Alipay, China's leading third-party online payment solutionAlipay, China's leading third-party online payment solution

Product flow

As the customer of the Third-party Merchant QR Code payment solution, you need first scan the QR code that is displaying in the merchant’s cashier counter. Subsequently, you need to input the amount and password respectively to complete the payment, as illustrated in Figure 1 (Note that the customer needs to be connected with the Internet).

Product flow

Prerequisite: An Alipay partner allocates a QR code to the merchant, and then the merchant collect the QR Code and post it in the cashier counter.

  1. A user approaches the cashier, and then opens Alipay to scan the QR code to do the payment.
  2. The partner renders the H5 payment page.
  3. The user enters the payment amount then submits to pay.
  4. The partner sends a request to Alipay to create the payment transaction.
  5. The user confirms to do the payment.
  6. After the payment succeeds, Alipay notifies the user and partner of the successful payment result separately. The partner then further sends the result to the merchant through its own channel.