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Antom APIs

Designed to be clear, concise, and easy to integrate, Antom APIs aim to reduce the complexity of high-availability applications and shorten development time. Antom APIs are based on the HTTP protocol and are POST APIs, which use SHA256 and RSA algorithms to create digital signatures, accept JSON-encoded request bodies, and return JSON-encoded responses. The API request includes the API URL in the path, identity and signature information in the request header, and request parameters in the request body.

Call an API

To integrate with Antom, you need to first make preparations in the Antom Dashboard and get your client ID. You can then improve the integration by using Antom APIs in a test mode, which does not affect your live data. We encourage testing the API call in the sandbox environment before launching your project and going live.

You can use Antom-provided open SDKs to integrate with Antom. If the programming language you use is Java, PHP, or Python, you can complete the process of assembling, signing, calling and checking the result of the HTTP request through the SDK provided by Antom. Antom SDKs encapsulate the process of integration, including adding and validating signatures for calling Antomy APIs.


For different payment scenarios, specific SDKs for Java, PHP, and Python are provided. Use the right SDK according to your need. Refer to the section to learn more about how to use SDKs.

The request address for the production and sandbox environments is only different in the path part of the request. You can first test Antom APIs in the sandbox environment, which does not affect your data in the production environment. Once you have finished testing, migrate to the production environment by changing the request URL and other configurations.

Environment Request URL
Sandbox https://<domain_name>/ams/sandbox/api/<endpoint> (Online payments)
https://<domain_name>/ams/api/<endpoint> (In-store payments)
Production https://<domain_name>/ams/api/<endpoint> (Online payments)
https://<domain_name>/ams/api/<endpoint> (In-store payments)

The domain name can be obtained from Antom, and you can select one of the supported domain names listed below according to your region. If you are not sure which domain to use, contact Technical Support at for help.

Location Domain Name
North America (recommended) or
Asia (recommended) or
Europe (recommended) or (only for in-store payments)

The following section shows samples of a typical Antom API request and response:

POST /ams/api/v1/payments/inquiryPayment HTTP/1.1
Accept: application/json, text/plain, */*
Content-Type: application/json; charset=UTF-8
Request-Time: 1685599933871
client-id: 5J5XSU7Y2Y182W01981
Signature: algorithm=RSA256,keyVersion=1,signature=***

    "actualPaymentAmount": {
        "currency": "PHP",
        "value": "1314"
    "paymentAmount": {
        "currency": "PHP",
        "value": "1314"
    "paymentId": "20200513114010800100188770269589293",
    "paymentRequestId": "REQUEST_20200513161204",
    "paymentResultCode": "SUCCESS",
    "paymentResultMessage": "success",
    "paymentStatus": "SUCCESS",
    "paymentTime": "2020-05-13T01:12:52-07:00",
    "result": {
        "resultCode": "SUCCESS",
        "resultMessage": "success.",
        "resultStatus": "S"

Antom provides developer tools and resources to help you integrate quickly and efficiently. Make use of these tools to streamline your development process.

Explore more about Antom APIs
