Alipay, China's leading third-party online payment solutionAlipay, China's leading third-party online payment solution

Create flow

A merchant can request to generate a QR Code to permanently represent its counter in this Merchant QR Code Payment solution, and the following graphic illustrates the work flow.


  1. The merchant can request to generate a static QR code by the interface alipay.commerce.qrcode.create. This interface requires to input a notification URL, to which Alipay will send a notification with transaction status after a successful payment. 
  2. The parameter values for calling the precreate service are encapsulated in the first HTTPs request data, including the signature related data.
  3. The create request will fail if either the signature is invalid or other compulsory parameter values are absent or illegal.
  4. For the full list of parameters and values of the create request, please refer the corresponding interface API for detail.