Payment method-incorporated solution
In a standard integration process, a user must choose a specific bank payment method on a page provided by several payment methods before they are redirected to the corresponding bank page. This long process is likely to impact the conversion rate. The payment method-incorporated solution improves the user experience by allowing users to choose a specific payment method directly on your page. This solution fits you if your team has strong development capabilities and you want to deliver a better user experience. The integration process is shown as follows:
Figure 1. Integration process of the payment method-incorporated solution
User experience
Figure 2. User experience of the payment method-incorporated solution
The integration process of this solution is slightly different from the standard integration process. The difference is shown in the request and response of the APIs used for the integration:
- For payment methods that support this solution, after you call the consult API, specific banks are returned through the API and are indicated by the values of paymentOptionDetail.supportBanks. The following table describes the child parameters of supportBanks returned when the value of paymentMethodType is
Child parameter | Description | Value |
bankIdentifierCode | A bank code |
bankShortName | A bank's short name |
Table 1. Details of child parameters of supportBanks
When you call the pay API, you need to pass in the APM and the specific bank. If a user chooses iDeal as an APM and Rabobank as the specific bank, you need to specify the request parameters as follows:
- paymentMethod.paymentMethodType:
- paymentMethod.paymentMethodMetaData.bankIdentifierCode: