Transaction file format
Transaction File Naming : MID_fptrade_YYYYMMDD.csv;
The single transaction file contains a list of the following fields:
No. | Field | Type | Description |
1 | Partner_transaction_id | String(64) | A numbered transaction ID(unique in partner system)it is equal to “ merchantTransId” when transaction type is in (payment, cancel); it is equal to “ merchantRefundId” when transaction type is refund |
2 | Transaction_id | String(64) | A numbered transaction ID (Unique inside the AlipayHK system) |
3 | Amount | Number(10,2) | Amount in list currency/refund amount in list currency |
4 | Fee | Number(10,2) | Commission fee |
5 | Settlement | Number(10,2) | Settlement amount in list currency. Default is null in transaction file. Please refer to same field in Settlement file. |
6 | Currency | String(3) | The currency given in the transaction request. |
7 | Payment_time | String(64) | The time of transaction; Format: MM/DD/YYYY HH:MM:SS |
8 | Settlement_time | String(64) | The time of settlement. Default is null in transaction file. Please refer to same field in Settlement file. Format: MM/DD/YYYY HH:MM:SS |
9 | Issue | String(64) | Indicator of wallet version (Blank by default) |
10 | Product | String(64) | Identifier for different Payment Scene : CASHIER_PAY: represents the IN-APP payment transaction. AGREEMENT_PAY: represents the auto debit payment transaction. |
11 | Type | String(64) | Transaction type:REFUND, CANCEL, PAYMENT. |
12 | Status | String(64) | SUCCESS |
13 | Remarks | String(256) | Remarks |
14 | original_partner_transaction_ID | String(64) | Original partner transaction ID. In the payment request, the value of this field is NULL. In the refund request, the value of this field is the same as that for the partner_transaction_ID of the original transaction in the corresponding payment request. |
File Sample
20183333333333333333333333,20181227194010800100160650009253449,3.33,,,HKD,12/27/2018 2:02,,,,PAYMENT,SUCCESS,,
20182222222222222222222222,20181227194010800100160650009253448,2.22,,,HKD,12/27/2018 1:59,,,,PAYMENT,SUCCESS,,