Alipay, China's leading third-party online payment solutionAlipay, China's leading third-party online payment solution


POST /v1/payments/refund

Use this API to initiate a refund against a successful payment. The refund can be full or partial. A transaction can have multiple refunds as long as the total refund amount is less than or equal to the original transaction amount. If being out of the refund window, the refund request will be declined. The refund window is determined by the contract. Use the same refundRequestId field to retry a refund in case of timeout or when the returned resultStatus is U. The refundRequestId field is designed to be idempotent.


A message consists of a header and body. The following sections are focused on the body structure. For the header structure, see: 

Note: Set the data type of each field (except array) as String. This means that you must use double quotation marks (" ") to enclose the field value. Examples:

  • If the data type of a field is Integer and its value is 20, set it as "20". 
  • If the data type of a field is Boolean and its value is true, set it as "true". 

Request parameters

refundRequestId String  REQUIRED

The unique ID assigned by the merchant to identify a refund request.

More information about this field

  • This field is an API idempotency field.Merchant uses the refundRequestId field for idempotency control. For payment requests that are initiated with the same value of refundRequestId and reach a final status (S or F), the same result is to be returned for the request.
  • Maximum length: 64 characters

paymentId String  REQUIRED

The unique ID assigned by Alipay for the original payment to be refunded.

More information about this field

  • Maximum length: 64 characters

referenceRefundId String  

The unique ID to identify a refund, which is assigned by the merchant that directly provides services or goods to the customer.

Note: Specify this field if this value is needed for internal use or reconciliation.

More information about this field

  • Maximum length: 64 characters

refundAmount Amount object REQUIRED

The refund amount that is initiated by the merchant.

Show child parameters

refundReason String  

The refund reason.

Note: Specify this field if you want to provide the refund reason to the user and wallet.

More information about this field

  • Maximum length: 256 characters

refundNotifyUrl String  

The URL that is used to receive the refund result notification. The URL must be either specified in the request or set in Alipay Developer Center.

Note: Specify this field if you want to receive an asynchronous notification of the refund result. If the refund notification URL is specified in both the request and Alipay Developer Center, the value specified in the request takes precedence. 

More information about this field

  • Maximum length: 1024 characters

Response parameters

result Result object REQUIRED

Indicates whether this API is called successfully. If this API is successfully called, the refund succeeds.

Show child parameters

refundRequestId String  

The unique ID that is assigned by the merchant to identify a refund request.

Note: This field is returned when the refund succeeds (the value of result.resultStatus is S).

More information about this field

  • Maximum length: 64 characters

refundId String  

The unique ID that is assigned by Alipay to identify a refund. A one-to-one correspondence between refundId and refundRequestId exists. 

Note: This field is returned when the refund succeeds (the value of result.resultStatus is S).

More information about this field

  • Maximum length: 64 characters

paymentId String  

The unique ID assigned by Alipay for the original payment to be refunded.

Note: This field is returned when the refund succeeds (the value of result.resultStatus is S).

More information about this field

  • Maximum length: 64 characters

refundAmount Amount object 

The refund amount collected by the payer for this refund.

Note: This field is returned when the refund succeeds (the value of result.resultStatus is S).

Show child parameters

refundTime Datetime  

The date and time when the refund reaches a final state of success or failure.

Note: This field is returned when the refund succeeds (the value of result.resultStatus is S).

More information about this field

  • The value follows the ISO 8601 standard format. For example, "2019-11-27T12:01:01+08:00".

grossSettlementAmount Amount object 

The refund settlement amount, which equals the refund amount multiplied by the value of settlementQuote. This field is returned when the currency exchange is predetermined and the exchange rate is locked at the time of the transaction. 

Show child parameters

settlementQuote Quote object 

The exchange rate between the settlement currency and payment currency. This field is returned when grossSettlementAmount is returned. 

Show child parameters
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Request Body


Response Body

Result process logic

For different request results, different actions are to be performed. See the following list for details:

  • If the value of result.resultStatus is S, the refund succeeds.
  • If the value of result.resultStatus is F, the refund fails. Usually, the failure reason is that the refund is initiated when the refund window has passed (result. resultCode=FREFUND_WINDOW_EXCEED). If the refund is still needed to be processed, manual intervention is needed.
  • If the value of result.resultStatus is U, the result is unknown. Processing failure might occur due to system or network issues. Retry with the same refundRequestId or use the inquiryRefund API to check the refund result.

Result/Error codes

CodeValueMessageFurther action

The refund is successful, no further action is needed.

ACCESS_DENIEDFAccess is denied.

Contact Alipay Technical Support for detailed reasons. 

API_INVALIDFThe API name or API call format is used incorrectly.

Check whether the API name, HTTP method, or request format is correct when sending the request. 

CLIENT_INVALIDFThe client ID is invalid. Alipay has restrictions on client ID.

Check whether the client ID is correct, or contact Alipay Technical Support for detailed reasons. 

CURRENCY_NOT_SUPPORTFThe currency is not supported.

Contact Alipay Technical Support for detailed reasons. 

INVALID_CONTRACTFThe parameter values in the contract do not match those in the current transaction.

Check whether the parameter values in the contract match those in the current transaction. If the values match, contact Alipay Technical Support to troubleshoot the issue. 

INVALID_MERCHANT_STATUSFThe merchant status is abnormal because restrictions exist.

Contact Alipay Technical Support for detailed reasons. 

INVALID_SIGNATUREFThe signature is not validated. The private key used to sign a request does not match the public key of Alipay Developer Center.

Check whether the private key used to sign a request matches the public key of Alipay Developer Center. The following signature references are useful:

KEY_NOT_FOUNDFThe private key or public key of Alipay or the merchant is not found.

Check whether the private key or public key exists. If not, upload the private key in Alipay Developer Center. 

MEDIA_TYPE_NOT_ACCEPTABLEFThe server does not implement the media type that is acceptable to the client.

Check whether the media type is correct and use a media type that is accepted by Alipay. 

MERCHANT_BALANCE_NOT_ENOUGHFThe merchant balance is insufficient.

Call the interface again after the merchant has sufficient balance. The refundRequestId field needs to be changed when you try again.

MERCHANT_NOT_REGISTEREDFThe merchant is not registered.

Please register the merchant by using the registration interface. Contact Alipay Technical Support if failed to call the registration interface. 

METHOD_NOT_SUPPORTEDFThe server does not implement the requested HTTP method. Only the POST method is supported.

Ensure the HTTP method is POST.

MULTIPLE_REFUNDS_NOT_SUPPORTEDFMultiple refunds are not supported because restrictions exist in the contract.

Check whether multiple refunds exist. Do not call the refund interface anymore. For each refund, only call the interface once

NO_INTERFACE_DEFFAPI is not defined.

Check whether the URL is correct. Please refer to the endpoint in the API documentation. 

ORDER_IS_CLOSEDFThe request you initiated has the same paymentRequestId as that of the existed transaction, which is closed.

Use a new paymentRequestId to initiate the refund again. 

ORDER_NOT_EXISTFThe order does not exist.

Check whether paymentId is correct. If correct, contact Alipay Technical Support for specific reasons.

ORDER_STATUS_INVALIDFThe order status is invalid. The transaction is under process or the transaction is failed.

Check the order status and take corresponding actions. Wait if the transaction is under process. Do not initiate the refund if the transaction failed. Contact Alipay Technical Support for specific reasons.

PARAM_ILLEGALFThe required parameters are not passed, or illegal parameters exist. For example, a non-numeric input, an invalid date, or the length and type of the parameter are wrong.

Check and verify whether the required request fields (including the header fields and body fields) of the current API are correctly passed and valid. 

PROCESS_FAILFA general business failure occurred.

Do not retry. Human intervention is usually needed. It is recommended that you contact Alipay Technical Support to troubleshoot the issue. 

REFUND_AMOUNT_EXCEEDFThe total refund amount exceeds the payment amount.

Confirm whether the total refund amount exceeds the payment amount. Create a new refund by using an amount less than or equal to the payment amount, or contact Alipay Technical Support. 

REFUND_WINDOW_EXCEEDFThe refund date exceeds the refundable period that is agreed in the contract.

Confirm whether the refund date exceeds the refundable period. Check the refundable period in the contract or contact Alipay Technical Support for the specific refundable period.

REPEAT_REQ_INCONSISTENTFThe amount or currency is different from the previous request.

Ensure all the fields in the requests are the same or use a new paymentRequestId to initiate the refund again. 

RISK_REJECTFThe request is rejected because of the risk control.

Prompt the user that the request is rejected because the risk control failed.  

SYSTEM_ERRORFA system error occurred.

Do not retry, and contact Alipay Technical Support for more details. 

REFUND_IN_PROCESSUThe refund is being processed.

Wait for the asynchronous notification or call the inquiryRefund interface to query the final refund status. Do not retry the refund request. 

REQUEST_TRAFFIC_EXCEED_LIMITUThe request traffic exceeds the limit.

Call the interface again to resolve the issue. If not resolved, contact Alipay Technical Support. 

UNKNOWN_EXCEPTIONUAn API call has failed, which is caused by unknown reasons.

Call the interface again to resolve the issue. If not resolved, contact Alipay Technical Support.