Settlement File - Detail
File information
No. | Parameter | Value | Example |
1 | File Type | alipay.intl.acquiring.settlement.detail | |
2 | File Version | 2.0.4 | |
3 | Provider | alipay | |
4 | File format | TXT | |
5 | Directory | /download/_/ | /download/IPAY/12345678/20181201 |
7 | Schedule | daily | |
8 | Remarks | The format of date is YYYYMMDD. |
File content
No. | Parameter | Type | Length | Required | Description | Example |
1 | merchantId | merchantId | 64 | Y | The merchant ID | 12345678 |
2 | sellerID | String | 64 | N | The seller ID | 2188xxxxxxxx7080 |
3 | storeId | String | 64 | N | The store ID | 1234 |
4 | transType | String | 1 | Y | The transaction type. The value can be PAYMENT, REFUND, or CANCEL. | PAYMENT |
5 | productCode | String | 64 | Y | The product code. The value can be AUTO_DEBIT, GlobalOfflineAcquire, or AUTH_CAPTURE. | AUTO_DEBIT |
6 | remark | String | 256 | N | The remark | Purchases on 08.04 |
7 | acquirementId | String | 64 | N | The unique Alipay transaction ID | 2016xxxxx004680219786774 |
8 | originalAcquirementId | String | 64 | Y | The original Alipay transaction ID. When the value of transType is payment, the value of originalAcquirementId is empty. When the value of transType is refund, the value of originalAcquirementId is the Alipay payment transaction ID. | 2016xxxxx004680219786774 |
9 | paymentTime | String | 64 | Y | The payment time in ISO 8601 format: YYYY-MM-DDTHH:MM:SS+hh:mm | 2001-07-04T00:00:00+08:00 |
10 | userSite | String | 64 | Y | The payment user site. The value can be: ALIPAY_CN: Alipay site for Chinese mainland ALIPAY_HK: Alipay site for Hong Kong, China KAKAOPAY: KakaoPay | ALIPAY_CN |
11 | referenceId | String | 64 | Y | The settlement reference ID. | 1357924680 |
12 | settlementTime | String | 64 | Y | The settlement time in ISO 8601 format: YYYY-MM-DDTHH:MM:SS+hh:mm | 2001-07-04T00:00:00+08:00 |
13 | merchantTransId | String | 64 | Y | The unique ID assigned by the merchant to identify a transaction | MQSWD65N79a1 |
14 | orderAmount | Number | Unlimited | Y | The transaction amount in the currency defined in orderCurrency | 73 |
15 | orderCurrency | String | 3 | Y | The transaction currency | CNY |
16 | commission | Number | Unlimited | Y | The commission fee in settlement currency | -0.73 |
17 | commissionCurrency | String | 3 | Y | The commission currency code | USD |
18 | settlementAmount | Number | Unlimited | Y | The net settlement amount in settlement currency | 72.27 |
19 | settlementCurrency | String | 3 | Y | The settlement currency | CNY |
20 | conversionRate | Number | Unlimited | N | The currency conversion rate | 6.7037 |
21 | conversionRateRelation | String | 64 | N | The currency pair | USD/CNY |
File name
File content
2188xxxxxxxx7080,123,1234,PAYMENT,AUTO_DEBIT,Purchases on 08.04,2016xxxxx004680219786774,2016xxxxx004680219786774,2016-08-05T16:35:25+08:00,ALIPAY_CN,2016080521001004100285676126,2016-08-05T16:35:25+08:00,MQSWD65N79a1,73.00,CNY,0.73,USD,72.27,CNY,6.7037,USD/CNY