Alipay, China's leading third-party online payment solutionAlipay, China's leading third-party online payment solution

Transaction details report

The transaction details report provides a detailed record of successful transactions on T day and is generated on T+1 day. You can obtain this report through the SFTP server or Antom Dashboard.

Report details

The transaction details report consists of three parts: header information, transaction details, and the end-of-file <END> that appears in the last line of the report. The header information is represented by parameter names, and the transaction details are represented by the corresponding values of the parameters.

The following table shows the parameters in the transaction details report and parameter descriptions:




MANDATORY String (64)

The unique ID that is assigned by the acquirer to identify a merchant.


MANDATORY String (64)

The name of the acquirer that processes the transactions.

The acquirer here specifically means the acquirer that provides acquiring and funds settlement services for the merchant.


OPTIONAL String (64)

The unique ID assigned by the non-Antom acquirer for the transaction.

Specify this parameter when the transaction is settled by the non-Antom acquirer.


OPTIONAL String (64)

The unique ID of the merchant that directly provides services or goods to users, assigned by the merchant to its second merchant.

The value of this parameter needs to be the same as that of the referenceMerchantId parameter in the original payment or authorization request.


OPTIONAL String (64)

The unique ID of the store that belongs to the merchant, assigned by the merchant to its second merchant.


MANDATORY String (64)

The unique ID that is assigned by Antom to identify a transaction. The value of this parameter follows these rules:

  • When transactionType is PAYMENT, CANCEL or AUTHORIZATION, the value of this parameter is identical to that of paymentId.
  • When transactionType is CAPTURE, the value of this parameter is identical to that of captureId.
  • When transactionType is REFUND, the value of this parameter is identical to that of refundId.
  • When transactionType is DISPUTE or RAPID_DISPUTE_RESOLUTION, the value of this parameter is identical to that of disputeId.
  • When transactionType is VOIDPAYMENT_REVERSAL or REFUND_REVERSAL, the value of this parameter is Antom's internal ID.


OPTIONAL String (64)

An identifier for the original transaction.

  • When transactionType is PAYMENT or AUTHORIZATION, the value of this parameter is empty.
  • When transactionType is CANCELVOIDREFUND , CAPTUREDISPUTERAPID_DISPUTE_RESOLUTIONPAYMENT_REVERSAL or REFUND_REVERSAL, the value of this parameter is identical to that of paymentId of original payment or authorization request.


OPTIONAL String (64)

The unique ID that is assigned by the merchant to identify a transaction request. The value of this parameter is identical to the value of paymentRequestId for a payment, or the value of refundRequestId for a refund.

  • When transactionType is PAYMENTCANCEL , AUTHORIZATIONVOID or CAPTURE, the value of this parameter is identical to that of paymentRequestId of original payment or authorization request.
  • When transactionType is REFUND, the value of this parameter is identical to that of refundRequestId for a refund.
  • When transactionType is DISPUTERAPID_DISPUTE_RESOLUTIONPAYMENT_REVERSAL or REFUND_REVERSAL, the value of this parameter is empty.


MANDATORY String (64)

The unique ID assigned by the merchant that directly provides services or goods to users, to identify a transaction. The value of this parameter is identical to that of referenceOrderId for a payment.


OPTIONAL String (256)

The description of the order.

The value of this parameter is identical to that of orderDescription of the original payment or authorization.


MANDATORY String (64)

The payment method for processing the payment. See Payment methods to check the valid values.

The value of this parameter is identical to that of paymentMethodType in the original payment or authorization request.


OPTIONAL String (64)

The name of the Alipay+ Mobile Payment Provider, such as GCash.

The value of this parameter is identical to that of pspName in the original payment or authorization request.



Transaction type. Possible values are:

  • PAYMENT: indicates a payment process.
  • REFUND: indicates a refund process.
  • CANCEL: indicates a cancellation process.
  • AUTHORIZATION: indicates a pre-authorization process of card payment.
  • CAPTURE: indicates a capture process of card payments.
  • VOID: indicates a void authorization.
  • DISPUTE: indicates a dispute process.
  • RAPID_DISPUTE_RESOLUTION: indicates a dispute process with Rapid Dispute Resolution (RDR).
  • PAYMENT_REVERSAL: indicates a refund fails and the funds are returned to your account.
  • REFUND_REVERSAL: indicates a refund fails and the funds are returned to your account.


MANDATORY String (64)

The date and time when the corresponding transaction reaches a final status of success, in the format of YYYY-MM-DDTHH:MM:SS+hh:mm as defined in ISO 8601.



The type of payment product that is contracted between Antom and the merchant. Valid values are:

  • AGREEMENT_PAYMENT: indicates the auto debit payment.
  • CASHIER_PAYMENT: indicates the cashier payment.

The value of this parameter is identical to that of productCode in the original payment or authorization request.


MANDATORY String (16)

The transaction amount in major units of the corresponding currency (For example, dollars for USD, and yen for JPY).


MANDATORY String (3)

The currency of transactionAmountValue, specified by a 3-letter currency code as defined in ISO 4217.


OPTIONAL String (64)

An identifier for the original transaction.

  • When transactionType is PAYMENT or AUTHORIZATION, the value of this parameter is empty.
  • When transactionType is CANCELVOID , CAPTUREDISPUTEDISPUTE_REVERSALRAPID_DISPUTE_RESOLUTIONPAYMENT_REVERSAL or REFUND_REVERSAL, the value of this parameter is identical to that of paymentRequestId of original payment or authorization request.
  • When transactionType is REFUND, the value of this parameter is identical to that of refundRequestId for a refund.


OPTIONAL String (8)

Indicates the number of installment payments.


OPTIONAL String (2)

The issuing country or region of the card. The parameter is a 2-letter country or region code that follows the ISO 3166 Country Codes standard.

This parameter is specified when paymentMethodType is CARD.

The value of this parameter is identical to that of issuingCountry in the original payment or authorization request.


OPTIONAL String (256)

The brand of the card.

This parameter is specified when paymentMethodType is CARD.

The value of this parameter is identical to that of cardBrand in the original payment or authorization request.


OPTIONAL String (20)

The funding type of the payment method. This parameter is returned when the value of paymentMethodType is CARD, GRABPAY_MY, or GRABPAY_SG.

When the value of paymentMethodType is CARD, valid values are:

  • CREDIT: indicates a credit card payment.
  • DEBIT: indicates a debit card payment.

When the value of paymentMethodType is GRABPAY_MY or GRABPAY_SG, valid values are:

  • WALLETS: indicates a regular wallet payment using the wallet balance.
  • BNPL_POSTPAID: indicates a buy-now-pay-later payment, and the user pays the full amount.
  • BNPL_INSTALLMENT: indicates a buy-now-pay-later payment, and the user pays in installments.

The value of this parameter is identical to that of funding in the original payment or authorization request.

Table 1. Parameters and descriptions in the transaction details report

Note: Use the header parameters to parse the transaction details report. The parameter order in the report downloaded from the SFTP server and Antom Dashboard may not match the parameter order displayed in Table 1.

Report samples

The following samples show transaction details reports in different scenarios.

Sample 1 (Standard report)

On the transaction day of November 29, 2024, the merchant with an ID of 21881202142***** had eight transactions, including authorization, capture, refund, dispute, payment, cancellation, pre-authorization cancellation, and RDR dispute. On November 30, 2024, Antom generated a transaction details report in CSV. The details of the report are as follows:

"21881202142xxxxx   ",Alipay_SG,,," ","202411291940109000001883902622xxxxx  ",,"REQUEST_test5   ","ORDER_065623791944xxxxx  ","Chilled American Medium (Mika's coffee shop) ",CARD,,AUTHORIZATION,2024-11-29T17:56:23+08:00,CASHIER_PAYMENT,2,HKD,,,GB,VISA,DEBIT
"21881202142xxxxx   ",Alipay_SG,,," ","202411291940108070001883902634xxxxx  ","202411291940109000001883902622xxxxx  ","REQUEST_test5    ","ORDER_065623791944xxxxx  ","Chilled American Medium (Mika's coffee shop) ",CARD,,CAPTURE,2024-11-29T17:56:26+08:00,CASHIER_PAYMENT,2,HKD,"REQUEST_test5  ",,GB,VISA,DEBIT
"21881202142xxxxx   ",Alipay_SG,,," ","202411291940108013001883902412xxxxx  ","202411291940109000001883902622xxxxx  ","REQUEST_ggkkkggkkxxxxx   ",,Don't want,CARD,,REFUND,2024-11-29T18:00:35+08:00,CASHIER_PAYMENT,-0.13,HKD,"REQUEST_test5   ",,GB,VISA,DEBIT
"21881202142xxxxx   ",Alipay_SG,,," ","20241129290131014278047xxxxx ","202411201940109000001884202623xxxxx  ",,"ORDER_085721491926xxxxx ",,CARD,,DISPUTE,2024-11-29T15:56:48+08:00,CASHIER_PAYMENT,0,HKD,"REQUEST_test2 ",,GB,VISA,DEBIT
"21881202142xxxxx   ",Alipay_SG,,global_viver, ,"20241129194010800100188360266xxxxx ",,"globa20241129172200xxxxx    ","241129KOG703_xxxxx   ","Mousse Cake   (Mika's coffee shop)   ",ALIPAY_HK,AlipayHK,PAYMENT,2024-11-29T17:22:33+08:00,CASHIER_PAYMENT,114,USD,,,,,
"21881202142xxxxx   ",Alipay_SG,,global_viver, ,"20241129194010801300188360244xxxxx ","202411291940108001001883602662xxxxx  ","202411291940108070001883602675xxxxx  ",,"Mousse Cake  (Mika's coffee shop)   ",ALIPAY_HK,AlipayHK,CANCEL,2024-11-29T17:24:45+08:00,CASHIER_PAYMENT,-114,USD,"globa20241129172200xxxxx    ",,,,
"21881202142xxxxx   ",Alipay_SG,,," ","202411291940108063001885002408xxxxx  ","202411291940108001001885002634xxxxx  ","5015202412034303788645170xxxxx   ","5015202412034303788645170xxxxx   ","Ice  ",CARD,,VOID,2024-11-29T15:44:01+08:00,CASHIER_PAYMENT,-1,KRW,"5015202412034303788645170xxxxx   ",,KR,VISA,CREDIT
"21881202142xxxxx   ",Alipay_SG,,," ","202401128290131013980044xxxxx    ","202411071940108001001883902386xxxxx  "," ","2591054-20241108022547xxxxx  "," ",CARD,,RAPID_DISPUTE_RESOLUTION,2024-11-29T16:46:16+08:00,CASHIER_PAYMENT,-56.88,USD,"PR_17230551xxxxx ",,SE,VISA,CREDIT

📎Transaction details report-Sample 1.csv

In this sample, the key information about the authorization, capture and refund is as follows:

  • Authorization information:
    • transactionId: The transaction ID is 202411291940109000001883902622*****, which is the same value as paymentId in the original payment.
    • transactionAmountValue: The transaction amount is 2 (HKD), which is the same value as paymentAmount.value in the original payment.
  • Capture information:
    • transactionId: The transaction ID is 202411291940108070001883902634*****, which is the same value as captureId in the original capture.
    • transactionAmountValue: The transaction amount is 2 (HKD), which is the same value as paymentAmount.value in the original capture.
    • originalTransactionId: The original transaction ID is 202411291940109000001883902622*****, which is the same as paymentId in the original payment request.
    • originalTransactionRequestId: The original payment request ID is REQUEST_test5, which is the same as paymentRequestId in the original payment request.
  • Refund information:
    • transactionId: The transaction ID is 202411291940108013001883902412*****, which is the same value as refundId in the original refund.
    • transactionAmountValue: The transaction amount is 0.13 (HKD), which is the basic unit of refundAmount.value in the original refund.
    • originalTransactionId: The original transaction ID is 202411291940109000001883902622*****, which is the same as paymentId in the original payment request.
    • originalTransactionRequestId: The original payment request ID is REQUEST_test5, which is the same as paymentRequestId in the original payment request.

The key information about the payment and cancellation is as follows:

  • Payment information:
    • transactionId: The transaction ID is 202411291940108001001883602662*****, which is the same value as paymentId in the original payment.
    • transactionRequestId: The unique ID assigned by a merchant to identify a transaction request is globa20241129172200*****, which is the same value as paymentRequestId in the original payment.
    • transactionAmountValue: The transaction amount is 114 (USD), which is the basic unit of paymentAmount.value in the original refund.
  • Cancellation information:
    • transactionId: The transaction ID is 202411291940108013001883602449*****, which is the same value as paymentId in the original payment.
    • transactionAmountValue: The transaction amount is114 (USD), which is the basic unit of paymentAmount.value in the original refund.
    • originalTransactionId: The original transaction ID is 202411291940108001001883602662*****, which is the same value as paymentId in the original payment.
    • originalTransactionRequestId: The original transaction ID is globa20241129172200*****, which is the same value as paymentRequestId in the original payment.

Sample 2 (No transaction)

There was no transaction on November 29, 2024. On November 30, 2024, Antom generated an empty CSV file containing only the parameter names and the end-of-file character as follows:


📎Transaction details report-Sample 2.csv

Note: When there is no transaction, the SFTP server and Antom Dashboard will not generate transaction details reports. If you need the empty report that has no transaction, you can contact Antom Merchant Service technical support ( to configure it in the SFTP server.