Alipay, China's leading third-party online payment solutionAlipay, China's leading third-party online payment solution


Card Payment Protection helps you on risk control decision-making and operations, reducing the risk of card fraud and payment loss, and improving the transaction success rate and user experience.

  • Risk control decision-making: Decide whether to authorize or capture card payments.
  • Risk control operations: Defend chargebacks when they occur. Ant Group provides you with customized risk control strategies by continuously optimizing a risk control model based on your transaction history, refunds, and risk records.

Key features

Card Payment Protection boasts the following product highlights:

  • Global risk intelligence: Benefiting from years of experience in Alibaba's e-commerce services, Ant Group has collected massive risk cases and global black-market reports covering more than 200 countries and regions. This enables Ant Group to customize risk strategies based on regional characteristics.
  • Excellent risk control technology: Leveraging an independently-developed engine and cutting-edge algorithms, Ant Group provides intelligent decisions within 500ms, reducing the card fraud rate by more than 30% compared to the industry average. Furthermore, Ant Group can dynamically make 3D verification decisions based on risk scenarios, regulatory compliance, and liability shift needs, reducing transaction disturbances while preventing fraud risks.
  • Personalized risk control service: Composed of over 100 experts and scanning over 150 billion RMB risk transactions every year, Ant Group's risk control team can customize risk strategies for you.


Card Payment Protection provides the following capabilities:

  • Risk control decision-making:
    • Call the decide API before authorizing a card payment to obtain advice on whether to authorize the payment and whether to perform 3D verification.
    • Call the decide API after authorizing a card payment to obtain advice on whether to capture the payment.
  • Risk control operations:
    • Notify your card payment authorization or capture result, refund result, and risk events to Ant Group through the sendPaymentResult, sendRefundResult, and reportRisk APIs respectively to train Ant Group's risk control model for optimizing future risk control advice for transactions.



The following table lists all the APIs used for Card Payment Protection and their corresponding endpoints. You can click the API link to view the details of each API.



Request risk control advice: decide


Notify of a payment result: sendPaymentResult 


Notify of a refund result: sendRefundResult


Report risk events: reportRisk 


Table 1. APIs used for Card Payment Protection