alipay.acquire.precreate (for transaction QR code payment)
Call this interface to place a pre-order without the payer identity information. Alipay returns a payment URL in the response. Payers can access the payment URL by using Alipay wallet to confirm the order and make the payment.
Service address
Environment | HTTPS request URL |
Production environment | Priority: Backup: |
Test environment | |
Request parameters
Parameter | Description |
service String | Interface name
partner String(16) | The partner ID that is assigned by Alipay to identify an Alipay account. The partner ID is composed of 16 digits and begins with 2088.
_input_charset String | The charset with which the request data are encoded. UTF-8, GBK, and GB2312 are supported.
sign_type String | Sign type. RSA, RSA2 and MD5 are supported. Use uppercase.
sign String | Sign value
notify_url String(190) | The URL for receiving asynchronous notifications after the payment is completed.
timestamp String | The time when the merchant server sends the request. The time is in GMT+8, with a format of yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss. By default, the request expires in 30 minutes.
terminal_timestamp String | The time when the terminal sends the request. The value is accurate to the millisecond.
out_trade_no String(64) | Unique order ID in the order system in corresponding merchant's website other than Alipay trade number. Uniqueness of this parameter in merchant's website shall be guaranteed. This is a parameter transmitted upon corresponding request, which shall be returned in its original shape.
subject String(256) | Brief description of the transaction. Special characters are not supported. Note: The value of this field will be displayed to customers.
product_code String(32) | Product code of the Alipay product that you use. The value is OVERSEAS_MBARCODE_PAY for oversea in-store payments.
total_fee Number(11,2) | Total amount of a transaction in trans_currency. The CNY amount the user actually pays is converted from the value of this parameter.
seller_id String(28) | Unique Alipay user ID corresponding to the seller's Alipay account, 16 digits beginning with 2088. If both sell_id and seller-email are null, the default value of this parameter is the value of merchant.
seller_email String(100) | Seller's Alipay account, in a format of email address or phone number. If seller_id is not null, the value of seller_id shall be the seller's ID and this parameter can be neglected.
body String(400) | Detailed description about the goods. Special characters are not supported. If a variety of goods exist, descriptions for each goods are included in this field.
show_url String(400) | The hyperlink for showing goods on the webpage of the checkout counter.
currency String(8) | The settlement currency that the merchant specifies in the contract. Use upper case. For more information about supported currencies, see Supported Currencies.
trans_currency String(8) | The pricing currency. Use the same value for this parameter and the currency parameter. Contact Alipay technical support if you have to use different values. Use upper case.
price Number(9,2) | Unit price of the goods in the order. If this parameter is transmitted in the request, the condition of total_fee=price×quantity must be met.
quantity String(100) | Quantity of the goods in the order. If this parameter is transmitted in the request, the condition of total_fee=price×quantity must be met.
goods_detail String | Details about the goods, which is in the format of JSON. The maximum number of goods for this field is 50. For more information, see goods_detail.
extend_params String(512) | This parameter contains extended parameters of the request, and transmits business information of the merchant. Format: JSON. For details, see extend_params
it_b_pay String(200) | Specifies the time period in which the user can complete the payment from the moment when the user scans the QR code. The trade is closed automatically once the time is up. The default value of this field is 3m. The value of this field is in the range of 1m - 15d. Notes:
passback_parameters String(256) | If this parameter was sent to Alipay by the request, Alipay will return this parameter by the asynchronous notification with the extra_common_param parameter.
trade_information String(6000) | Information about the trade industry. See trade_information for details.
qr_code_it_b_pay String(200) | Specifies the time period in which the user can complete the payment from the moment when the QR code was created. The trade is closed automatically once the time is up.The value for this field is in the range of 1m - 2h.If this parameter is specified, the Notes:
Parameter | Description |
secondary_merchant_id String | The unique ID assigned by the partner to identify a secondary merchant. The ID can contain letters, numbers, and underscores.
secondary_merchant_name String | Registration legal name of the secondary merchant, shown in the Alipay Wallet and the reconciliation file to identify a secondary merchant.
secondary_merchant_industry String(4) | Industry classification identifier of the secondary merchant, which is assigned by Alipay. For more information about the MCC code, see MCC list.
store_name String | Store name. Can be null only when the store information is verified.
store_id String | The unique ID that is assigned by the partner to identify a store of a merchant, which can contain letters, numbers, and underscores.
terminal_id String | Terminal ID
sys_service_provider_id String(32) | System service provider ID, which is used to identify the payment system provider.
Goods details parameters shall be in the format of JSON and include the following parameters:
Parameter | Description |
goodsId String | Goods ID
goodsName String | Goods name
goodsCategory String | Goods category
showUrl String | Hyperlink for the show of goods on the webpage of checkout counter.
quantity String | The quantity of goods
body String | Detailed description about the goods. Special characters are not supported.
price String | Unit price of the goods in the order
Parameter | Description |
business_type String | Business type. 5 types are supported: 1: Hotel 2: AIR 3: Overseas study consulting 4: Sales of goods 5: Others, including all the other business types that do not fall into the above 4 categories. For example, mobile data service recharge, airport pick up service, etc. If more than one type is involved, separate type values with vertical bar (|).
hotel_name String | Hotel name that consists of numbers, letters, spaces, and special characters including ,.<>()[]/\-,. If more than one hotel name exists, separate values with vertical bar (|). Specify this field only when business_type is 1 (Hotel).
check_in_time Date | Check-in time. Format: yyyy-MM-dd. Timezone: GMT +8. Specify this field only when business_type is 1 (Hotel).
check_out_time Date | Check-out time. Format: yyyy-MM-dd. Timezone: GMT +8. Specify this field only when business_type is 1 (Hotel).
flight_number String | Flight number. If flight transfer exists, separate flight numbers with vertical bar (|). Specify this field only when business_type is 2 (AIR).
departure_time Date | Departure time.Format: yyyy-MM-dd HH:mmTimezone: GMT +8. If flight transfer exists, separate time values with vertical bar (|). Specify this field only when business_type is 2 (AIR).
admission_notice_url String | If business_type is 3 (Overseas study consulting), the URL of admission notice (image) must be specified.
goods_info String | Goods information that includes SKU names and corresponding quantities, in the format of SKU_name^quantity. If more than one goods exists, separate values with vertical bar (|). Specify this field only when business_type is 4 (Sales of goods)
total_quantity Number | Total quantities of all goods in one order. Specify this field only when business_type is 4 (Sales of goods).
other_business_type String | If business_type is 5 (Others), specify the business type in details.
The decimal place accuracy of amounts, such as the values of total_fee
and price
, depends on the value of currency
. If the value of currency
, then the amount must be an integer. For example, 100 JPY. For other currencies, the amount is of two decimal place accuracy. For example, 100.00 USD. Amounts in other formats will cause error, for example, 100.999 USD.
Synchronous response
Parameter | Description |
Basic parameter | |
is_success String | Indicates whether the request succeeds or not, with a value of T for success and F for failure. Note: a successful request does not mean the business is accepted and processed successfully.
sign_type String | Sign type. RSA, RSA2 and MD5 are supported. Use uppercase.
sign String | Sign value
error String | Error code that is returned when the request is failed to describe the request failure reason. This parameter is not returned if the request succeeds. For more information, see the Error codes section in this document.
Result Code | |
result_code String(32) | Response code of the processing result of order placement and payment. For more details, see Business response code.
out_trade_no String(64) | Unique order ID in the order system in corresponding merchant's website other than Alipay trade number. Uniqueness of this parameter in merchant's website shall be guaranteed. This is a parameter transmitted upon corresponding request, which shall be returned in its original shape.
voucher_type String(10) | Voucher type, and the value is qrcode.
qr_code String(128) | Value of the QR code
big_pic_url String | URL for the QR code in the big size
pic_url String | URL for the QR code in the normal size
small_pic_url String | URL for the QR code in the small size
detail_error_code String(48) | Description of the returned response code. If the response code of result_code is SUCCESS, this parameter is not returned. For more information about the value of detail_error_code, see the Business code section.
detail_error_des String(64) | Explanation of the detailed error code. If result_code is SUCCESS, this parameter is not returned. For more information about the value of detail_error_des, see the Business code section.
The synchronous response might have more parameters due to the upgrade on the Alipay server side. You can ignore parameters that are not included in this API document.
Asynchronous response
Parameter | Description |
Basic parameter | |
notify_time Timestamp | The time when the notification is sent. The time format is yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss
notify_type String | Notification type
notify_id String | Notification ID, used by the partner system to verify the notification
sign_type String | Sign type. RSA, RSA2 and MD5 are supported. Use uppercase.
sign String | Sign value
notify_action_type String | Notification action type. The value can be one of the following items:
Business parameter | |
out_trade_no String | Unique order ID in the order system in corresponding merchant's website other than Alipay trade number. Uniqueness of this parameter in merchant's website shall be guaranteed. This is a parameter transmitted upon corresponding request, which shall be returned in its original shape.
subject String(256) | Brief description of the transaction.This parameter is in the first column of Alipay trade details and is important for account checking. This parameter is transmitted by the corresponding request and needs to be returned with its original value.
trade_no String | The serial number of the trade in Alipay system. The length is in the range of 16 - 64.
trade_status String | Transaction status. See Trade status for details.
gmt_create Date | The time when the trade transaction is created. Format: yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss. Use GMT+8.
gmt_payment Date | The time when the payment is completed. Format: yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss. Use GMT+8.
seller_email String | Alipay ID of the seller, with a format of email address or phone number
buyer_email String | Buyer's Alipay ID, which can be an email address or phone number.
seller_id String | Seller's unique Alipay user ID, consists of 16 digits and begins with 2088.
buyer_id String | Buyer's unique Alipay user ID, consists of 16 digits and begins with 2088.
price Number | Goods price. This parameter is transmitted by the corresponding request and needs to be returned with its original value.
quantity Number | The quantity of goods. This parameter is transmitted by the corresponding request and needs to be returned with its original value.
total_fee Number(11,2) | Total transaction amount in CNY, converted from the value of total_fee in the request
body String | Detailed description about the goods. This parameter is transmitted by the corresponding request and needs to be returned with its original value.
refund_fee Number | The refund amount. The unit is Yuan.
paytools_pay_amount String | Payment amount information of all successful payments in various channels.
extra_common_param String | This parameter is returned with the value of passback_parameters in the corresponding request.
m_discount_forex_amount Number | If coupons/vouchers are used in the transaction, the discount amount redeemed in the settlement currency will be returned. Otherwise, no return.
Parameter | Description |
ALIPAYACCOUNT String | The money amount paid by the balance of Alipay account. The unit is Yuan.
MCARD String | The money amount paid by the merchant's prepaid card. The unit is Yuan.
MDISCOUNT String | The money amount paid by the merchant's discount coupon. The unit is Yuan.
TMPOINT String | The money amount paid by the Tmall points. The unit is Yuan.
COUPON String | The money amount paid by coupons. The unit is Yuan.
POINT String | The money amount paid by points. The unit is Yuan.
DISCOUNT String | The money amount paid by the discount. The unit is Yuan.
BANKCARD String | The money amount paid by the money fund. The unit is Yuan.
MONEYFUND String | The money amount paid by the money fund. The unit is Yuan.
BAITIAO String | The money amount paid by BAITIAO. The unit is Yuan. Example:1.23 |
PCARD String | The money amount paid by the Alipay card. The unit is Yuan.
PCREDIT String | The money amount paid by the consumption credit card. The unit is Yuan.
MCOUPON String | The money amount paid by the merchants issued coupons. The unit is Yuan.
Error codes
Business response code
Response code | Description |
SUCCESS | The order succeeds. |
FAIL | The order fails. |
Business code
Error code | Description |
SYSTEM_ERROR | Alipay system is currently not available. Action: Retry this request with the exact parameters. |
CONTEXT_INCONSISTENT | You were retrying a request identified by the same out_trade_no, but not all other request parameters were the same. Action: Retry this request with the exact parameters or with a new out_trade_no. |
TRADE_HAS_SUCCESS | The payment of trade has been made successfully. Action: Mark this transaction as paid in your merchant system. |
TRADE_HAS_CLOSE | The trade has expired. Action: Start a new transaction. |
TRADE_HAS_FINISHED | The trade has been finished. Action: Start a new transaction. |
REASON_ILLEGAL_STATUS | The trade status is illegal. Action: Start a new transaction. |
EXIST_FORBIDDEN_WORD | Forbidden words are included in the order information. Action: Delete concerning words. |
ACCESS_FORBIDDEN | Has no right to use the product. Action: Make sure your agreement with Alipay is still valid. |
SELLER_NOT_EXIST | The seller does not exist. Action: Check the seller parameter value. |
SELLER_BEEN_BLOCKED | The seller's account has been frozen. Action: Contact Alipay tech support for help. |
INVALID_PARAMETER | Parameter error. Action: Check the standard of each request parameter according to the API specification |
CURRENCY_NOT_SUPPORT | This currency is not supported. Action: Check the value of parameter currency. |
RESTRICTED_MERCHANT_INDUSTRY | The transaction value cannot be greater than 5000 US dollars. Action: Check the value of secondary_merchant_industry and contact Alipay technical support if needed. |
PRODUCT_AMOUNT_LIMIT_ERROR | The transaction amount exceeded the limit. Action: Users can use the other payment method such as cash or the credit card. |
EXCHANGE_AMOUNT_OR_CURRENCY_ERROR | The exchange amount or currency is incorrect. Action: Contact Alipay technical support for help. |
ILLEGAL_MERCHANT_INDUSTRY | Illegal MCC format. Action: Ensure that the value of secondary_merchant_industry to be defined in the MCC. |
FORBIDDEN_MERCHANT_INDUSTRY | This transaction type is not allowed. Action: Check the value of secondary_merchant_industry and contact Alipay technical support if needed. |
INVALID_RECEIVE_ACCOUNT | The seller is not in the payee list. Action: Contact Alipay technical support for help. |
SECONDARY_MERCHANT_ID_BLANK | The secondary merchant ID is not provided to Alipay. Action: Send the secondary merchant ID to Alipay. |
SECONDARY_MERCHANT_ID_INVALID | The secondary merchant is not registered with Alipay. Action: Check whether the provided secondary merchant ID is correct and whether the secondary merchant is registered with Alipay. If the secondary merchant is not registered with Alipay, register the secondary merchant with Alipay immediately. |
STORE_NOT_MATCH | The secondary merchant is not registered with Alipay. Action: Check whether the provided store ID is correct and whether the secondary merchant is registered with Alipay. If the secondary merchant is not registered with Alipay, register the secondary merchant with Alipay immediately. |
SECONDARY_MERCHANT_STATUS_ERROR | The status of secondary merchant is abnormal in the Alipay system. Action: Contact Alipay Business Support by sending an email to |
Access code
Error code | Description |
ILLEGAL_SIGN | Illegal signature. Action: Use a legal signature and try again. |
INVALID_PARAMETER | Parameter error. Action: Check each request parameter according to the API specification. |
ILLEGAL_ARGUMENT | Parameter error. Action: Check each request parameter according to the API specification. Contact Alipay technical support if this error persists |
ILLEGAL_PARTNER | Incorrect partner ID. Action: Ensure that the value of partner parameter matches the partner value provided by Alipay. Contact Alipay technical support if this error persists. |
ILLEGAL_EXTERFACE | Interface configure error. Action: Ensure that the service parameter has the same value with the one in API specification. Contact Alipay technical support if this error persists. |
ILLEGAL_PARTNER_EXTERFACE | The partner ID does not have access privilege.Action: Ensure that your agreement with Alipay has been finalized. Contact Alipay technical support if needed. |
ILLEGAL_SIGN_TYPE | Illegal sign type. Action: Ensure that the value of sign_type is among MD5,RSA and RSA2. Contact Alipay technical support if this error persists. |
HAS_NO_PRIVILEGE | Has no privilege. Action: Contact Alipay technical support. |
ILLEGAL_EXTERFACE_FOR_CA_VERIFY | The interface is not allowed to use Certificate Verification Service. Action: Contact Alipay technical support for help. |
ILLEGAL_CERT_IS_OVERDUE | Certificate verification is failed due to the expired certificate. Action: Check the status of your certificate. |
ILLEGAL_CA_SIGN | Certificate verification is failed. Action: Check the status of your certificate. |
SECONDARY_MERCHANT_ID_BLANK | The secondary merchant ID is not provided to Alipay. Action: Send the secondary merchant ID to Alipay. |
SECONDARY_MERCHANT_ID_INVALID | The secondary merchant is not registered with Alipay. Action: Check whether the provided secondary merchant ID is correct and whether the secondary merchant is registered with Alipay. If the secondary merchant is not registered with Alipay, register the secondary merchant with Alipay immediately. |
STORE_NOT_MATCH | The secondary merchant is not registered with Alipay. Action: Check whether the provided store ID is correct and whether the secondary merchant is registered with Alipay. If the secondary merchant is not registered with Alipay, register the secondary merchant with Alipay immediately. |
SECONDARY_MERCHANT_STATUS_ERROR | The status of secondary merchant is abnormal in the Alipay system. Action: Contact Alipay Business Support by sending an email to |
Trade status
Enumeration name | Description |
WAIT_BUYER_PAY | The trade has been established and is waiting for the buyer to make payment. |
TRADE_CLOSED | The trade is closed because the payment has not been completed within specified time or the payment has been fully returned when the trade completes. |
TRADE_SUCCESS | The trade succeeds and is operable, such as multi-level royalty distribution, or refund. |
TRADE_FINISHED | The trade succeeds and is completed, and is not operable. |
Handling result
Case 1. When the invocation is failed due to network issue or request timeout, no response is returned from Alipay. Take the following actions:
- Check your network connectivity to Alipay gateway. Retry (every 3 seconds, up to 5 times.) this request with correct parameters until you get a response from Alipay.
- If you still cannot get any response from Alipay, contact Alipay technical support for help.
Case 2. If you received the response from Alipay, but one of the following results is returned:
- is_success=F and error=SYSTEM_ERROR
- is_success=T, result_code=FAIL, and detail_error_code=SYSTEM_ERROR
Take the following actions:
- Retry (every 3 seconds, up to 5 times.) this request with correct parameters until you get a response from Alipay.
- If you still cannot get any response from Alipay, contact Alipay technical support for help.
Case 3. If you received the response from Alipay, and is_success=T and result_code=SUCCESS, continue the business process by rendering the QR code
Case 4. If you received the response from Alipay, and one of the following results is returned:
- is_success=F and error=!SYSTEM_ERROR
- is_success=T and result_code=FAIL and detail_error_code!=SYSTEM_ERROR.
The merchant failed to create the order. You must refer to the specific error code for instructions.
Pseudo code
if(isCase3){ //CASE 3
else if(isCase4){ //CASE 4
else{ //CASE 2
retrySuccess = retryWithSameParameters(); //Retry every 3 seconds, up to 5 times.
// request Alipay tech support.
}catch (Exception ex){ // CASE 1
retrySuccess = retryWithSameParameters(); //Retry every 3 seconds, up to 5 times.
// request Alipay tech support.
Synchronous response
Business is accepted and processed normally, and acquiring is created successfully:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<param name="extend_params">
{"secondary_merchant_id":"1314520","secondary_merchant_name":"Mika's coffee shop","secondary_merchant_industry":"5499","store_name":"Mika's coffee shop","store_id":"1993"}
<param name="_input_charset">UTF-8</param>
<param name="subject">Mika's coffee shop</param>
<param name="sign">69f16345d886f551d2e48351d0a64f21</param>
<param name="product_code">OVERSEAS_MBARCODE_PAY</param>
<param name="trans_currency">USD</param>
<param name="out_trade_no">out_trade_no_20190904_163941</param>
<param name="partner">208xxxxxxxxx8155</param>
<param name="service">alipay.acquire.precreate</param>
<param name="total_fee">0.01</param>
<param name="currency">USD</param>
<param name="sign_type">MD5</param>
<param name="seller_id">208xxxxxxxxx8155</param>
Request succeeds, but the business processing fails:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<param name="body">face-to-face-payment</param>
<param name="subject">iphone</param>
<param name="sign_type">MD5</param>
<param name="out_trade_no">99003911198989</param>
<param name="total_fee">10</param>
<param name="partner">2088101106499364</param>
<param name="quantity">10</param>
<param name="sign">a1cb41a4019351965d4418c9cb933f0f</param>
<param name="_input_charset">UTF-8</param>
<param name="price">1</param>
<param name="it_b_pay">1d</param>
<param name="product_code">OVERSEAS_MBARCODE_PAY</param>
<param name="service">alipay.acquire.precreate</param>
<param name="seller_id">2088101106499364</param>
<detail_error_des>request paramter invalid</detail_error_des>
Request fails or the data accessed are incorrect:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
Asynchronous sample
subject=Mika's coffee shop
gmt_create=2019-09-11 19:22:52
notify_time=2019-09-11 19:22:56
gmt_payment=2019-09-11 19:22:56