Mobile SDK integration guide
To secure your digital wallet from unauthenticated transactions, DWS provides a mobile security SDK that generates the device fingerprint (DFP) for each client device. This document illustrates the general procedure of how to integrate the security SDK into your Android/iOS application.
Before you start
Before you start with the integration guide, make sure you complete the following steps:
- Read through the DWS introduction and understand the overall integration process.
- Get familiar with the basic concepts used in this documentation.
Terminology / Concept | Description |
APDID | Ant product device ID |
appName | The identifier of your application, check with Alipay before integration |
bizToken | Business token, provided by Alipay |
Device Fingerprint (DFP) | A core identity that associates devices with risk control data |
envMode | Current environment mode |
Gateway | RPC server gateway address |
tid | An optional value, its value is an empty string in most cases. |
userId | An optional value, its value is an empty string in most cases. |
workspaceId | An optional value, its value is an empty string in most cases. |
- Make sure you have obtained the following information/libraries from Alipay:
- Gateway address, bizToken, and appName that are specific to your application
- Security SDK libraries for Android/iOS based on your mobile app type
In the following code samples, expressions that are wrapped with "<>" are to be replaced with the actual values.
General procedure for Android
1. Add dependency for SDK
After you have received the security SDK libraries, add the .AAR files to your app/libs
folder and add the corresponding dependencies in the app/build.gradle
file as shown below:
dependencies {
implementation(name: 'apsecurity-oversea-sdk', ext: 'aar')
implementation(name: 'apsecuritysdk-adapter-oversea-sdk', ext: 'aar')
2. Code obfuscation configuration
The security SDK itself has obfuscated the code. In order to ensure the RPC and native modules work properly, you need to add the following configuration when opening the ProGuard obfuscation configuration in release versions:
#Reserved attribute
-keepattributes InnerClasses, *Annotation*, Signature, SourceFile, LineNumberTable
#user-defined class
-keep class** { *; }
3. Repository setting
Include the following repositories in your project-level repository settings:
repositories {
maven {
url ''
flatDir {
dirs './app/libs'
4. User permission
For the SDK to obtain the related device information, you need to add the following user permissions to AndroidManifest.xml
and request for permissions dynamically:
<uses-permission android:name="android.permission.INTERNET"/>
<uses-permission android:name="android.permission.ACCESS_NETWORK_STATE"/>
<uses-permission android:name="android.permission.ACCESS_FINE_LOCATION"/>
<uses-permission android:name="android.permission.READ_PHONE_STATE"/>
<uses-permission android:name="android.permission.ACCESS_WIFI_STATE"/>
<uses-permission android:name="android.permission.BLUETOOTH"/>
<uses-permission android:name="android.permission.WRITE_EXTERNAL_STORAGE"/>
5. Apache HTTP support
The security SDK requires support for Apache HTTP Client during configuration. Since Android 6.0 release removed support for the Apache HTTP Client, the following declaration must be made in AndroidManifest.xml
and build.gradle
<uses-library android:name="org.apache.http.legacy" android:required="false"/>
android {
useLibrary 'org.apache.http.legacy'
SDK instantiation and configuration
The following methods in
package is used to instantiate and configure an APSecuritySdk instance.
// Step 1. instantiate an APSecuritySdk instance
* @return APSecuritySdk instance
public static APSecuritySdk getInstance();
// Step 2. set configuration for the APSecuritySdk instance
* @param tConfiguration RPC configuration
* @return APSecuritySdk instance
public APSecuritySdk configuration(Configuration tConfiguration);
// Step 3. initiate the instance
* @param context Application context
* @param appName App's identifier
* @param bizToken Business token
* @return
public synchronized void init(Context context, String appName, String bizToken);
The Configuration
object used in Step 2 can be created with the following API from
* @param gateway RPC Network Gateway
* @param envMode Environment Mode
* @param headers RPC header
* @param needUmid Whether umid is required
* @param secret Data encryption type, can be set to "1"
* @return configuration
public static Configuration createConfiguration(String gateway, int envMode, Map<String, String> headers, boolean needUmid, String secret)
// Below are the available values for envMode
public static final int ENV_MODE_ONLINE;
public static final int ENV_MODE_PRE;
public static final int ENV_MODE_SIT;
public static final int ENV_MODE_DAILY;
public static final int ENV_MODE_DEV;
Code sample
// 1. Import the required packages
// 2. Define RPC headers
Map<String, String> headers = new HashMap<>();
headers.put("workspaceid", ""); // You can pass in empty String in most cases
headers.put("appid", ""); // You can pass in empty String in most cases
// 3. Instantiate and configure a APSecuritySdk instance
.configuration(Configuration.createConfiguration("<gateway>", Configuration.ENV_MODE_ONLINE, headers, false, "1"))
.init(getApplicationContext(), "<appname>", "<biztoken>");
Asynchronous token initialization
After the instantiation, it is ready to initiate the APDID token, for example, the DFP of the device. The initiation process is asynchronous and only needs to be invoked once during the entire app lifecycle.
* @param appName App name
* @param inputParams Init params
* @param listener Callback listener
public static void initToken(String appName, Map<String, String> inputParams, final InitResultListener listener);
The InitResultListener
callback is defined as below:
public interface InitResultListener {
* @param TokenResult token
* @param msg
void onResult(Boolean success, TokenResult tokenResult, String msg);
The TokenResult
includes the following fields:
public class TokenResult {
public String apdidToken; // Apdidtoken
public String clientKey;
public String apdid;
public String umidToken;
Code sample
// 1. Import the required package
// 2. Define the input parameters for initiation
Map<String,String> inputParams = new HashMap<String,String>();
inputParams.put("tid", ""); // You can pass in empty String in most cases
inputParams.put("userId", ""); // You can pass in empty String in most cases
// 3. Initiate the token with callback listener
APDID.initToken("<appname>", inputParams, new InitResultListener() {
public void onResult(Boolean success, TokenResult tokenResult, String msg) {
if (success && tokenResult != null) {
String apdidToken = tokenResult.apdidToken;
Apdid token retrieval
After the token initiation is done, you can synchronously retrieve the token whenever and wherever is needed. The following API is used to retrieve the local token:
* @param appName App name
* @return token result
public static TokenResult getTokenResult(String appName)
Code sample
// 1. Import the required package
// 2. Retrieve TokenResult
TokenResult *result = APDID.getTokenResult("<appname>");
String apdidToken = result.apdidToken;
Overall code sample
// 1. Import the required package
// 2. Instantiate and configure an APSecuritySdk instance
Map<String, String> headers = new HashMap<>();
headers.put("workspaceid", "");
headers.put("appid", "");
.configuration(Configuration.createConfiguration("<gateway>", ENV_MODE_ONLINE, headers, false, "1"))
.init(getApplicationContext(), "<appname>", "<biztoken>");
// 3. Initiate the token with callback listener
Map<String,String> inputParams = new HashMap<String,String>();
inputParams.put("tid", "<tid>"); // If not available, pass in empty String
inputParams.put("userId", "<userid>"); // If not available, pass in empty String
APDID.initToken("<appname>", inputParams, new InitResultListener() {
public void onResult(Boolean success, TokenResult tokenResult, String msg) {
if (success && tokenResult != null) {
String apdidToken = tokenResult.apdidToken;
/*...your code...*/
// 4. Retrieve the token result synchronously wherever needed
TokenResult *result = APDID.getTokenResult("<appname>");
String apdidToken = result.apdidToken;
After you complete the integration steps above, your application can obtain the TokenResult
object and retrieve the apdidToken
value. In normal cases, apdidToken
is a String of length 56. If not, please check the device's network and proxy, and make sure the network is working properly. You may approach our support if the problem persists.
General procedure for iOS
1. Add dependency for SDK
After you have received the security SDK libraries, add the framework files to your project target.
2. Add system library dependency
Add the following frameworks/libraries to your project:
- Foundation
- CoreLocation
- CoreMotion
- CoreTelephony
- libc++.dylib
- libz.dylib
- SystemConfiguration
SDK configuration
The following methods in APPSecuritySDKCore/APSecureSdk.h
library are used to initiate and configure an APSecuritySdk instance.
* @param config RPC configuration
* @param bizToken Business token
* @param appName App's identifier
* @return
- (void)initWithRpcConfiguration:(NSDictionary *) config bizToken: (NSString *) bizToken appName:(NSString *)appName;
The config
parameter above is of Dictionary type and consists of 3 key-value pairs. Defined keys are as follows:
Key | Required | Description |
ASS_RPC_GATEWAY_ADDR | Yes | RPC server gateway address |
ASS_RPC_WORKSPACEID | Yes | workspaceid in rpc header |
ASS_RPC_APPID | Yes | appid in rpc header |
Code sample
// 1. Import the APSecureSdk library
#import <APPSecuritySDKCore/APSecureSdk.h>
// 2. Define the RPC configuration
NSDictionary* rpcParams = @{ASS_RPC_GATEWAY_ADDR:@"<gateway>",
// 3. Initiate APSecureSdk with defined configuration
[[APSecureSdk sharedInstance] initWithRpcConfiguration:rpcParams bizToken:@"<biztoken>" appName:@"<appname>"];
Asynchronous token initialization
The initToken
method in the APDID.h
library is used to initiate the device token. The initiation process is asynchronous and only needs to be invoked once during the entire app lifecycle.
* @param appName App's identifier
* @param params Environment configuration
* @param callback Callback listener
* @return
+ (void) initToken:(NSString*)appName params:(NSDictionary*)params callback:(ASSSecureSdkCallback)callback;
The params
parameter above is of Dictionary type and consists of 3 key-value pairs. Defined keys are as follows:
Key | Required | Description | Defined values |
ASS_ENVIRONMENT | Yes | Current environment mode | ASS_ENVIRONMENT_ONLINE |
ASS_TID | No | tid | Empty string "" if not available |
ASS_USERID | No | user ID | Empty string "" if not available |
The callback listener TokenResultListener
can be instantiated with the following interface:
typedef void(^ASSSecureSdkCallback)(ASSTokenResult* result, NSString* error);
The ASSTokenResult
includes the following fields:
@interface ASSTokenResult : NSObject
@property (nonatomic, strong) NSString* vkeyidToken; // The APDID token
@property (nonatomic, strong) NSString* clientKey;
@property (nonatomic, strong) NSString* umidToken;
@property (nonatomic, strong) NSString* vkeyid;
Code sample
// 1. Import the APDID library
#import <APPSecuritySDKCore/APDID.h>
// 2. Assign environment mode
// 3. Initiate the DeviceToken with callback method
[APDID initToken:@"<appname>" params:params callback:^(ASSTokenResult *result, NSString* error) {
NSLog(@"token:%@", result.vkeyidToken);
Device token retrieval
After the token initiation is done, you can synchronously retrieve the token whenever and wherever is needed. The following API is used to retrieve the local token:
* @param appName App's identifier
* @return tokenResult Token result
+ (ASSTokenResult*)getTokenResult:(NSString*)appName ;
Code sample
// 1. Import the APDID library
#import <APPSecuritySDKCore/APDID.h>
// 2. Retrieve TokenResult
ASSTokenResult *result = [APDID getTokenResult:@"<appname>"];
Overall code sample
The following code snippet demonstrates a complete sample of token initialization and retrieval.
// 1. Import the required libraries
#import <APPSecuritySDKCore/APSecureSdk.h>
#import <APPSecuritySDKCore/APDID.h>
// 2. Define RPC configuration and initiate the APSecureSdk instance
NSDictionary* rpcParams = @{ASS_RPC_GATEWAY_ADDR:@"<gateway>",
[[APSecureSdk sharedInstance] initWithRpcConfiguration:rpcParams bizToken:@"<biztoken>" appName:@"<appname>"];
// 3. Define environment configuration and initiate the token
ASS_TID:@"", // If not available, pass in empty String
ASS_USERID:@"" // If not available, pass in empty String
[APDID initToken:@"<appname>" params:params callback:^(ASSTokenResult *result, NSString* error) {
/*...your code...*/
// 4. Retrieve the token result synchronously wherever needed
ASSTokenResult *tokenResult = [APDID getTokenResult:@"<appname>"];
After you complete the integration steps above, your application can obtain the TokenResult
object and retrieve the apdidToken
value. In normal cases, apdidToken
is a String of length 56. If not, please check the device's network and proxy, and make sure the network is working properly. You may approach our support if the problem persists.