Alipay, China's leading third-party online payment solutionAlipay, China's leading third-party online payment solution

Merchant processing notes

After Alipay completes the processing, it will feed back the data to the merchant' website in the form of XML synchronizing return data. A merchant can use the programming methods to simulate http requesting the remote parsing of XML to obtain the processed result data, and increase the business logic processing programs for users. In this case, the merchants must determine whether there is the same processing has been made to the result data of this time in the merchant's website. Without judgment, there exist potential risks, then the merchant will hear all the losses thus generated.


As part of the customs have restrictions to the length of out_trade_no (for example, the Ningbo Customs require the length of out_trade_no not exceeding 50), so the merchant needs to ensure the length of out_trade_no (the unique order umber in merchant's website)in the transaction to be declared not exceeding the corresponding customs restrictions;

When the merchant directly passes the declaration data to the customs, he needs to provide the out_trade_no (the unique order number in merchant's website) of declaration transaction to the customs, in order the customs can successfully match the same transaction of Alipay declaration.