Alipay, China's leading third-party online payment solutionAlipay, China's leading third-party online payment solution


Alipay provides you with the following services when a chargeback occurs for card payments:

  • Alipay notifies you of information about the chargeback and freezes the funds related to the chargeback.
  • Alipay helps you to submit defense documents to a specific card scheme.
  • Alipay notifies you of the chargeback liability.

When an issuer initiates a chargeback, you can obtain the information about the chargeback by email or by receiving a Notification of Chargeback (NoC) sent by Alipay through the notifyDispute notification. Before you handle the chargeback, contact Alipay Chargeback Operations Team to understand chargeback rules and processes.

Asynchronous notifications (recommended)

You can receive a notification of the chargeback information by integrating the notifyDispute notification. Before you can receive the notification, you must configure a notification address on Alipay Developer Center.

Configure a notification address

On Alipay Developer Center, find alipay.ams.payments.disputeNotify in the Notification URL section on the Integration Settings page, and configure a notification address by entering it in the provided field.


Figure 1. Configure a notification receiving address on Alipay Developer Center

Asynchronous notification of the chargeback

When a chargeback occurs or when the chargeback liability is determined, Alipay sends you asynchronous notifications through the notifyDispute notification. When you receive the notification, you must return a response as instructed in Requirements. Otherwise, Alipay resends the notification until a correct response is received.

  • When a chargeback occurs, you receive an NoC. The value of disputeNotificationType in the notification is DISPUTE_CREATED. After you receive the NoC, you can submit defense documents by sending an email to Alipay Chargeback Operations Team. The value of defenseDueTime in the notification indicates the time limit for the submission of documents.
  • If you have a query about the chargeback, you can defend the chargeback. When the chargeback liability is determined, you receive a notification of the chargeback liability. The value of disputeNotificationType in the notification is DISPUTE_JUDGED, and the value of disputeJudgedResult indicates the liability:
    • ACCEPT_BY_CUSTOMER: The buyer assumes the liability.
    • ACCEPT_BY_MERCHANT: You assume the liability. You are liable for the chargeback loss.

For European cards, Alipay sends two extra notification types:

  • When you submit the defense documents, you receive a notification of the submission of the documents. The value of disputeNotificationType in the notification is DEFENSE_SUPPLIED.
  • When the buyer cancels the chargeback, you receive a notification of the cancellation of the chargeback. The value of disputeNotificationType in the notification is DEFENSE_CANCELLED.

Note: For Hong Kong and Singaporean cards, the notifyDispute notification is unavailable. Instead, Alipay sends you chargeback notifications via email.

Notifications via email

When you receive a chargeback notification via email, you must respond within a certain amount of time whether you accept the chargeback or submit defense documents. If defense documents are not submitted within the prescribed time limit, the chargeback is accepted by default. Different payment methods may have different time limit requirements, and the usual time limit is 5-20 calendar days. For more information about chargeback time frames, see Chargeback time frame.