Alipay, China's leading third-party online payment solutionAlipay, China's leading third-party online payment solution

Settlement lifecycle

Learn about the settlement lifecycle from the transaction occurrence to the settlement of the entire batch of transactions by the following settlement processes. Pay attention to the following:

  • The settlement-related actions of Alipay/acquirers at specific time points.
  • At what time you can view and download transaction details and settlement reports.

Daily settlement

For daily settlement, the settlement lifecycle differs based on different currency conversion modes and payment methods. The settlement lifecycle is divided into the following scenarios:

  • The currency conversion mode is the locked-in mode (The settlement exchange rate is the exchange rate on the day of the transaction).
  • The currency conversion mode is the non-locked-in mode (The settlement exchange rate is the exchange rate on the next day of the transaction), and the payment method is Alipay+.
  • The currency conversion mode is the non-locked-in mode (The settlement exchange rate is the exchange rate on the next day of the transaction), and the payment method is other than Alipay+.
  • There is no currency conversion.

The difference in settlement lifecycle under different currency conversion modes lies in which day's exchange rate is used for the settlement of a transaction.

When the currency conversion mode is non-locked-in:

  • For Alipay+ payment method, the settlement amount is estimated and deposited into your settlement account on the same day of the transaction. The actual settlement amount is calculated based on the exchange rate on the next day after the transaction, and any overpayment or underpayment and fee deduction is handled accordingly on the next day.
  • For payment methods other than Alipay+, the settlement amount is calculated based on the exchange rate on the next day after the transaction.

Weekly settlement

For weekly settlement, the settlement lifecycle differs based on different currency conversion modes. The settlement lifecycle is divided into the following scenarios:

  • The currency conversion mode is the non-locked-in mode (The settlement exchange rate is the exchange rate on the next day of the transaction).
  • There is no currency conversion.

The difference in the settlement lifecycle lies in whether currency exchange is involved during the settlement process. For weekly settlement, only non-locked-in currency conversion mode and no currency conversion mode are provided, there is no locked-in currency conversion mode.

Monthly settlement

For monthly settlement, the settlement lifecycle differs based on different currency conversion modes. The settlement lifecycle is divided into the following scenarios:

  • The currency conversion mode is the non-locked-in mode (The settlement exchange rate is the exchange rate on the next day of the transaction).
  • There is no currency conversion.


The difference in the settlement lifecycle lies in whether currency exchange is involved during the settlement process. For monthly settlement, only non-locked-in currency conversion mode and no currency conversion mode are provided, there is no locked-in currency conversion mode.