Client-side integration
Client is responsible for calling Alipay payment API by using the order information sent by the server, and returning the result based on SDK's synchronously generated payment result.
More details are as below:
1. iOS Integration
1). SDK overview
2). iOS integration process (For demonstration purpose, the assembling and signing of the request parameters are done on the client side. However, in practice, both assembling and signing must be carried out on the server side)
2. Android integration
1). SDK overview
2). SDK integration process (For demonstration purpose, the assembling and signing of the request parameters are done on the client side. However, in practice, both assembling and signing must be carried out on the server side)
4. Synchronous Response Parameters
Before you start
- Prepare the key information by following the Preparing keys information.
- Upload key: Send the RSA public keys to Global Merchant Technical Support ( to upload.