Use this API to query transaction status and other information.
Service address
Environment | URL |
Production | |
Request head
Parameter | Description |
version String(8) | API version
function String(128) | API name
clientId String(32) | A unique ID assigned by Alipay to identify a client that makes API calls.
reqTime Datetime | Request time. The datetime with timezone, see RFC 3339 Section 5.6 for details.
reqMsgId String(64) | Request message ID. A unique ID assigned by the client to identify a request message. This ID identifies a unique system request rather than a unique business request.
reserve String(256) | Reserved parameter. Key-value formatted parameter reserved for future use. This parameter is required when you are a system integrator. If you are a system integrator, you must provide the isvAccesstoken value.
signType String(64) | Sign type. RSA2 and SHA256 are supported. Use uppercase. If this field is not specified, RSA2 is used as the sign type.
Request body
Parameter | Description |
merchantId String(64) | The unique merchant ID assigned by Alipay. This parameter identifies the settlement target that Alipay settles to.
acquirementId String(64) | The unique Alipay transaction ID that identifies the transaction to be queried. This parameter is required when
merchantTransId String(64) | The unique merchant transaction ID assigned by the merchant to identify a transaction. This parameter is required when Note: If both the
Response head
Parameter | Description |
version String(8) | API version
function String(128) | API name
clientId String(32) | Client ID. A unique ID assigned by Alipay to identify a client that makes API calls.
respTime Datetime | Response time. The datetime with timezone, see RFC 3339 Section 5.6 for details.
reqMsgId String(64) | Request message ID. The unique ID assigned by client to identify a request message
reserve String(256) | Reserved parameter. The key-value formatted parameter reserved for future use.
Response body
Parameter | Description |
resultInfo ResultInfo | Result info. See resultInfo for details.
payment Payment | The payment information. See payment for details. This parameter is required when
userSite enum<Site>(64) | The user site where the payment happens. See Site for details.
userId String(64) | An ID that identifies a user in the user site.
userLoginId String(64) | An ID that the user uses to login to the payment site. The ID is masked to protect the customer privacy.
extendInfo String(2048) | Extended information. Key-value formatted parameter reserved for future use.
settleOrder SettleOrder | Settlement information. This parameter is returned only when orderCurrency is not the same as settleCurrency. See SettleOrder for details.
Parameter | Description |
resultStatus String(2) | The request status can be:
resultCodeId String(8) | Result ID. An 8-digit code that is used to identify a result. When
resultCode String(64) | The result code
resultMsg String(256) | Result message. When
Parameter | Description |
acquirementId String(64) | The unique Alipay transaction ID.
merchantTransId String(64) | The unique ID assigned by the merchant to identify a transaction.
payStatus String(32) | Status can be:
orderAmount Money | The
conversionRate ConversionRate | The exchange rate between Note: This parameter is required when
paymentTime Datetime | The time when the transaction is paid. Datetime with timezone, see RFC 3339 Section 5.6 for details.
extendInfo String(2048) | Extended information. Key-value formatted parameter reserved for future use.
payAmount Money | The actual amount the buyer paid. Example:{"currency":"CNY", "value":"1481"} |
Parameter | Description |
currency String(3) | The 3-letter currency code. See Supported currencies for details.
value Number(16) | The amount. This value must be provided in the smallest common currency unit. For example, to create a charge for $1.00, you can set
Parameter | Description |
baseCurrency String(3) | The base currency
exchangeCurrency String(3) | The exchange currency
rate String(16) | The exchange rate of
Name | Type | Description |
ALIPAY_CN | String | Alipay site for Chinese mainland |
ALIPAY_HK | String | Alipay site for Hong Kong, China |
KAKAOPAY | String | Kakao Pay |
TNG | String | Touch'n Go eWallet |
Parameter | Description |
settleExchangeRate SettleExchangeRate | Settle exchange rate information. See SettleExchangeRate for details.
settleOrderAmount Money | Merchant settlement amount and currency. See Money for details.
extendInfo String(2048) | Extended information. The key-value formatted parameter reserved for future use.
Parameter | Description |
baseCurrency String(3) | The base currency.
exchangeCurrency String(3) | The exchange currency.
rate String(16) | The exchange rate of baseCurrency against exchangeCurrency.
Result code
Functional logic result code
resultCodeId | resultCode | resultStatus | Remarks |
12005003 | ORDER_STATUS_INVALID | F | The transaction status is invalid. |
12005004 | ORDER_NOT_EXIST | F | The transaction does not exist. |
12005134 | SIGN_TYPE_INVALID | F | The signature type is invalid. |
Basic result code
resultCodeId | resultCode | resultStatus | Remarks |
00000000 | SUCCESS | S | Success |
00000019 | PROCESS_FAIL | F | General business failure |
00000901 | UNKNOWN_EXCEPTION | U | API failed because of unknown reasons |
00000004 | PARAM_ILLEGAL | F | The parameter is incorrect. |
00000007 | INVALID_SIGNATURE | F | The signature is invalid. |
00000008 | KEY_NO_FOUND | F | The key is not found. |
00000013 | NO_INTERFACE_DEF | F | The API is undefined. |
00000014 | API_IS_INVALID | F | The API is invalid or nonactivated. |
00000021 | ACCESS_DENIED | F | Access denied |
12014155 | UNKNOWN_CLIENT | F | Unknown client |
12014156 | INVALID_CLIENT_STATUS | F | Invalid client status |
00000024 | REQUEST_TRAFFIC_EXCEED_LIMIT | F | The request traffic exceeds the limit. |
12003001 | MERCHANT_NOT_EXIST | F | The merchant doesn't exist. |
Sample request
"signature":"signature string"
Sample response
Response successful:
"signature":"signature string"
Response successful:
"response": {
"body": {
"payment": {
"acquirementId": "201xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx5678",
"conversionRate": {
"baseCurrency": "MOP",
"exchangeCurrency": "CNY",
"rate": "0.91204077"
"merchantTransId": "510xxxxxxxxxxxxx1234",
"orderAmount": {
"currency": "MOP",
"value": "600"
"payAmount": {
"currency": "CNY",
"value": "547"
"payStatus": "PAY_SUCCESS",
"paymentTime": "2001-07-04T12:09:56+05:30"
"resultInfo": {
"resultCode": "SUCCESS",
"resultCodeId": "00000000",
"resultMsg": "Success",
"resultStatus": "S"
"settleOrder": {
"settleExchangeRate": {
"baseCurrency": "HKD",
"exchangeCurrency": "MOP",
"rate": "1.03000000"
"settleOrderAmount": {
"currency": "HKD",
"value": "583"
"userId": "208xxxxxxxxx9012",
"userLoginId": "c***",
"userSite": "ALIPAY_CN"
"head": {
"clientId": "385xxxxxxxxx0001",
"function": "alipay.intl.acquiring.offline.payQuery",
"reqMsgId": "123xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx3fda",
"respTime": "2001-07-04T12:08:56+05:30",
"version": "2.0.4"
"signature": "signature string"
Response failed:
"response": {
"body": {
"resultInfo": {
"resultCode": "ORDER_NOT_EXIST",
"resultCodeId": "12005004",
"resultMsg": "Order does not exist.",
"resultStatus": "F"
"head": {
"clientId": "385xxxxxxxxx0001",
"function": "alipay.intl.acquiring.offline.payQuery",
"reqMsgId": "123xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx3fda",
"respTime": "2001-07-04T12:08:56+05:30",
"version": "2.0.4"
"signature": "signature string"