Alipay, China's leading third-party online payment solutionAlipay, China's leading third-party online payment solution

Cancel flow

The following business flow shows how to cancel an Alipay payment request. The process involves the customer, the merchant, and Alipay.

Cancel flow

During the payment process of a transaction, it is possible to encounter issues such as system exception or network accessibility. In such a scenario, you need to reverse the transaction. To implement this reversing, pay attention to the following items:

  1. In the integration, use the cancel interface to reverse a transaction. The interface name is alipay.acquire.cancel.
  2. For a transaction that has been successfully paid, the cancel Interface can cancel only transactions of the day in Beijing time.
  3. Comparing with the refund service, if a transaction can be canceled by this cancel interface, the transaction fee that has been charged by Alipay will always be refunded as well;
  4. For a transaction that encountered technical issues when making the payment, the cancel request is able to roll back all the actions that were performed in the Alipay system regarding the specific transaction.
  5. For more information about the parameters and error codes, see the cancel Interface.