POSM deployment policy
The independent service organization (ISO) must meet all of the following conditions to be eligible for the POSM deployment fee settlement:
- During the term of the agreement/appointment, the ISO shall confirm the number of merchant sites with Alipay prior to carrying out any POSM deployment.
- The ISO shall communicate with the authorized staff or manager of each merchant store and receive consent prior to carrying out any POSM deployment. Do not carry out any POSM deployment during non-business hours.
- Alipay's marketing QR code(s) and/or POSM shall be deployed, securely posted (e.g., stickers shall not be simply placed on a surface), and continuously displayed at prominent areas or positions of the cashier counter.
- The POSM must be deployed in a real and valid store accepting Alipay+ wallet payments (including Alipay China (支付宝) and/or other Alipay+ wallets). If any merchant store is verified to be a fake business, the ISO is deemed to have committed material breach of contract. Alipay will not settle the POSM deployment fee and reserves the right to recover losses/damages and claim compensation from the ISO.
- After the deployment of the POSM is completed, ISO needs to provide Alipay staff with photos of the POSM deployment. The photos must clearly show the location of the materials deployed, be unique, and be true and valid Alipay and POSM deployment photos. Alipay must review and confirm the validity of the photos for final settlement verification.
- Alipay will conduct random on-site inspections before settlement. If the random inspection indicates that there is no material deployed or the deployment is not up to standard, the deployment shall be deemed invalid and no settlement will be allowed.
- The ISO shall not engage in illicit conduct, including maliciously setting up excessive POSMs in the same store, deploying the same POSMs in stores where such materials have already been placed, and repeatedly submitting POSM photos in the same location and environment. Once Alipay has discovered that the service provider has obtained the POSM deployment fee through the above-mentioned behaviors, Alipay can immediately disqualify the service provider and has the right to demand the service provider to (i) pay twice the POSM deployment fee Alipay has paid, and (ii) compensate Alipay for related losses.
- The statistical data and criteria in relation to the POSM deployment fee are solely determined by Alipay and not subject to any form of account reconciliation or retrospective dispute.
- In the event of any discrepancy or inconsistency between the English and the Chinese versions of these Terms, the English version shall always apply and prevail.