Alipay, China's leading third-party online payment solutionAlipay, China's leading third-party online payment solution

Go live

Before proceeding to the production environment, you must complete the test in the sandbox environment and successfully pass the testing and acceptance process.


Contact the Antom technical support team to release the application if the following preconditions are met:

  • Complete the acceptance testing.
  • Complete the onboarding process.
  • Complete the signing of related contracts.

Go live

When you are ready to go live, you need to:

  1. Configure production environment 

Similar to the sandbox environment configuration, complete the production system set up by changing the following items:

    • Public key
    • Certificates
    • Endpoints
    • File exchange settings
    • Gateway
    • Client-Id
  1. Launch your application

Launch your application with the Alipay Developer integration platform so that the Client ID is activated for the production environment.

  1. Deploy to production 

In the production environment, the processes of calling APIs, handling notifications, and processing reconciliation files are the same as those in the sandbox development environment.


Follow the checklist below to ensure that you have completed the core steps for going live:


Set up live keys

Update gateway endpoints

Configure the gateway URLs

Use the production client ID

Launch your application. The live key and gateway settings are activated now.

  1. Perform a real transaction with a real wallet account or bank card.
  2. Confirm the notification.

Verify settlement and reconciliation files.

More information

User-presented mode payment introduction

Settlement and reconciliation