Alipay, China's leading third-party online payment solutionAlipay, China's leading third-party online payment solution

Configure an address for receiving a NoC

You must edit Notification URL in the Integration Settings tab of Alipay Developer Center before you can receive the notification.

When a chargeback occurs or when the liability of the chargeback is judged, Alipay sends you the asynchronous notification through the notifyDispute notification. When you receive the notification, you must return a response as instructed in Requirements. Otherwise, Alipay resends the notification until a correct response is received.

The notifyDispute notification provides the following functions:

  • When a chargeback occurs, you receive a notification of the chargeback information. The value of disputeNotificationType in the notification is DISPUTE_CREATED.
  • When the liability of the chargeback is determined after you defend the chargeback, you receive a notification of the chargeback outcome. The value of disputeNotificationType in the notification is DISPUTE_JUDGED. The outcome is indicated by the value of disputeJudgedResult:
    • ACCEPT_BY_CUSTOMER: The user assumes the liability. You can request to capture the payment.
    • ACCEPT_BY_MERCHANT: You assume the liability. You need to refund the user the payment amount.