Alipay, China's leading third-party online payment solutionAlipay, China's leading third-party online payment solution


Which account is used to log into the sandbox wallet?

Use your Antom portal account to log in.

Where can I find the test card numbers of card brands? Do I need separate applications to test multiple payment methods?

Refer to the Test wallet for more information. Sandbox wallets can simulate payments in a sandbox environment, allowing you to use all available payment methods. You can switch between the corresponding payment methods by adjusting paymentMethodType. After switching to live mode, you need to download the app for each payment method.

Why didn't the sandbox applinkUrl open the payment method app?

You need to set the corresponding payment methods in the sandbox payment method app and restart it to open successfully.

How can I query the order number after a sandbox payment?

You can check the order number in the Transaction query under test mode.


Can I use the sandbox environment for testing if the contract with Alipay payment methods has not been completed?

Yes, you can. After receiving the register invitation from Antom, you need to register your dashboard account to obtain the sandbox configuration to test.

How do I test a sandbox payment?

If it is a non-app payment, click the QR code or enter a random account password when scanning the QR code on the Web. If the payment is on the app or WAP side, you need to download the sandbox app. Download Address: Test wallet.

How can a sandbox test case cause an order to fail?

For card payments, you can simulate order closure based on the card number. For other payment methods, you need to wait until the default time to close the order. For more information, refer to Error scenario simulation.

When will the sandbox SFTP be issued?

Generally, it is around 5 PM on T+1 (where T is a trading day). However, the timing may be delayed if the system task experiences delays.

In the test environment and the live environment, should the configured amount and the actual payment amount be consistent?

Yes, they should be consistent. Due to the display of each payment method, the expression of numbers may vary (e.g., 1W versus 10,000), this is normal, and the underlying amount remains consistent.

Can the sandbox view the report?

Yes, it can. On Antom Dashboard, navigate to Transaction > Transaction query. However, note that Transaction reports are currently not supported.

Some payment methods are not included in the test wallet app. How can I test these payment methods?

You can take the following steps to test payment methods that not listed in the app:

  • Click the payment link on PC
    • For QR codes, scan the code to complete the payment.
    • For login pages, enter your account details and password, then click the pay button to complete the payment.
  • Click the payment link on mobile phone
    • If the test wallet app is already installed, the payment link will open the app to complete the transaction.
    • If the test wallet app is not installed, the link will redirect you to the app download page or a WAP login page, depending on the wallet’s setup. Download and install the test wallet app, and click the payment link to complete the payment.

Some payment methods supported by the test wallet app do not appear in the payment method list. Why is this?

The test wallet app's payment method list only shows Alipay+ payment methods that support the code scanning process. For other payment methods, complete the testing via redirection to the test wallet app for payment and authorization.