Alipay, China's leading third-party online payment solutionAlipay, China's leading third-party online payment solution

Employee deploy manual

1. Log in to DingTalk

Staff receive DingTalk signup message(If the staff already has a Dingtalk account and App, go directly);  Install DingTalk; Select Alipay Partner as identity; Log in to DingTalk with the specified phone number.

员工将收到钉钉开通的短信提醒,按提示安装钉钉(如已安装则直接打开钉钉),选择“alipay partner”组织,用开通的手工号登录。

2. Select a language and prepare to promote

Select a language,and read the instruction is popped out for the fisrt time.



3. Scan the QR code and Take a photo

Scan to verify the QR code and Take a photo of the placement of the QR code.



4. View Promotion Records

Employees can view the paving quantity and code effect data on Dingtalk, the data is T+1.

