Transaction details report
The transaction details report provides a detailed record of successful transactions on T day and is generated on T+1 day. You can obtain this report through the SFTP server or APO Portal.
Report details
The transaction details report consists of three parts: header information, transaction details, and the end-of-file <END> that appears in the last line of the report. The header information is represented by parameter names, and the transaction details are represented by the corresponding values of the parameters.
The following table shows the parameters in the transaction details report and parameter descriptions:
Table 1. Parameters and descriptions in the transaction details report
Note: Use the header parameters to parse the transaction details report. The parameter order in the report downloaded from the SFTP server and APO Portal may not match the parameter order displayed in Table 1.
Report samples
The following samples show transaction details reports in different scenarios.
Sample 1 (Standard report)
On the transaction day of December 25, 2018, the merchant with an ID of 102218800000000**** had two transactions, one for a payment and the other for a refund. On December 26, 2018, APO generated a transaction details report in CSV. The details of the report are as follows:
📎Transaction details report-Sample 1.csv
In this sample, the key information about the payment and refund is as follows:
- Payment information:
- transactionId: The transaction ID is 201812251907410100000000011****, which is the same value as the paymentId in the original payment.
- transactionAmountValue: The transaction amount is 18000 (KRW), which is the same as the value of paymentAmount.value in the original payment.
- Refund information:
- transactionId: The transaction ID is 201812251907410200000000004****, which is the same value as the refundId in the original payment.
- transactionAmountValue: The transaction amount is 9000 (KRW), which is the same as the value of refundAmount.value in the original refund.
- originalTransactionId: The original transaction ID is 201812251907410100000000011****, which is the same as the paymentId in the original payment request.
Sample 2 (No transaction)
There was no transaction on December 25, 2018. On December 26, 2018, APO generated an empty CSV file containing only the parameter names and the end-of-file character as follows:
📎Transaction details report-Sample 2.csv
Note: When there is no transaction, the SFTP server and APO Portal will not generate transaction details reports. If you need the empty report that has no transaction, you can contact Merchant Service technical support to configure it in the SFTP server.