Alipay, China's leading third-party online payment solutionAlipay, China's leading third-party online payment solution

Getting started

Alipay helps you with payment products and solutions for your business. Explore this page to have an overview of the product documentation and related resources.

On this page

·    Alipay products

·    Services & tools

·    API Reference and glossary

Alipay products

Alipay products include online payment products for accepting online payments, in-store payment products for offline payments, and specialized solutions tailored for various business scenarios. Get familiar with the products and explore their features at the respective product pages. 

Online payment products

Online Payment Products are for accepting payments online (website and mobile website), or in-app. You can learn about the scenarios, flows, integration process, APIs and other information of Website PaymentMobile Site Payment, and In-app Payment at product pages. In addition, Alipay provides a Customs Declaration service for submitting payment information to the customs.

In-store payment products

In-store payment products enables accepting payments on the spot with Barcode PaymentTransaction QR Code PaymentMerchant QR Code Payment, and Third-party Merchant QR Code Payment. Read the documentation to learn the scenarios, flows, requirements, and other technical information to decide which product meets your needs best.


Alipay solutions are tailored for each industry to maximize your revenue and create the best user experience possible. Learn about Generic, CateringRetailTransport, and Tourism solutions for details.

Services & tools


Alipay Sandbox mimics the production environment and is used for integration tests. Learn about the Alipay sandbox gateway, maintenance, test accounts, and sandbox app at Services & tools.

API reference and glossary

API Reference gives a comprehensive guide on the services provided by Alipay. Learn about the message structure, request, response, and samples at the API reference.

Glossary defines commonly used terms for Alipay Global Open Platform. Visit Glossary page to learn the definitions.