Alipay, China's leading third-party online payment solutionAlipay, China's leading third-party online payment solution

Integration mode

The integration implementation can be performed in three modes:

  • Performed by merchants or acquirers (ACQs) if they have the development capability.
  • Performed by authorized independent software vendors (ISVs) if merchants or acquirers authorize ISVs to make the implementation.
  • Performed by system integrators if merchants or acquirers invite system integrators to work for them.

Merchant/ACQ integration

As a merchant or ACQ, if you are integrating for your own company, you are making integration directly with Antom. You must have development capabilities for this integration mode.

After signing the contract with Antom, you implement the integration process and manage merchant accounts and keys by yourself. The implementation cost of this mode is greater than making integration by ISV or system integrator. The following graphic shows the relationship between Antom and merchants/ACQs when adopting this integration mode:

integration mode.png

Figure 1. Merchant/ACQ integration

ISV integration

As a merchant or ACQ, you can authorize an ISV to implement integration for you by signing an authorized service contract with the ISV. Furthermore, you need to sign a merchant service contract with Antom so that Antom can provide services such as payment, refund, and settlement for you.

As an authorized ISV, you also need to sign a contract with Antom directly and then provide services for merchants/ACQs. The services you provide include, but are not limited to, merchant referral, marketing operation, and integration services.

The following graphic shows the relationship between Antom, merchant/ACQ, and ISV:

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Figure 2. ISV integration

System integrator integration

As a merchant or ACQ, if you have no development capabilities and you invite a system integrator to help you make integration with Antom, you are making integration in the system integrator integration mode.

After signing the contract with Antom, you provide your merchant account to the system integrator and the system integrator uses your account to make integration with Antom for you.

The system integrator integration mode is a convenient and low-cost way to quickly realize payment collection. The following graphic shows the relationship between Antom, merchant/ACQ, and system integrator:

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Figure 3. System integrator integration