Alipay, China's leading third-party online payment solutionAlipay, China's leading third-party online payment solution

Deploying in Sandbox

Use your merchant account to log in to the Alipay sandbox portal. The Alipay sandbox portal contains information and tools you need to test in the Alipay sandbox environment, for example, test accounts information and the Alipay sandbox app. If you don’t have a merchant account, see Prerequisites. After you enter the sandbox, an application is created for you automatically. The following related information is needed for the application:

Alipay sandbox gateway

Use the Alipay sandbox gateway for testing.
The URL of the sandbox gateway is:

Alipay sandbox test accounts

Alipay sandbox provides you test accounts of both the merchant and buyer. You can use the merchant account to realize application authorization, and you can use the buyer account to make a payment.

Merchant test accounts

See the merchant test account information in the Alipay sandbox portal under Sandbox Accounts > Merchant. To test the Alipay PCtoMobile solution, use the account information provided under Hongkong Wallet. You can use the login password to login to the Alipay for Business website in the sandbox environment.

Buyer test account

See the buyer test account information in the Alipay sandbox portal under Sandbox Accounts > Buyer. Use the buyer test account to login to the Alipay sandbox app. And you can click Top Up to increase the account balance of the buyer test account.

Create and upload the key

Create a signature key and upload it in the section of cross-border online payment in Sandbox. For more information about creating the key, see Preparing keys.