Does the report support transactions related to RDR disputes?
Yes, the report supports transactions related to RDR disputes. The transactionType field displays the specific transaction type, with the value RAPID_DISPUTE_RESOLUTION
indicating that the transaction type is an RDR dispute.
What data is included in the settlement file?
The settlement file includes data related to transactions, chargebacks, and fees. For more settlement information, refer to Standard report samples.
What unit is used for the amounts in the report?
Currently, the default unit in the report is yuan, while most interface requests are in cents. Some currencies may have different units. For more information on various currencies, refer to Smallest unit of the currency.
When is the report generated?
Antom provides transaction and settlement reports. Transaction reports are generated in a T+1 format and can be downloaded directly from the Transaction query on Antom Dashboard after selecting the specified date. Settlement reports are generated the day after the payment is completed, typically finalized by midnight. However, delays may occur if there are some system problems.
Will transactions be combined into the same file after adding the new payment method?
If the new payment method shares the same settlement currency and settlement period as the previous payment methods, transactions will be in the same file.
What is the file format for reports?
The file format for reports is csv.
For cross-month transactions, is the report name the transaction date or settlement date?
The report name corresponds to the settlement date, formatted as yyyy-mm-dd.
How can I distinguish whether the transaction type is forward or reverse?
indicates a forward transaction, while REFUND
indicates a reverse transaction. Refer to the Settlement detail report for more transaction type information. To link a reverse transaction to its corresponding forward transaction, use the originalTransactionRequestId field.
When the reconciliation file has a problem, what is the difference in the file name of the fixed re-uploaded file compared to the previous file?
The new file name format remains unchanged, and the old file name (if it is not automatically deleted by SFTP) will have "old." followed by a timestamp.
What are the paths for settlement files and transaction files?
For more file path information, refer to Perform reconciliation.
Will files be cleared from SFTP after7 days?
Reconciliation reports older than seven days on the SFTP server will be deleted, including both reports and catalogs.
Does SFTP Support Key Authentication?
No, SFTP currently only supports account and password authentication.
Are there any differences in the reconciliation report generated from merged settlements?
The fields in these two reports are the same, however, the content of the fields may vary depending on payment methods.
Is SFTP available for the testing environment?
Contact Antom Technical Support to configure SFTP for the testing environment.
Does SFTP have read and write permissions?
Yes, SFTP provides read and write permissions by default.
How can I obtain the report file via SFTP?
Contact Antom Technical Support to assist you with creating SFTP accounts and configuring report information. You must provide the IP addresses used to access SFTP so that Ant Group can add them to the whitelist. Contact Antom Technical Support for adding the new IP list. Due to the requirements of the internal approval process, submit your application three working days in advance.