Alipay, China's leading third-party online payment solutionAlipay, China's leading third-party online payment solution

Bank transfer

Bank transfer payment methods are the payment methods that allow a user to pay via online transfer or ATM transfer with a reference code obtained on Alipay's checkout page.

User experience

The following figure shows the payment journey with the bank transfer payment method Bank of Ayudhya:


Figure 1. Payment journey with Bank of Ayudhya

  1. On your order information page, a user chooses Bank of Ayudhya and taps Check Out, and is redirected to an intermediate page provided by Alipay to obtain a reference code.
  2. The user manually opens the Bank of Ayudhya app and pays in the app by following the instructions on the intermediate page.
  3. The user manually opens your app to obtain the payment result after completing the payment.

Payment methods

For details about the bank transfer payment methods, see the following table:

Payment methodConsumer country/regionSupported currencyRefundPartial refundChargebackMinimum payment amountMaximum payment amountRefund period



90 days
Indonesia ATMIndonesiaIDR10,000 IDR100M IDRN/A
BNIIndonesiaIDR10,000 IDRBank transfer: 100M IDR
Online banking: depends on the limit set by users
BSIIndonesiaIDR10,000 IDR100M IDRN/A
CIMB NiagaIndonesiaIDR10,000 IDR100M IDRN/A
MandiriIndonesiaIDR10,000 IDRBank transfer: 100M IDR
Online banking: depends on the limit set by users
MaybankIndonesiaIDR10,000 IDR100M IDRN/A
PermataIndonesiaIDR10,000.00 IDR100,000,000.00 IDRN/A
QrisIndonesiaIDR300 IDR20,000,000 IDRN/A
BLIKPolandPLN✔️✔️0.01 PLN10,000 PLN365 days
PaynowSingaporeSGD✔️✔️0.01 SGD200,000 SGD60 days
Bangkok BankThailandTHB1 THB per transaction2M THB per transaction and per dayN/A
Bank of AyudhyaThailandTHB1 THB2M THB(ATM 0.5M)N/A
Government Savings BankThailandTHB1 THB2M THB (ATM 0.5M)N/A
Kasikorn BankThailandTHB1 THB5M THBN/A
KrungThai BankThailandTHB1 THB2M THB (ATM 0.5M)N/A
PromptPayThailandTHB0.01 THB9,999,999,999.99 THBN/A
Siam Commerical BankThailandTHB1 THB2M THB(ATM 0.5M)N/A

Table 1. Capabilities of bank transfer payment methods