Alipay, China's leading third-party online payment solutionAlipay, China's leading third-party online payment solution

Refund flow

For a transaction that has been successfully paid, the customer can request the merchant for refunding as long as the refunding period is still valid, and you can make use of the refunding interface to complete the refunding, as illustrated.

Refund flow


  1. The refunding service name is: Forex_refund.
  2. The refund API is applicable as long as the refunding period has not expired yet.
  3. To initiate multiple refund transactions by using a same partner ID (partner), send the refund requests with an interval of at least 3 seconds.
  4. The refunding of a transaction can be full or partial. The refunding amount can respectively be the same as or less than the original transaction amount that was paid. Furthermore, for a transaction, multiple refunding requests are allowed if the sum of the amount of the multiple refunding requests is less than or equal to the original transaction amount.