Alipay, China's leading third-party online payment solutionAlipay, China's leading third-party online payment solution

1. Create a gift/member card template


  1. The merchant makes a request to the AlipayHK support team for adding their gift/member card templates into the AlipayHK card wallet.
  2. AlipayHK returns a card template file in XLS format for a merchant to fill in their gift/member card template details.
  3. Merchant sends the updated template file with their card template information to AlipayHK.
  4. AlipayHK helps to create merchant's card templates in the AlipayHK. If those template records are created successfully, the system returns a TemplateID as a record unique ID.
  5. AlipayHK returns the template file with TemplateID to the merchant.
  6. The merchant updates the system to associate TemplateID with their card template record.