Alipay, China's leading third-party online payment solutionAlipay, China's leading third-party online payment solution

Online in-app payment process

AlipayHK in-app payment method can be used to pay the bill by calling the API. The following graphic shows a full in-app payment flow:


  1. User checks the payment details and pay by AlipayHK.

1.1 Transactions are created in merchant backend and the order information is collected after signature. 

1.1.1 Order information is returned after signature.

  1. The AlipayHK payment API JSAPI tradePay is called by using the returned order informaiton.

2.1 Payment request is sent to AlipayHK backend for processing.

2.1.1 Payment request is being processed.

2.1.2 AlipayHK backend sends the synchronous payment result. JSAPI returns payment result. 

  1. AlipayHK backend sends payment notice via notify_url asynchronously. 

3.1 AlipayHK receives payment response from the merchant endpoint notify_url.

  1. Synchronous payment result is returned to the seller server. The seller server checks the signature and analyzes the payment result.

4.1 The final payment result is returned.  

  1. The payment result is presented to users.