Auto-debit sign interface --
Service address
Environment | HTTPS request URL |
Production environment | |
Test environment |
Request parameters
Parameter | Type (length) | Description | Required | Example |
Basic parameter | ||||
service | String | Service Name | Y | |
partner | String(16) | Partner ID that is composed of 16 digits beginning with 2088. | Y | 2088001159940003 |
_input_charset | String | The charset with which the request data is encoded. UTF-8 is supported. | N | UTF-8 |
sign_type | String | Sign type. DSA, RSA, and MD5 are supported. Use uppercase. | Y | RSA |
sign | String | Sign value | Y | e5815a4556db338ed237f7d3fd222184 |
return_url | String(200) | After the payment is completed, the result is sent to this URL through URL redirect. | N | |
notify_url | String(200) | The URL for receiving asynchronous notifications after the payment is completed. | N | |
Business parameter | ||||
product_code | String(64) | The code that identifies a payment solution signed between Alipay and the user. | Y | GENERAL_WITHHOLDING_P |
access_info | String | Access channel info. Please refer the detailed information. | Y | {"channel":"PC"} |
scene | String(64) | The code for specific scenario, identifying a business case which agreed between Alipay and the merchant. If leave blank, the default value is DEFAULT|DEFAULT. | Y | INDUSTRY|MEDICAL |
sign_validity_period | String(8) | Valid period of the agreement. Integer with time unit. Currently, only d: days and m: months are supported. If leave blank, no expeiration date | N | 2m |
external_sign_no | String(32) | The agreement number in the merchant’s system. It should be unique. | Y | e8qdwl9caset5zugii2r7q0k8ikopxor32 |
agreement_detail | String | Agreement detail. In json formation, please refer the detailed introduction. | N | {"payToolSummaryDetails":[{"payToolSummary":"COUPON_DC_COUPON_DEFAULT","extInfo":null},{"payToolSummary":"BANKCARD_CC_EXPRESS_DEFAULT","extInfo":null},{"payToolSummary":"BANKCARD_CC_CARTOON_DEFAULT","extInfo":null}]} |
prod_properties | String | Agreement product properties, in json formation. Please refer the detailed introduction | N | {"AuthBizInfo":{"platform":"TMALLHK_BAIL"}} |
external_user_id | String | User id in the merchant’s system. Used to be shown at the signing page | N | abbbc |
zm_auth_info | String | Sesame credit authorization info. In JSON formation, please refer the detailed introduction | N | {"buckleAppId":"1000011","buckleMerchantId":"268820000021172633575"} |
third_party_type | String(32) | Type of the third party who signs the agreement with Alipay and Alipay user. Default value is PARTNER | Y | PARTNER |
sales_product_code | String(64) | The code that identifies a payment solution signed between Alipay and the user. | Y | For overseas auto-debit it is mandatory to use FOREX_GENERAL_WITHHOLDING . Optional to China Autodebit GENERAL_WITHHOLDING |
Parameter | Type (length) | Description | Required | Example |
channel | String | The user access channel: ALIPAYAPP: Alipay Wallet PC: PC browser WAP: WAP mobile browser | Y | PC |
Parameter | Type (length) | Description | Required | Example |
payToolSummaryDetails | List of payment tools, in JSON | Service name | N | [{"payToolSummary":"COUPON_DC_COUPON_DEFAULT","extInfo":null},{"payToolSummary":"BANKCARD_CC_EXPRESS_DEFAULT","extInfo":null},{"payToolSummary":"BANKCARD_CC_CARTOON_DEFAULT","extInfo":null}] |
payToolSummary | Payment tool, in JSON | Name of payment tools. Supports tools that are listed separately. | N | BANKCARD_CC_EXPRESS_DEFAULT |
extInfo | extended info, in JSON | Used for Partner’s specific business information. | N | {"key1":"value1","key2":"value2"} |
Parameter | Type (length) | Description | Required | Example |
AuthBizInfo | String | Authorization business info | N | {"platform":"TMALLHK_BAIL"} |
Parameter | Type (length) | Description | Required | Example |
buckleAppId | String | Merchant AppId in Sesame Credit System | Y | 1000011 |
buckleMerchantId | String | Merchant Id in Sesame Credit System | Y | 268820000021172633575 |
Synchronous response
Parameter | Type (length) | Description | Required | Example |
Basic parameter | ||||
is_success | String | It the request is success at gateway level. It doesn’t mean the business is success. T: success F: failure | Y | T |
sign_type | String | Sign type. DSA and RSA are supported. Use uppercase. | Y | RSA |
sign | String | Sign value | Y | 59c7275cf3c82f038b7c0076f9888926 |
_input_charset | String | The charset with which the request data is encoded. UTF-8 is supported. | N | utf-8 |
Business parameter | ||||
agreement_no | String | Agreement number generated by Alipay. | Y | 20141020000353099885 |
product_code | String | The code that identifies a payment solution signed between Alipay and the user. | Y | GENERAL_WITHHOLDING_P |
scene | String | The scene code of the payment agreement. | Y | INDUSTRY|MEDICAL |
status | String | Status of the agreement. TEMP: Temporary recorded, never activated NORMAL: Normal status STOP: Stopped | Y | NORMAL |
sign_time | String | The actual signing time of the agreement, in Beijing time. Format: yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss | Y | 2014-10-20 11:49:19 |
sign_modify_time | String | The last modification time of the agreement, in Beijing time. Format: yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss | Y | 2014-10-20 11:49:19 |
valid_time | String | The actual valid time of the agreement, in Beijing time. Format: yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss | Y | 2014-10-20 11:49:19 |
invalid_time | String | The expiration time of the agreement, in Beijing time. Format: yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss | Y | 2014-12-20 11:49:19 |
alipay_user_id | String | Alipay user id. 16 digits number start with 2088 | Y | 2088102145412262 |
external_sign_no | String | The agreement number in the merchant’s system. It should be unique. | Y | e8qdwl9caset5zugii2r7q0k8ikopxor32 |
zm_open_id | String | User’s Sesame Credit open id. Used by the merchant to check the Sesame credit score | N | 268816057852461313538942792 |
alipay_logon_id | String | User's Alipay email or mobile phone registration number | N | 13654872598 |
Asynchronous response
Error codes
Access errors
Error code | Description |
SYSTEM_ERROR | System error. |
SESSION_TIMEOUT | Session timeout. |
ILLEGAL_TARGET_SERVICE | The signature fails the verification. |
ILLEGAL_ACCESS_SWITCH_SYSTEM | The signature method is unsupported. |
ILLEGAL_SWITCH_SYSTEM | Target service is illegal. |
EXTERFACE_IS_CLOSED | The interface name is invalid. |
Business errors
Error code | Description |
AGREEMENT_DETAIL_CONFILCT_ERROR | The agreement detail is different from agreement detail in system. |
USER_REALNAME_STAUTS_ERROR | User’s realname validation status error. |
MERCHANT_AGREEMENT_ERROR | Merchant partner’s agreement error. |
USER_MOBILE_NOT_MATCH_ERROR | The provided mobile number is inconsistent with the user’s mobile number. |
BUSINESS_NOT_SUPPORTED_ERROR | The business case is not supported. |
PAY_TOOL_INFO_ERROR | Payment tool information error. |
USER_NOT_EXSIT_ERROR | User does not exist. |
ERROR_RISK_ACCOUNT_FROZEN | Risk error, the user account is frozen. |
ERROR_RISK_ACCOUNT_NOT_BIND_MOBILE | Risk error, the user account is not bind to a mobile device. |
ERROR_RISK_ACCOUNT_STEAL | Risk error, the user account is stolen. |
ERROR_RISK_TWO_PASSWORD_SAME | Risk error, the user’s Alipay logon password and payment password are same. |
ERROR_RISK_BATCH_REGISTER | Risk error, the user is created in a batch job. |
ERROR_RISK_BATCH_CERTIFIED | Risk error, the user is certified in a batch job. |
ERROR_RISK_BLANCE_PAY_CLOSE | Risk error, user’s balance payment is closed. |
ERROR_RISK_CTU_REFUSE | Risk error, CTU (Alipay Online Risk Engine) rejects the request. |
ILLEGAL_ARGUMENT | Illegal argument. |
ILLEGAL_SIGN | Illegal sign. |
ILLEGAL_DYN_MD5_KEY | Dynamic MD5 key is illegal. |
ILLEGAL_ENCRYPT | Illegal encrypt. |
ILLEGAL_SERVICE | Wrong service. |
ILLEGAL_USER | Wrong user id. |
ILLEGAL_PARTNER | Wrong partner id. |
ILLEGAL_EXTERFACE | Illegal external interface config. |
ILLEGAL_PARTNER_EXTERFACE | Illegal partner external interface config. |
ILLEGAL_SECURITY_PROFILE | Illegal security profile. |
ILLEGAL_SIGN_TYPE | Illegal sign type. |
ILLEGAL_CHARSET | Illegal charset. |
ILLEGAL_CLIENT_IP | Client IP has no access permission. |
HAS_NO_PRIVILEGE | Has no privilege. |
ILLEGAL_DIGEST_TYPE | Illegal digest type. |
ILLEGAL_ENCODING | Illegal encoding. |
ILLEGAL_SYSTEM | Illegal system. |
ILLEGAL_REQUEST_REFERER | Illegal request referrer. Used for phising attack prevention. |
Request sample
Request example via PC¬
Request example via APP
For how to generate a URL to evoke Allipay Wallet, see How to generate a URL to evoke Allipay Wallet
Response sample
Synchronous response sample|MEDICAL&status=NORMAL&sign_time=2014-10-20+11%3A49%3A19&sign_modify_time=2014-10-20+11%3A49%3A19&invalid_time=2014-12-20+11%3A49%3A19&is_success=T&product_code=GENERAL_WITHHOLDING_P&valid_time=2014-10-20+11%3A49%3A19&sign=5d26b4133e9d56f416c02bb903c161f1&sign_type=MD5&alipay_user_id=2088102145412262
Asynchronous response sample¬ify_type=dut_user_sign¬ify_id=df35c47ed9df1fe4157a555e5c1f4a39&sign_type=MD5&sign=b1af584504b8e845ebe40b8e0e733729&agreement_no=20141020000353099885&product_code=GENERAL_WITHHOLDING_P&scene=INDUSTRY|MEDIA&status=NORMAL&alipay_user_id=2088002008073305&sign_time=2014-10-20+11%3A49%3A19&sign_modify_time=2014-10-20+11%3A49%3A19&valid_time=2014-10-20+11%3A49%3A19&invalid_time=2014-12-20+11%3A49%3A19&partner_id=2088001159912755