Alipay, China's leading third-party online payment solutionAlipay, China's leading third-party online payment solution


APO consolidates the bills of all acquirers and produces a unified and standard reconciliation report for you to reconcile. You can perform reconciliation in two ways: Reports and Portal.


This section explains how to obtain reconciliation reports and how to use the reports for reconciliation.

Obtain reports

You can obtain reconciliation reports in the following two ways:

  • Download from the SFTP server: The reconciliation reports downloaded from the SFTP server can be customized according to your requirements. The configured content in the SFTP server cannot be automatically updated when the reconciliation report capability is updated unless otherwise requested.
  • Download from APO Portal: The reconciliation reports downloaded from the portal cannot be customized according to your requirements. The reconciliation reports in the portal will change when the reconciliation report capability is updated.


You can download reconciliation reports from a specific directory in the SFTP server. Alipay encodes all the reports in UTF-8 and uploads them to the SFTP server. Reports downloaded from the SFTP server include .csv and .xlsx formats.

Server login

Complete the following steps first before you obtain reconciliation reports from the SFTP server:

  1. Contact Alipay Merchant Service technical support ( to obtain SFTP login credentials and submit the public IP address to access the SFTP server.
  2. Log into the SFTP server using the following information:
    • Port: 22
    • Hostname: (If the loading speed of this link is slow, try
    • Username and password


  • SFTP accounts that are not used for 90 days will be disabled.
  • Reconciliation reports older than 7 days on the SFTP server might be deleted. If the reconciliation reports are deleted, you can download them from APO Portal.
  • In the case of no transaction, you can contact Alipay Merchant Service technical support ( to configure whether to generate reconciliation reports.

For the specific download path of the report, see the following report download path section.

Report download path

The download path for all reconciliation reports is report directory + report name. For example, the download path for a settlement details report:


Report directory

The formats and examples of the download directories for different report types are as follows:

Report type

Report directory format


Transaction details report



Settlement details report



Settlement summary report

Table 1. Download directories for different reports

The concepts in the report directory format are explained as follows:

  • merchantIdByAcquirer: the identity assigned by APO for merchants
  • transactionDate: the date of the transaction
  • settlementDate: the day when Alipay settles with merchants

Report name

The default report names and formats for different reports are as follows. You can also contact Merchant Service technical support ( to customize the report name.

Report type

Default report name format


Transaction details report



Settlement details report



Settlement summary report



Table 2. Default report names for different reports

The concepts in the report name format are explained as follows:

  • transactionDate: the date of the transaction.
  • settlementCurrency: the settlement currency specified in the contract. The currency is the same as the settlement currency in the settlement report.
  • settlementBatchId: the settlement batch ID that corresponds to the settlement batch ID in the reports.

APO Portal

To obtain real-time reconciliation reports or reconciliation reports for specific batches through the APO Portal, complete the following steps:

  1. Log into the portal and find the Billing module. For specific operations, see Billing.
  2. Download different types of reports:

Reconcile using reports

You can use the following three financial reports to perform different reconciliation tasks:

Report type


Transaction details report

  • Compare successful transactions displayed in the report with those recorded by you to ensure consistency.
  • Check transaction details for each transaction day, including all payment and refund records, and confirm payment and refund funds.

Settlement summary report

  • View all settlement summary data for each settlement batch.
  • Reconcile with the settlement details report to compare for any issues or discrepancies.

Settlement details report

  • View specific settlement details for each transaction within a settlement batch.
  • Calculate the total settlement amount based on each specific transaction and reconcile the funds with the settlement summary report.

Table 3. Reports and tasks


In addition to downloading reconciliation reports through APO Portal, you can also use the following functions in the Billing module of the portal to assist you with reconciliation:

  • Search for real-time transaction