Alipay, China's leading third-party online payment solutionAlipay, China's leading third-party online payment solution

DingTalk workspace for staff members

This chapter introduces how ISO staff members work on the DingTalk workspace.

Associate ISO

Staff members can associate the ISO in the following ways:

  • DingTalk app: After receiving the signup message, staff members install and log in to the DingTalk app and agree to the organization's invitation to associate with ISO. If the staff members already have a DingTalk account and the app downloaded, they can simply log in to the app to begin the association process.
  • ISO Platform: Staff members can use the DingTalk app to scan the following QR code and enter the following information to initiate the association request:
    • ISO Email: the email that ISO uses to log in to Alipay Global Merchant Portal.
    • Name: the staff name.
    • Phone No.: the phone number that is used to log in to the DingTalk app.


After the ISO approves the association request, the staff members tap Org invitation in the DingTalk app to join Alipay Partners. After staff members agree to join Alipay Partners, staff members associate with the ISO successfully.

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Select a language

In the DingTalk app, select Alipay Partners in the upper-left corner, and tap the navigation located at the bottom center of the screen to select the working language.

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Promote Alipay+ POSMs

Promote Marketing Code

Start the promotion

Go to the the product list page, select Alipay+ Marketing Code, and tap Start Promotion.


Provide promotion information

The staff deploys the POSM according to POSM deployment policy, and provides the following information in DingTalk workspace:

a. Enter the store information, and upload a clear storefront image.


b. Enter the POSM deployment spot information, and scan the QR codes to associate the promoted Alipay+ Marketing Code.


c. Enter the merchant supplement information for a quick review.


d. Submit information about the store and the POSM deployment spots.

View review result

Staff members can access review details, including the number of promoted stores and spots data, within the DingTalk workspace. Note that data uploading is subject to a one-day delay.

For stores or POSM deployment spots that have failed to pass the review, staff members can tap Appeal or Modify to resubmit the review request.

Note: the service fee can only be obtained for spots and POSMs whose information has been submitted and approved through the review process.


Promote Primary POSMs

Start the promotion

Go to the the product list page, select Primary POSMs, and tap Start Promotion.

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Provide promotion information

The staff deploys POSMs according to the POSM deployment policy, and provides the following information in the DingTalk workspace:

a. Enter the store information, and upload a clear storefront image.


b. Enter the POSM deployment spots information.


c. Enter the supplement merchant information for a quick review.


d. Submit the store and POSM deployment spot information.


View review result

Staff members can access review details, including the number of promoted stores and spots data, within the DingTalk workspace. Note that data uploading is subject to a one-day delay.

For stores or POSM deployment spots that have failed to pass the review, staff members can tap Appeal or Modify to resubmit the review request.

Note: ISOs are eligible to obtain the service fee only after Alipay+ has approved the submitted information for both the POSM and its deployment spots.


Conduct spot inspection

Start the inspection

Go to the product list page, select Spot Inspection, and tap Verification Tasks.


Verify the deployment

Staff members verify the deployment information of stores and spots and provide feedback.


Verify the payment

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Tap Payment Verification. Select Alipay or Alipay+ Linker as the payment verification tool.

If the store to be verified only supports Alipay as a payment method, the ISO needs to direct its staff to use the Alipay app for verification; otherwise, use Alipay+ Linker app instead.

a. Verify with Alipay

    • i. Download the Alipay app (available in the app store).
    • ii. Log in to the Alipay app using the test account/password assigned to you by your ISO.
    • iii. Conduct verification for both merchant-presented mode and user-presented mode payments.

b. Verify with Alipay+ Linker

    • i. Download the Alipay+ Linker app.
    • ii. Log in to Alipay+ Linker with the same account as your current DingTalk account.
    • iii. Conduct verification for both merchant-presented mode and user-presented mode payments.

View review result

Staff members can directly view the details on the DingTalk workspace. Note that data uploading is subject to a one-day delay.