Alipay, China's leading third-party online payment solutionAlipay, China's leading third-party online payment solution

Refund Flow

Refund Flow

For a transaction that has been successfully paid, the customer can request the merchant for refunding as long as the refunding period is still valid, and the merchant can make use of the refunding interface to achieve the goal.

For the integration of the refunding service, we woulkd like to highlight:

  1. The refund service name is:;
  2. The refunding service is only applicable to a transaction that has been successfully paid;
  3. The refunding of a transaction can be full or partial, i.e. the refunding amount can respectively be the same as or less than the original transaction amount that has been paid;
  4. Regarding whether Alipay will return the charged fee of the original transaction, it depends on your contract with Alipay.
  5. Comparing with the cancel interface (alipay.acquire.cancel), this service does not impose the 24-hours constraint, i.e. the merchant server can invoke this service at any time that between the moment when the transaction was paid and the time before the refunding period expires;
  6. If a refunding request encounters a failure, please retry for a reasonable number of times.