How to test Alipay+ payment methods
The test wallet app can simulate Alipay+ payment methods to complete payment or vaulting process on both desktop and mobile devices. Follow the steps below to ensure a successful payment or vaulting process.
Call the pay API in the sandbox to obtain the payment or vaulting continuation URL.
For desktop devices
On desktop devices, you can simulate the payment or vaulting process using the following two methods:
Scan the code
If the URL shows a QR code, select the corresponding payment method you want to test in the test wallet app, and scan the code to complete the payment or vaulting process.
For Checkout Payment
See the flowchart below for the Checkout Payment process.
For Auto Debit
See the flowchart below for the Auto debit process.
Login with account and password
If the URL shows an account password page, enter any value and click Confirm to complete the payment or vaulting process.
For mobile devices
For mobile devices, you need to download the test wallet app first. If the app is not installed, the payment continuation URL will redirect you to download it.
The test wallet has been installed
If you have installed the test wallet app, the payment continuation URL redirects you to the app or the login page.
The test wallet has not been installed
If you have not installed the test wallet app, the payment continuation URL redirects you to download the app or to the login page.
Redirect to download the test wallet app.
Redirect to the login page.
For more details about the test wallet, refer to Test wallet.