Alipay, China's leading third-party online payment solutionAlipay, China's leading third-party online payment solution

Integrating/running in production

Interactive Pattern between Merchant’s System Request and Alipay Response:

Integrating/running in production

Merchant can integrate the demo code into or write their own code and run in Alipay production. If use java demo code, please change the ALIPAY_GATEWAY_NEW in as below recommended:

  1. Use gateway:
  2. To integrate with interface, it is required to transfer data with digital Singature. There are 3 methods available for sign. MD5/RSA and DSA. The MD5 key can be download from Alipay global portal. RSA/DSA key needs to exchange offline.
    If use demo code, please change the account and key information to the merchant’s real account in