","202412091940109000001881402652xxxxx  ","2024120919252855801xxxxx ","2024120919252855801xxxxx ",CARD,,CAPTURE,2024-12-09T19:27:09+08:00,2024-12-17T05:16:17+08:00,CASHIER_PAYMENT,5.19,USD,4.86,USD,,,-0.18,USD,,,-0.15,USD,,,,,,,"2024120919252855801xxxxx   ",,TW,VISA,DEBIT,,,,,,,,,Interregional,,,,,,,,,,,
"2024121619607xxxxx ","21881201642xxxxx ",Alipay_US,,," ","202412021140108001001812002218xxxxx  ",,"1550900xxx  ","1550900xxx   ",ALIPAY_CN,AlipayCN,PAYMENT,2024-12-02T15:37:31+08:00,2024-12-17T05:16:17+08:00,CASHIER_PAYMENT,231.04,CNY,31.13,USD,USD/CNY,7.3115074,-0.47,USD,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
"2024121619607xxxxx ","21881201642xxxxx ",Alipay_US,,," ","202412021140108013001812002010xxxxx  ","202412021140108001001812002218xxxxx  ","202412021140108070001812002584xxxxx  ",,ALIPAY_CN,AlipayCN,CANCEL,2024-12-02T16:57:04+08:00,2024-12-17T05:16:17+08:00,CASHIER_PAYMENT,-231.04,CNY,-31.13,USD,USD/CNY,7.3115074,0.47,USD,,,,,,,,,,,"1550900xxx    ",,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
"2024121619607xxxxx ","21881201642xxxxx ",Alipay_SG,,," ","20241209290131011298047xxxxx ","202410131940109000001881202517xxxxx  ",,"8888202410140704493779xxxxx ",CARD,,DISPUTE,2024-12-09T20:02:01+08:00,2024-12-17T05:16:17+08:00,CASHIER_PAYMENT,-310.79,USD,-325.79,USD,,,,,,,,,,,-15,USD,,,"8888202410140704493779xxxxx    ",,TW,MASTERCARD,CREDIT,,,,,,,,,Interregional,,,,,,,,,,,
"2024121619607xxxxx ","21881201642xxxxx ",Alipay_SG,,," ","202411291940108013001886902405xxxxx  ","202411291940108001001886902622xxxxx  ","1702880xxx   ","1432698624-8-17028xxxxx  ",MAYA,,REFUND,2024-11-29T21:50:52+08:00,2024-12-17T05:16:17+08:00,CASHIER_PAYMENT,-16994.1,PHP,-283.94,USD,USD/PHP,58.87302841,4.72,USD,,,,,,,,,,,"1702878xxx  ",,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
"2024121619607xxxxx ","21881201642xxxxx ",Alipay_SG,,," ","202412031940109001001886902017xxxxx  ","202411291940108013001886902405xxxxx  ","1702880xxx   ",,MAYA,,REFUND_REVERSAL,2024-11-29T21:50:52+08:00,2024-12-17T05:16:17+08:00,CASHIER_PAYMENT,16994.1,PHP,289.63,USD,USD/PHP,58.67423819,,,,,,,,,,,,,"1702878xxx ",,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
"2024121619607xxxxx ","21881201642xxxxx ",Alipay_SG,,," ",,,,,,,SETTLEMENT_FEE,2024-12-13T03:11:49+08:00,2024-12-17T05:16:17+08:00,,,,0,USD,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
"2024121619607xxxxx ","21881201642xxxxx ",Alipay_SG,,," ","20240712290131019201041xxxxx ","202407091940108001001889202331xxxxx  ",,"1015202407094101892700060xxxxx  ",CARD,,DISPUTE_REVERSAL,2024-12-09T16:00:33+08:00,2024-12-17T05:16:17+08:00,CASHIER_PAYMENT,353680,KRW,240.05,USD,USD/KRW,1435.616775,-6.31,USD,,,,,,,,,,,"1015202407094101892700060xxxxx  ",,KR,KOOKMIN,CREDIT,,,,,,,,,Intraregional,,,,,,,,,,,
"2024121619607xxxxx ","21881201642xxxxx ",Alipay_SG,,"21881201642xxxxx  "," ","202411241940109001001883302018xxxxx  ","202411221940108001001883302608xxxxx  ",,"20241122100904741355820xxxxx    ",,,PAYMENT_REVERSAL,2024-11-22T23:39:33+08:00,2024-12-17T05:16:17+08:00,CASHIER_PAYMENT,249000,IDR,15.39,USD,USD/IDR,16174.41541,,,,,,,,,,,,,"XYSEA_WEB_20241122100904741355820xxxxx   ",,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
"2024121619607xxxxx ","21881201642xxxxx ",Alipay_SG,,," ","202412041900000000000001200976xxxxx  ",,,,,,COLLATERAL_RELEASE,2024-12-05T03:43:19+08:00,2024-12-17T05:16:17+08:00,,,,378.71,USD,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
"2024121619607xxxxx ","21881201642xxxxx ",Alipay_SG,,," ","202412041900000000000001200976xxxxx  ",,,,,,COLLATERAL_WITHHOLDING,2024-12-05T03:43:19+08:00,2024-12-17T05:16:17+08:00,,,,-451.87,USD,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
"2024121619607xxxxx ","21881201642xxxxx ",Alipay_SG,,," ","202412011900000000000001200733xxxxx  "," "," "," ",,,RESERVE_RELEASE,2024-12-01T03:37:48+08:00,2024-12-17T05:16:17+08:00,,,,11.3,USD,,,,,,,,,,,,,,," ",,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
"2024121619607xxxxx ","21881201642xxxxx ",Alipay_SG,,," ","202411291900000000000001200851xxxxx  "," "," "," ",,,RESERVE_WITHHOLDING,2024-11-30T03:37:48+08:00,2024-12-17T05:16:17+08:00,,,,-3.7,USD,,,,,,,,,,,,,,," ",,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
"2024121619607xxxxx ","21881201642xxxxx ",Alipay_SG,,," ","202411281940109000001887902628xxxxx  ",,"REQUEST_c900xxx ","ORDER_065665446534XXXX   ",CARD,,AUTHORIZATION,2024-11-28T20:11:41+08:00,2024-12-17T03:43:47+08:00,CASHIER_PAYMENT,0,USD,-0.01,USD,USD/USD,1,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,GB,VISA,DEBIT,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,-0.01,USD,,,CONSUMER
"2024121619607xxxxx ","21881201642xxxxx ",Alipay_SG,,," ","202412091940108070001881402661xxxxx  ","202412091940109000001881402652xxxxx  ","2024120919252855801xxxxx ","2024120919252855801xxxxx ",CARD,,CAPTURE,2024-12-09T19:27:09+08:00,2024-12-17T05:16:17+08:00,CASHIER_PAYMENT,5.19,USD,4.85,USD,,,-0.18,USD,,,-0.15,USD,,,,,,,"2024120919252855801xxxxx   ",,TW,VISA,DEBIT,,,,,,,,,Interregional,,,,,,,,,-0.01,USD,CONSUMER
"2024121619607xxxxx ","21881201642xxxxx ",Alipay_SG,,," ","20240820290131014911044xxxxx ","202406101940108001001884902283xxxxx  ",,"TL01824061102033xxxxx   ",CARD,,RAPID_DISPUTE_RESOLUTION,2024-12-09T16:50:13+08:00,2024-12-17T05:16:17+08:00,CASHIER_PAYMENT,-875.88,USD,-875.88,USD,USD/USD,1,,,,,,,,,0,USD,,,"TL01824061102033xxxxx   ",,US,VISA,DEBIT,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,

📎Settlement details report-Sample 1.csv

In this example, transactions made in PLN need to be settled in USD, so the value of quoteCurrencyPair is USD/PLN. The exchange rate was 1 USD = 4.15002917 PLN, so the value of quotePrice value is 4.15002917.

The important information about payments and refunds is as follows:

  • Information about the payment:
    • transactionId: The transaction ID is 202411301940108001001884902629*****, which is the same as the value of paymentId in the original payment.
    • transactionAmountValue: The transaction amount is 477.05 (PLN), which corresponds to 114.95 (USD). 
    • feeAmountValue: The processing fee charged by the acquirer is -1.72 (USD).
    • processFeeAmountValue: The payment processing services fee provided by Antom for each transaction is -0.11 (USD).
    • settlementAmountValue: The net settlement amount, which is the transaction amount minus fees. In this example, the value of this parameter is the value of transactionAmountValue minus the value of feeAmountValue, which is 113.12 (USD).
  • Information about the refund:
    • transactionId: The transaction ID is 202412011940108013001884902428*****, which is the same as the value of refundId in the original refund.
    • transactionAmountValue: The transaction amount is -2.53 (PLN), which corresponds to -0.61 (USD). That is, the refund amount is -0.61 (USD).
    • refundFeeAmountValue: The commission fee charged by the acquirer for a refund is -0.32 (USD).
    • settlementAmountValue: The net settlement amount, which is the transaction amount minus fees. In this example, the handling fee charged for the original payment is not returned in the refund, so the net settlement amount is -0.93 (USD). 

Sample 2 (Acquirer Hundsun)

The following settlement details report is an example of when the acquirer is Hundsun. The report includes eleven payments and one refund, as well as the error correction information on the second-to-last line. The settlement date for the transactions under this batch was October 30th, 2022. After Antom settled with you and you received the bank receipt, Antom generated a settlement details report in CSV. The details of the report are as follows:


📎Settlement details report-Sample 2.csv

In this sample, the main information of the error correction information is as follows:

  • feeAmountValue (transactionType = default): 0
  • feeCurrency (transactionType = default): JPY
  • taxFeeAmountValue (transactionType = default): 3
  • taxFeeCurrency (transactionType = default): JPY
  • settlementAmountValue (transactionType = default): 3
  • settlementCurrency (transactionType = default): JPY

where, the values of feeAmountValue and taxFeeAmountValue are respectively 0 and 3. The total settlement amount after the calculation is three yen, with settlementAmountValue of 3 and settlementCurrency of JPY. This indicates that there is a difference of three yen in the settlement amount calculated by Hundsun and Antom.

Sample 3 (Interchange++ pricing model)

The following settlement details report is an example of when the Interchange++ pricing model is used. The settlement report contains twenty transactions that occurred from November 24, 2024 to December 9, 2024, and the error correction information of previous transactions returned by the acquirer. The error correction information is displayed on the second-to-last line of the report.

"2024121519606xxxxx ","21881201788xxxxx ",Alipay_SG,,,,"202412041940108001001889802632xxxxx ",,"CP120410493722718638301331xxxxxU_CardPay    ","CP120410493722718638301331xxxxxU_CardPay ",CARD,,AUTHORIZATION,2024-12-04T10:49:41+08:00,2024-12-16T05:06:18+08:00,CASHIER_PAYMENT,0,SGD,-0.03995877,SGD,SGD/SGD,1,0,,,,0,,,,0,,0,,,,ID,VISA,CREDIT,0,,-0.03995877,SGD,0,,0,,,,,,,,,,,,,
"2024121519606xxxxx ","21881201788xxxxx ",Alipay_SG,,," ","202412041940108070001889802645xxxxx  ","202412041940108001001889802632xxxxx  ","CP120410493722718638301331xxxxxU_CardPay ","CP120410493722718638301331xxxxxU_CardPay ",CARD,,CAPTURE,2024-12-04T10:49:45+08:00,2024-12-16T05:06:18+08:00,CASHIER_PAYMENT,5,SGD,4.93,SGD,SGD/SGD,1,,,,,-0.05,SGD,,,,,,,"CP120410493722718638301331xxxxxU_CardPay  ",,ID,VISA,CREDIT,,,,,-0.02,SGD,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
"2024121519606xxxxx ","21881201788xxxxx ",Alipay_SG,,," ","202412041940108070001889802645xxxxx  ","202412041940108001001889802632xxxxx  ","CP120410493722718638301331xxxxxU_CardPay ","CP120410493722718638301331xxxxxU_CardPay ",CARD,,CAPTURE,2024-12-04T10:49:45+08:00,2024-12-16T05:06:18+08:00,CASHIER_PAYMENT,0,SGD,-0.11009,SGD,SGD/SGD,1,,,,,,,,,,,,,"CP120410493722718638301331xxxxxU_CardPay  ",,ID,VISA,CREDIT,-0.11009,SGD,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
"2024121519606xxxxx ","21881201788xxxxx ",Alipay_SG,,," ","202412041940108070001889802645xxxxx  ","202412041940108001001889802632xxxxx  ","CP120410493722718638301331xxxxxU_CardPay ","CP120410493722718638301331xxxxxU_CardPay ",CARD,,CAPTURE,2024-12-04T10:49:45+08:00,2024-12-16T05:06:18+08:00,CASHIER_PAYMENT,0,SGD,-0.06936712,SGD,SGD/SGD,1,,,,,,,,,,,,,"CP120410493722718638301331xxxxxU_CardPay   ",,ID,VISA,CREDIT,,,-0.06936712,SGD,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
"2024121519606xxxxx ","21881201788xxxxx ",Alipay_SG,,," ","202412041940108013001889802421xxxxx  ","202412041940108001001889802632xxxxx  ","CP120413120647118638301331xxxxxG ",,CARD,,REFUND,2024-12-04T13:12:12+08:00,2024-12-16T05:06:18+08:00,CASHIER_PAYMENT,-5,SGD,-5,SGD,SGD/SGD,1,0,SGD,,,0,SGD,,,,,,,"CP120410493722718638301331xxxxxU_CardPay   ",,ID,VISA,CREDIT,,,,,0,SGD,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
"2024121519606xxxxx ","21881201788xxxxx ",Alipay_SG,,," ","202412041940108013001889802421xxxxx  ","202412041940108001001889802632xxxxx  ","CP120413120647118638301331xxxxxG ",,CARD,,REFUND,2024-12-04T13:12:12+08:00,2024-12-16T05:06:18+08:00,CASHIER_PAYMENT,0,SGD,0.11009,SGD,SGD/SGD,1,,,,,,,,,,,,,"CP120410493722718638301331xxxxxU_CardPay   ",,ID,VISA,CREDIT,0.11009,SGD,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
"2024121519606xxxxx ","21881201788xxxxx ",Alipay_SG,,," ","202412041940108013001889802421xxxxx  ","202412041940108001001889802632xxxxx  ","CP120413120647118638301331xxxxxG ",,CARD,,REFUND,2024-12-04T13:12:12+08:00,2024-12-16T05:06:18+08:00,CASHIER_PAYMENT,0,SGD,-0.06392928,SGD,SGD/SGD,1,,,,,,,,,,,,,"CP120410493722718638301331xxxxxU_CardPay   ",,ID,VISA,CREDIT,,,-0.06392928,SGD,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
"2024121519606xxxxx ","21881201788xxxxx ",Alipay_SG,,,,,,,,,,SETTLEMENT_FEE,2024-12-05T04:24:48+08:00,2024-12-16T05:06:18+08:00,,,,-10,SGD,,,0,,,,0,,,,0,,0,,,,,,,0,,0,,0,,0,,,,,,,,,,,,,
"2024121519606xxxxx ","21881201788xxxxx ",Alipay_SG,,," ","20241207290131018797047xxxxx ","202412031940108001001888702631xxxxx  ",,"100530xxx   ",CARD,,DISPUTE,2024-12-08T04:36:00+08:00,2024-12-16T05:06:18+08:00,CASHIER_PAYMENT,0,SGD,-1.19307,SGD,SGD/SGD,1,,,,,,,,,,,,,"4bd92bc3-4632-4e5f-aaf9-118883axxxxx  ",,US,VISA,DEBIT,,,-1.19307,SGD,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
"2024121519606xxxxx ","21881201788xxxxx ",Alipay_SG,,," ","20241207290131018797047xxxxx ","202412031940108001001888702631xxxxx  ",,"100530xxx   ",CARD,,DISPUTE,2024-12-08T04:36:00+08:00,2024-12-16T05:06:18+08:00,CASHIER_PAYMENT,-164.15,SGD,-184.15,SGD,SGD/SGD,1,,,,,,,,,-20,SGD,,,"4bd92bc3-4632-4e5f-aaf9-118883axxxxx   ",,US,VISA,DEBIT,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
"2024121519606xxxxx ","21881201788xxxxx ",Alipay_SG,,," ","20241202210131018839120xxxxx ","202409281140108001001818802180xxxxx  ",,"getnamenecklace-25xxxxx ",CARD,,DISPUTE_REVERSAL,2024-12-06T14:35:00+08:00,2024-12-16T05:06:18+08:00,CASHIER_PAYMENT,38.25,SGD,38.25,SGD,SGD/SGD,1,,,,,,,,,,,,,"getnamenecklace-25xxxxx-1727542011392   ",,US,VISA,DEBIT,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
"2024121519606xxxxx ","21881201788xxxxx ",Alipay_SG,,," ","202412041900000000000001200976xxxxx  ",,,,,,COLLATERAL_RELEASE,2024-12-05T03:43:19+08:00,2024-12-16T05:06:18+08:00,,,,378.71,SGD,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
"2024121519606xxxxx ","21881201788xxxxx ",Alipay_SG,,," ","202412041900000000000001200976xxxxx  ",,,,,,COLLATERAL_WITHHOLDING,2024-12-05T03:43:19+08:00,2024-12-16T05:06:18+08:00,,,,-451.87,SGD,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
"2024121519606xxxxx ","21881201788xxxxx ",Alipay_SG,,," ","202412031940109001001886902017xxxxx  ","202411291940108013001886902405xxxxx  ","1702880xxx   ",,CARD,,REFUND_REVERSAL,2024-11-29T21:50:52+08:00,2024-12-16T05:06:18+08:00,CASHIER_PAYMENT,16994.1,PHP,384.64,SGD,SGD/PHP   ,43.06193819,,,,,,,,,,,,,"1702878xxx  ",,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
"2024121519606xxxxx ","21881201788xxxxx ",Alipay_SG,,," ","20241212290131012619046xxxxx ","202409291940108001001882602486xxxxx  ",,"P66f06bcee4b06d7a5ad680e6_18379326708464xxxxx   ",CARD,,RAPID_DISPUTE_RESOLUTION,2024-11-13T02:20:01+08:00,2024-12-16T05:06:18+08:00,CASHIER_PAYMENT,-19.8,SGD,-19.8,SGD,SGD/SGD,1,,,,,,,,,0,SGD,,,"P66f06bcee4b06d7a5ad680e6_18379326708464xxxxx   ",,US,VISA,CREDIT,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
"2024121519606xxxxx ","21881201788xxxxx ",Alipay_SG,,," ","20241212290131012619046xxxxx ","202409291940108001001882602486xxxxx  ",,"P66f06bcee4b06d7a5ad680e6_18379326708464xxxxx   ",CARD,,RAPID_DISPUTE_RESOLUTION,2024-11-13T02:20:01+08:00,2024-12-16T05:06:18+08:00,CASHIER_PAYMENT,0,SGD,-0.105,SGD,SGD/SGD,1,,,,,,,,,,,,,"P66f06bcee4b06d7a5ad680e6_18379326708464xxxxx  ",,US,VISA,CREDIT,,,-0.105,SGD,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
"2024121519606xxxxx ","21881201788xxxxx ",Alipay_SG,,," ","202412021940108001001888102678xxxxx  "," ","pay_20241202_10565xxxxx  ","order_20241202_10565xxxxx    ",CARD,,VOID,2024-12-02T10:57:00+08:00,2024-12-16T05:06:18+08:00,CASHIER_PAYMENT,0,SGD,-0.034025,SGD,SGD/SGD,1,,,,,,,,,,,,,"    ",,CN,VISA,CREDIT,,,-0.034025,SGD,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
"2024121519606xxxxx ","21881201788xxxxx ",Alipay_SG,,," ","202411291940109001001881902017xxxxx  ","202411221940108001001881902611xxxxx  "," ","CGN2411226980854xxxxx    ",,,PAYMENT_REVERSAL,2024-11-23T03:07:32+08:00,2024-12-16T05:06:18+08:00,CASHIER_PAYMENT,683,SGD,683,SGD,SGD/SGD,1,,,,,,,,,,,,,"CGN2411226980854xxxxx   ",,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
"2024121519606xxxxx ","21881201788xxxxx ",Alipay_SG,,," ","202412011900000000000001200733xxxxx  "," "," "," ",,,RESERVE_RELEASE,2024-12-01T03:37:48+08:00,2024-12-16T05:06:18+08:00,,,,11.3,SGD,,,,,,,,,,,,,,," ",,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
"2024121519606xxxxx ","21881201788xxxxx ",Alipay_SG,,," ","202411291900000000000001200851xxxxx  "," "," "," ",,,RESERVE_WITHHOLDING,2024-11-30T03:37:48+08:00,2024-12-16T05:06:18+08:00,,,,-3.7,SGD,,,,,,,,,,,,,,," ",,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
"2024121519606xxxxx ","21881201788xxxxx ",Alipay_SG,default,default,default,default,default,default,default,default,default,default,,2024-12-16T05:06:18+08:00,default,0,SGD,-500,SGD,,,-500,SGD,,,,,,,,,,,"    ",,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,

📎Settlement details report-Sample 3.csv

In this example, for the capture that occurred on December 4, 2024 and the transaction ID is 202412041940108070001889802645*****.

  • Information about the capture:
    • transactionId: The transaction ID is 202412041940108070001889802645*****, which is the same as the value of captureId in the original payment.
    • transactionAmountValue: The capture amount is 5 (SGD).
    • processingFeeAmountValue: The payment processing services fee provided by Antom for each transaction is -0.05 (SGD).
    • acquirerMarkupAmountValue: The processing fee charged by the acquirer is -0.02 (SGD).
    • settlementAmountValue: The net settlement amount, which is the transaction amount minus fees. In this example, the value of this parameter is the value of transactionAmountValue minus the value of feeAmountValue, which is 4.93 (SGD).
  • Supplemental interchangeFee:
    • transactionId: The transaction ID is 202412041940108070001889802645*****, which is the same as the value of captureId in the original payment.
    • interchangeFeeAmountValue: The processing fee charged by the issuing bank is -0.11009 (SGD), indicates you need to pay an additional fee of -0.11009 (SGD) to the issuing bank.
    • settlementAmountValue: The net settlement amount is -0.11009 (SGD).
  • Supplemental schemeFee
    • transactionId: The transaction ID is 202412041940108070001889802645*****, which is the same as the value of captureId in the original payment.
    • interchangeFeeAmountValue: The processing fee charged by the card network is -0.06936712 (SGD), indicates you need to pay an additional fee of -0.06936712 (SGD) to the card network.
    • settlementAmountValueThe net settlement amount is -0.06936712 (SGD).

The processing fee and currency in the error correction line are as follows:

  • feeAmountValue (summaryType = default): -500
  • feeCurrency (summaryType = default): SGD

where, the values of feeAmountValue and feeCurrency are -500 and SGD respectively, which indicates that you need to pay the acquirer an additional fee of 500 SGD.

Note: In the same settlement batch, the error correction amounts in the settlement details report and the settlement summary report are the same.

Sample 4 (No transaction)


📎Settlement details report-Sample 4.csv

Note: When there is no transaction, the SFTP server and Antom Dashboard will not generate transaction details reports. If you need the empty report that has no transaction, you can contact Antom Merchant Service technical support (  to configure it in the SFTP server.