Alipay, China's leading third-party online payment solutionAlipay, China's leading third-party online payment solution

B. Member card

B3. Create a member card


  1. The user clicks to open the member registration page in the merchant mini program and fill in the information required to complete the member registration.
  2. The mini program sends a request to the merchant to create the member card and obtain MemberID.
  3. The mini program displays the member card detail with MemberID once received from the merchant.
  4. The user confirms to push the member card into AlipayHK card wallet. The mini program will send a request to the merchant to issue the member card by using MerchantID, OpenID and TemplateID.
  5. The merchant sends a createPass request (alipay.intl.user.pass.createPass) to AlipayHK by using MerchantID, OpenID, TemplateID, BizSerialID (MemberID), start date, end date, and other information such as member privilege and reward points.
  6. AlipayHK handles the createPass request assoicated with a PassID, which is a unique identifier in AlipayHK for the new member card.
  7. AlipayHK returns the handling result with the PassID to the merchant.
  8. The merchant updates its member card record to associate with the PassID from AlipayHK.
  9. The merchant returns the pass issue record to the mini program.

B4. Verify a member card


  1. The user opens AlipayHK card wallet and selects a member card. AlipayHK app will send a request to AlipayHK with PassID to obtain the detail of the card. The merchant cashier can use a POS scanner to scan the QR code/barcode from user's gift card wallet to parse and obtain the BizSerialID (MemberID).
  2. This is an alternative approach. The user opens the merchant mini program and displays the member card. The mini program will send a request to the merchant with BizSerialID (MemberID) to obtain the detail of the card. The merchant cashier can use a POS scanner to scan the QR code/barcode from the user's mini program to parse and obtain the BizSerialID (MemberID).
  3. The POS sends a membership verification request to the merchant by using BizSerialID (MemberID) and VerifyCode. The merchant will check the validity of membership.
  4. If the member card is not valid, the merchant will return a failure result to the POS. The POS will fail the message.
  5. If the member card is valid, the merchant will process the payment transaction with memberID.
  6. Upon the payment is completed, the merchant can send a updatePass (alipay.intl.user.pass.updatePass) request to AlipayHK to update member previliage and reward points by using MerchantID, PassID, and VerifyCode. Please refer to section B5.

B5. Update a member card


  1. When member card details including member previliage and reward points are udpated, the merchant sends a updatePass (alipay.intl.user.pass.updatePass) request to AlipayHK to update member card details by using MerchantID, PassID and VerifyCode. AlipayHK will update the member card record and return the handling result to the merchant. The merchant will commit all changes upon receiving the response from AlipayHK.

B6. Remove a member card


  1. The merchant initializes a member card update request to update its status to closed by using BizSerialID (MemberID).
  2. The merchant will send a updatePass (alipay.intl.user.pass.updatePass) request to AlipayHK to udpate the card status to CLOSED by using MerhcantID, OpenID and PassID. AlipayHK will update to close the member card record and return the handling result to the merchant.