Defend a chargeback
The requirements for defending against chargebacks vary depending on the reason for the chargeback. For all types of chargebacks, you must provide documents with details of transactions to help you build a strong case to challenge the chargeback.
Defense documents formats
To ensure a smooth upload, you need to submit documents in one of the following three formats:
- DOC (maximum file size 4 MB)
- DOCX (maximum file size 4 MB)
- PDF (maximum file size 4 MB)
File upload and processing
Defense documents for chargeback can be uploaded and processed through the Antom Dashboard or the notifyDispute API. Please ensure that the submitted documents meet the requirements of the documents documents for chargeback and that the content is true, complete, and clear, thereby helping buyers verify and resolve transaction issues more efficiently.
Note: Once the files are submitted, they cannot be edited or supplemented. Therefore, it is essential to review carefully before submission to ensure that all relevant documents have been uploaded.
Compelling Evidence
Providing compelling evidence is key to defending chargeback, because it proves that users participated in the transaction, received the goods or services, or benefitted from the transaction. The most common situations and their respective compelling evidence are listed here.
Because some card schemes aggregate chargeback reason codes into a single reason code, it is impossible to get additional information about the underlying reason for the reason code.
Therefore, we recommend you try to identify which chargeback reason(s) might be applicable and provide as much proof as possible to ensure the defense is valid.
Description | Compelling Evidence |
EMV Liability Shift –Counterfeit Fraud |
EMV Liability Shift – Non-Counterfeit Fraud |
Fraud – Card absent transaction | Without 3D Secure Liability shift, it is difficult to challenge the chargeback. If you have not enabled 3D Secure , but still want to challenge the chargeback, please provide corresponding materials for different types of transaction objects: Merchandise transaction:
Digital Goods transaction:
Services transaction:
Fraud – Card present transaction | Merchandise / Digital Goods / Services transaction:
Declined Authorization/Authorization |
Duplicate processing/Paid by other means | Merchandise / Digital Goods / Services transaction:
Services not provided/Merchandise not received | Merchandise transaction:
Digital Goods transaction:
Services transaction:
Canceled merchandise/services
| Merchandise / Digital Goods transaction:
Services transaction:
Canceled recurring transaction
| Merchandise transaction:
Digital Goods transaction:
Services transaction:
Goods not as described/defective
| Merchandise transaction:
Digital Goods transaction:
Services transaction:
Counterfeit merchandise
| Merchandise / Digital Goods / Services transaction:
Misrepresentation of the purchased good and/or service | Merchandise / Digital Goods / Services transaction:
Credit not processed
| Merchandise / Digital Goods / Services transaction: