Alipay, China's leading third-party online payment solutionAlipay, China's leading third-party online payment solution


1. Introductions

Multi-operator function enables you to manage accounts that are linked to your companies. You can use this service to create, modify, and delete accounts and roles, as well as assign predefined or customized roles to these accounts.

Antom portal provides 5 predefined roles for you. Roles can be assigned to any account, and an account can have more than one role.


This role can view account info, transaction records, and settlement records. They can view company info, invite new members, and edit member roles. It is suggested that this role is assigned to the company or team's person-in-charge.


This role can view and download transaction and settlement records to ensure business efficiency. It is usually assigned to a member of the company or team's finance staff.


This role can view transaction records. It is suggested that this role is assigned to a member of the company or the team's operations staff for handling inquiries or refunds.


This role can view the Developer Center ( to carry out API integration and other related tasks. It is usually assigned to a member of the company, the team's IT, or developer staff.

Data Analytics

This role can view data through Insights, including operational and payment method performance, payment success rate, as well as error report data.

2. How to invite new member?

Step 1:Go to Account > Member list, and click Invite new member.


Step 2:After entering an email address, assign a role for the member, such as Admin, Finance, or Operations (you can check each role's permission on the right side).


Step 3:After confirming the email address, member role and permissions, check the box of the relevant terms, and click Send Invitation.


Step 4:For security reasons, an Email Verification window might pop up. Enter the verification code sent to the inbox linked to your Alternate Email address. Then a notice will pop up to inform you that the notification is sent successfully.


3. How to search an existing member?

Enter the email address of a member in Member Email, and click Search.


Or you can choose from the Member Role menu, and click Search to search for the selected role (or the full member list).


4. How to change a member's role?

Step 1:To change an existing member's role, click Change Role.


Step 2:Select a new role for the existing member and click Next.


Step 3:Confirm the member's information by clicking Confirm, and a notice will pop up to inform you that your edit is saved successfully.


5. How to deactivate a member's role?

Step 1:To deactivate an existing member's role, click Deactivate.


Step 2:Click Deactivate to confirm. Kindly note that deactivated members won't be able to log in to the Alipay Portal. Then a notice will pop up to inform you that a specific email account has been deactivated.
