Alipay, China's leading third-party online payment solutionAlipay, China's leading third-party online payment solution

Integration preparation

This page describes how you can complete registration and setup as a merchant. The following graphic illustrates the steps to achieve complete merchant system development.


Figure 1. Merchant system development process

Register an account

Skip this step if you already have an account

If you do not have an account, contact Alipay technical support to get information about registering an account. Besides, you must sign a contract with Alipay to become an Alipay business partner.

Log in

Log in to Alipay Developer Center with the account you created in previous step. Read and agree to Alipay Developer Terms of Use, and specify your integration mode.

Types of roles:

  • Merchant: Choose this if you are a merchant that is making the integration for your company in-house.
  • Acquirer: Choose this if you are an acquirer that is making the integration for your company in-house. An acquirer is an institution that processes payments on behalf of Merchants. 
  • System Integrator/Independent Software Vendor: Choose this if you are a merchant who is outsourcing the integration to a system integrator or if you are an ISV that has signed a contract with Alipay to provide integration services for merchants.  


Figure 2. Specify the role

After you select the role, select one of the listed countries/regions to indicate the business registration country/region. Please choose carefully as the business registration country/region determines Alipay integration settings, and this cannot be changed later in the integration process.


Figure 3. Specify the business registration country/region

Once you have completed the above steps and have successfully onboarded as an Alipay developer, read the Quick Start guide to quickly familiarize yourself with the upcoming steps and click Get Started to continue.


Figure 4. Quick start guide

Create an application

Set up a new application and select the products and scenarios by completing the following steps:

  1. Click Create New Application and provide the required information to create an application.


Figure 5. Create the application


Figure 6. Enter application information

  1. Select the product and scenarios to integrate with and specify the currency. For one product, more than one scenario can be selected. However, if you want to integrate with more than one product, you must create more applications accordingly. In this case, select Cashier Payment for product, and API only for scenario.


Figure 7. Select the product and scenarios

View development information 

After creating the application, you can view your development information used in the production environment and the sandbox environmentsuch as Gateway Endpoint (Domain name) and Client ID.


Figure 8. Check the basic information

Configure integration settings

You can set public key and configure the endpoints that are used for receiving notifications.

Set keys

Asymmetric keys are used to secure your integration. You must upload your public key with Alipay Developer Center to exchange the Alipay public key. 

  1. In Integration Settings, click Set public key


Figure 9. Integration settings page

  1. Follow the wizard to download the tool and generate key pairs, then submit the public key of the key pair. You can also manually generate the RSA2 key pair, see Preparing keys for details. 


Figure 10. Set the public key

  1. After you submit your public key, under Alipay Public Key, you can view Alipay public key.


Figure 11. View Alipay public key

In Testing Resources, the configuration of public keys for the sandbox environment is similar.


When your public key is updated, remember to update the keys in your local code.

Set notification URL

Under NOTIFICATION URL, you can configure the notification URL that is used to receive notifications. 


Figure 12. Configure endpoint

More information

Sandbox integration

API list