Alipay, China's leading third-party online payment solutionAlipay, China's leading third-party online payment solution

Cancel subscription or refund

Cancel subscription

Call the cancel API in one of the following cases:

  • If the buyer does not want to continue the service in the future
  • If the merchant wants to terminate the service proactively due to payment failure

After calling the cancel API successfully, the unpaid billing plans in the subscription period table will not take effect. You can check the cancellation type by using the value of the cancelRequestType parameter:

Reason for subscription cancellation


Buyer initiates cancellation of subscription


Merchant cancels subscription proactively due to payment failure 


Subscription is canceled and refunded due to buyer complaint


After the subscription is canceled, Antom sends an asynchronous notification to you.

The following sample code is used for calling the cancel API to cancel a subscription:

public static void cancelSubscription() {
    AlipaySubscriptionCancelRequest alipaySubscriptionCancelRequest = new AlipaySubscriptionCancelRequest();
    // replace with your subscriptionId

    // set cancellation type

    AlipaySubscriptionCancelResponse alipaySubscriptionCancelResponse;
    try {
        alipaySubscriptionCancelResponse = CLIENT.execute(alipaySubscriptionCancelRequest);
    } catch (AlipayApiException e) {
        String errorMsg = e.getMessage();
        // handle error condition


If the subscription cancellation involves a refund (such as in the case of a buyer complaint that leads to refund), you can call the refund API.

About refunds:



Refund period

Within 12 months after the transaction is completed.

Handling fee refunded or not

Whether the handling fee is to be refunded or not depends on the contract.

Partial refunds

Partial refunds are allowed.

Multiple refunds

Multiple refunds are allowed.

Exchange rate for refund

If cross-currency settlement is involved, the Alipay exchange rate of the day following the refund request will be used.

If the settlement currency is used for the pricing currency, there is no need for exchange rate conversion.

Antom does not send asynchronous notifications after a successful refund. For details, refer to the refund API or check the inquiryRefund API to confirm the refund result.