Alipay, China's leading third-party online payment solutionAlipay, China's leading third-party online payment solution

Settlement Summary

The Settlement Summary report is used to provide the merchant with a summary of the clearing data information. A Settlement Summary report is provided for each clearing cycle and contains the total number of transactions during the period, the amount of liquidation after rolling, and other related information. When no transaction occurs during a clearing cycle, the summary file is still provided, but the total amount is 0.

Report path and name

The Settlement Summary report is a text file with UTF-8 encoding. The report storage path defaults to /v1/settlements/<merchantIdByAcquirer>/<settlementDate>/ plus the file name. The file name differs for each settlement mode:

Settlement by multiple payment methods:

The report name is settlementSummary_<settlementCurrency>_<settlementBatchId>_<seq>.csv.

Settlement by single payment method:

The report name is different for Alipay+ MPPs and other payment methods.

  • For Alipay+ MPPs:
    • When Alipay+ MPPs are settled together: settlementSummary_CONNECTWALLET_<settlementCurrency>_<settlementBatchId>_<seq>.csv
    • When Alipay+ MPPs are settled individually: settlementSummary_<pspName>_<settlementCurrency>_<settlementBatchId>_<seq>.csv
  • For other payment methods: settlementSummary_<paymentMethodType>_<settlementCurrency>_<settlementBatchId>_<seq>.csv

Details about the variables in the report name:

  • merchantIdByAcquirer: the identity that Alipay assigns to the merchant.
  • settlementDate: the settlement date.
  • pspName: the name of the actual Alipay+ Mobile Payment Provider, such as GCash.
  • settlementCurrency: the agreed settlement currency, which is the same as the expense settlement currency in the file content.
  • settlementBatchId: the settlement batch code corresponds to the settlement batch number in the Summary reports.
  • seq: the document serial number.

Report fields

The Settlement Summary document is divided into two parts: Settlement Summary and file end symbol. The file end symbol <END> appears in the last line of the file as the file end flag. The settlement summary details are illustrated by several fields and the corresponding values. The following table shows the details of the fields that appear in the report body:




MANDATORY String (64)

The unique ID that is assigned by the acquirer to identify a settlement cycle, which corresponds to the settlement batch number in the summary file. If the acquirer does not assign the settlementBatchId, Alipay will generate this ID.


MANDATORY String (64)

The unique ID that is assigned by the acquirer to identify a merchant.


MANDATORY String (64)

The name of the acquirer that processes the transactions.

The acquirer here specifically means the acquirer that provides acquiring and funds settlement services for the merchant.


OPTIONAL String (16)

The type of the settlement summary. Valid values are:

  • AUTHORIZATION: indicates a summary of authorized payments within a settlement batch.
  • PAYMENT: indicates a payment summary within a settlement batch.
  • CAPTURE: indicates a capture summary within a settlement batch.
  • REFUND: indicates a refund summary within a settlement batch.
  • CANCEL: indicates a cancellation summary within a settlement batch.
  • DISPUTE: indicates a dispute summary within a settlement batch.
  • VOID: indicates a summary of void authorizations within a settlement batch.
  • TOTAL: indicates a total settlement summary within a settlement batch.
  • REFUND_REVERSAL: indicates a reversed refund summary within a settlement batch. A reversed refund occurs when the payment method is unable to correctly process the refund. The funds are returned to your account.


MANDATORY String (64)

The date and time when the settlement file is generated, in the format of YYYY-MM-DDTHH:MM:SS+hh:mm as defined in ISO 8601.



Indicates the total number of transaction records.


MANDATORY String (16)

The net settlement amount in major units of the corresponding currency (For example, dollars for USD, and yen for JPY).

When the acquirer is Hundsun and the value of summaryType is TOTAL, the value of this parameter is accurate. When the acquirer is Hundsun and the value of summaryType is others, the value of this parameter may be skewed. For more details, see Sample 4.


MANDATORY String (3)

The currency of settlementAmountValue, specified by a 3-letter currency code as defined in ISO 4217.


MANDATORY String (16)

The amount of the processing fee that is charged by the acquirer. The value of this parameter is in major units of the corresponding currency (For example, dollars for USD, and yen for JPY).

When the acquirer is Hundsun and the value of summaryType is TOTAL, the value of this parameter is accurate. When the acquirer is Hundsun and the value of summaryType is others, the value of this parameter may be skewed. For more details, see Sample 4

When the acquirer is 2C2P and the interchange++ pricing model is used, the value of this parameter may represent the error correction information. For more information about error correction information, see Sample 5.


MANDATORY String (3)

The currency of feeAmountValue, specified by a 3-letter currency code as defined in ISO 4217.


OPTIONAL String (16)

The tax fee amount in major units of the corresponding currency (For example, dollars for USD, and yen for JPY).

When the acquirer is Hundsun and the value of summaryType is TOTAL, the value of this parameter is accurate. When the acquirer is Hundsun and the value of summaryType is others, the value of this parameter may be skewed. For more details, see Sample 4.


OPTIONAL String (3)

The currency of taxFeeAmountValue, specified by a 3-letter currency code as defined in ISO 4217.


OPTIONAL String (16)

The amount of the processing fee that is charged for the payment processing services the acquirer provided for each transaction. The value of this parameter is in major units of the corresponding currency (For example, dollars for USD, and yen for JPY).


OPTIONAL String (3)

The currency of processingFeeAmountValue. The value of processingFeeCurrency is specified by a 3-letter currency code as defined in ISO 4217.


OPTIONAL String (16)

Merchant discount amount, which is not settled to the merchant. The value of this parameter is in major units of the corresponding currency (For example, dollars for USD, and yen for JPY).


OPTIONAL String (3)

The currency of nonGuaranteeCouponValue, specified by a 3-letter currency code as defined in ISO 4217.


OPTIONAL String (16)

The amount of the fee that is charged by Alipay to the merchant for handling a dispute. The value of this parameter is in major units of the corresponding currency (For example, dollars for USD, and yen for JPY).


OPTIONAL String (3)

The currency of disputeHandlingFee. The value of this parameter is specified by a 3-letter currency code as defined in ISO 4217.


OPTIONAL String (16)

The value of this parameter is in major units of the corresponding currency (For example, dollars for USD, and yen for JPY).

This parameter is specified when the merchant does not agree with the dispute.


OPTIONAL String (3)

The currency of disputeReverseFee. The value of this parameter is specified by a 3-letter currency code as defined in ISO 4217.


OPTIONAL String (16)

The fee that is charged by the issuing bank. The value of this parameter is in major units of the corresponding currency (For example, dollars for USD, and yen for JPY).

This parameter is specified when paymentMethodType is CARD and the interchange++ pricing model is used.


OPTIONAL String (3)

The currency of interchangeFeeAmountValue, specified by a 3-letter currency code as defined in ISO 4217.

This parameter is specified when paymentMethodType is CARD and the interchange++ pricing model is used.


OPTIONAL String (16)

The fee that is charged by the card scheme. The value of this parameter is in major units of the corresponding currency (For example, dollars for USD, and yen for JPY).

This parameter is specified when paymentMethodType is CARD and the interchange++ pricing model is used.


OPTIONAL String (3)

The currency of schemeFeeAmountValue, specified by a 3-letter currency code as defined in ISO 4217.

This parameter is specified when paymentMethodType is CARD and the interchange++ pricing model is used.


OPTIONAL String (16)

The fee that is charged by the acquirer. The value of this parameter is in major units of the corresponding currency (For example, dollars for USD, and yen for JPY).

This parameter is specified when paymentMethodType is CARD and the interchange++ pricing model is used.


OPTIONAL String (3)

The currency of acquirerMarkupAmountValue, specified by a 3-letter currency code as defined in ISO 4217.

This parameter is specified when paymentMethodType is CARD and the interchange++ pricing model is used.

Report samples

Settlement for single payment method

Sample 1

On the trading day of December 25, 2018, the merchant with an ID of 1022188000000000001 has two transactions, one for a payment and the other for a refund.

  • Information about the payment:
    • paymentId: 2018122519074101000000000112612, which is also the value of transactionId.
    • paymentAmount: 18000 KRW (transactionAmountValue) for payment, corresponding to the settlement of 14.50 USD (settlementAmountValue).
    • The fee paid by the merchant to Alipay for 600 KRW is settled for 0.50 USD.
  • Information about the refund:
    • refundId: 2018122519074102000000000041675, which is also the value of transactionId.
    • refundAmount: 9,000 KRW (transactionAmountValue) for refund, corresponding to the settlement of 7.25 USD (transactionAmountValue).
    • The fee returned by Alipay to the merchant for 300 KRW is settled for 0.25 USD.

On December 27, 2018, the CSV file of the file named settlementSummary_KaKaoPay_USD_2018122611021040123_000.csv will be generated by Alipay, of which 2018122611021040123 is the code of the current clearing period. In this case, the merchant customer ID is 1022188000000000001. The file path is /v1/settlements/1022188000000000001/20181226/settlementItems_KaKaoPay_USD_2018122611021040123_000.csv.

The transaction details are as follows:


Sample 2

On the trading day of December 25,  2018, the merchant with an ID of 1022188000000000001 has two transactions, one for a payment and the other for a refund.

  • Information about a payment:
    • paymentId: 2018122519074101000000000112612, which is also the value of transactionId.
    • paymentAmount: 18000 KRW (transactionAmountValue) for payment, minus 1200 KRW non guaranteed coupon which is 1.00 USD, corresponding to the settlement of 13.50 USD (settlementAmountValue).
    • The fee paid by the merchant to Alipay for 600 KRW is settled for 0.50 USD.
  • Information about a refund:
    • refundId: 2018122519074102000000000041675, which is also the value of transactionId.
    • refundAmount: 9,000 KRW (transactionAmountValue) refund, including 600 KRW non guaranteed coupon which is 0.50 USD, corresponding to the settlement of 6.75 USD (transactionAmountValue).
    • The fee returned by Alipay to the merchant for 300 KRW is settled for 0.25 USD.

On December 27, 2018, the CSV file of the file name settlementSummary_KaKaoPay_USD_2018122611021040123_000.csv will be generated by Alipay, of which 2018122611021040123 is the code of the current clearing period.

The transaction details are as follows:


Sample 3

No transaction exists on December 25, 2018. On December 26, 2018, Alipay generates a CSV file with the file name settlementSummary_KaKaoPay_USD_0000000000000000000_000.csv.

The transaction details are as follows:


Sample 4

When the acquirer is Hundsun, Alipay will calculate the settlement data of each transaction type for merchants, because Hundsun only provides the total settlement data. The total settlement data calculated by Alipay and Hundsun may be different, so Alipay provides the error correction information about the amount calculation differences. For example:

  • If the total settlementAmountValue values calculated by Hundsun and Alipay are respectively 37164 and 37140, the error correction information for settlementAmountValue is 24.
  • If the total feeAmountValue values calculated by Hundsun and Alipay are respectively 760 and 760, the error correction information for feeAmountValue is 0.
  • If the total taxFeeAmountValue values calculated by Hundsun and Alipay are respectively 76 and 100, the error correction information for taxFeeAmountValue is -24.


  • The merchant settles with the final settlement amount of Hundsun.
  • The error correction information is on the second-to-last line of the settlement files.

On October 17, 2022, a merchant has three transactions, two for payments and one for a refund. The merchant's acquirer is Hundsun. On the settlement date of October 19, 2022, a CSV file with the file name settlementItems_PAYPAY_JPY_2022101909031102123_000.csv is generated by Alipay.


Sample 5

Interchange++ is a pricing model that consists of the fees charged by the relevant issuing bank, card scheme, and acquirer for processing every transaction. This pricing model is transparent because it offers the most detailed breakdown of the true costs. The interchange++ pricing model includes the following three types of fees:

  • Interchange fee: The fee that is charged by the issuing bank.
  • Scheme fee (first+): The fee that is charged by the card scheme.
  • Acquirer fee (second+): The fee that is charged by the acquirer.

When the acquirer is 2C2P and the interchange++ pricing model is used, the settlement reports may have error correction information. The error correction information represents the discrepancy between the fee that should be charged and the fee that is actually charged, and is presented on the second-to-last line through the feeAmountValue field of the settlement reports.

  • If the value of feeAmountValue is positive, it means the fee that should be charged is less than the fee that is actually charged, and the acquirer needs to pay you the discrepancy fee.
  • If the value of feeAmountValue is negative, it means the fee that should be charged is greater than the fee that is actually charged, and you need to pay the acquirer the discrepancy fee.

The acquirer sends the error correction information to Alipay irregularly. Alipay sends you the error correction information through the settlement reports.

For example, the following settlement summary report is returned with extra error correction information presented on the second-to-last line of the report.

settlementBatchId,customerId,acquirer,summaryType,settlementTime,count,settlementAmountValue,settlementCurrency,feeAmountValue,feeCurrency,taxFeeAmountValue,taxFeeCurrency,processingFeeAmountValue,processingFeeCurrency,nonGuaranteeCouponValue,nonGuaranteeCouponCurrency,disputeHandlingFee, disputeHandlingFeeCurrency, disputeReverseFee, disputeReverseFeeCurrency,interchangeFeeAmountValue,interchangeFeeCurrency, schemeFeeAmountValue,schemeFeeCurrency,acquirerMarkupAmountValue,acquirerMarkupCurrency,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,

Pay attention to the following information:

  • settlementAmountValue (summaryType = CAPTURE): 96
  • settlementCurrency (summaryType = CAPTURE): HKD
  • feeAmountValue (summaryType = TOTAL): 91
  • feeCurrency (summaryType = TOTAL): HKD
  • feeAmountValue (summaryType = default): -5
  • feeCurrency (summaryType = default): HKD

In the preceding report, when summaryType is TOTAL, the value of feeAmountValue is negative, and the fee currency is HKD. This means that you needs to pay the acquirer 5 HKD extra. There is only one transaction in this settlement batch, where summaryType is CAPTURE and the settlement amount is 96 HKD. Therefore, the final settlement amount is the sum of 96 (summaryType = CAPTURE) and -5(summaryType = default), which is 91 (summaryType = TOTAL).

Note: In the same batch, the error correction information returned by the settlement detail report and the settlement summary report is the same.

Settlement for multiple payment methods

Sample 1

On the trading day of December 25, 2018, the merchant with an ID of 1022188000000000001 has two transactions, one for a payment and the other for a refund.

  • Information about the payment:
    • paymentId: 2018122519074101000000000112612, which is also the value of transactionId.
    • paymentAmount: 18000 KRW (transactionAmountValue) for payment, corresponding to the settlement of 14.50 USD (settlementAmountValue).
    • The fee paid by the merchant to Alipay for 600 KRW is settled for 0.50 USD.
  • Information about the refund:
    • refundId: 2018122519074102000000000041675, which is also the value of transactionId.
    • refundAmount: 9,000 KRW (transactionAmountValue) for refund, corresponding to the settlement of 7.25 USD (transactionAmountValue).
    • The fee returned by Alipay to the merchant for 300 KRW is settled for 0.25 USD.

On December 26, 2018, the CSV file of the file named settlementSummary_USD_2018122611021040123_000.csv will be generated by Alipay, of which 2018122611021040123 is the code of the current clearing period. In this case, the merchant customer ID is 1022188000000000001. The file path is /v1/settlements/1022188000000000001/20181226/settlementSummary_USD_2018122611021040123_000.csv.

The transaction details are as follows:


Sample 2

On the trading day of December 25,  2018, the merchant with an ID of 1022188000000000001 has two transactions, one for a payment and the other for a refund.

  • Information about a payment:
    • paymentId: 2018122519074101000000000112612, which is also the value of transactionId.
    • paymentAmount: 18000 KRW (transactionAmountValue) for payment, minus 1200 KRW non guaranteed coupon which is 1.00 USD, corresponding to the settlement of 13.50 USD (settlementAmountValue).
    • The fee paid by the merchant to Alipay for 600 KRW is settled for 0.50 USD.
  • Information about a refund:
    • refundId: 2018122519074102000000000041675, which is also the value of transactionId.
    • refundAmount: 9,000 KRW (transactionAmountValue) refund, including 600 KRW non guaranteed coupon which is 0.50 USD, corresponding to the settlement of 6.75 USD (transactionAmountValue).
    • The fee returned by Alipay to the merchant for 300 KRW is settled for 0.25USD.

On December 26, 2018, the CSV file of the file name settlementSummary_USD_2018122611021040123_000.csv will be generated by Alipay, of which 2018122611021040123 is the code of the current clearing period.

The transaction details are as follows:


Sample 3

No transaction exists on December 25, 2018. On December 26, 2018, Alipay generates a CSV file with the file name settlementSummary_USD_2018122611021040123_000.csv, of which 2018122611021040123 is the code of the current clearing period.

The transaction details are as follows:
