Call this interface to refund a transaction.
To initiate multiple refund transactions by using a same partner ID (partner
), send the refund requests with an interval of at least 3 seconds.
Service address
Environment | HTTPS request URL |
Production environment | |
Test environment | |
Request parameters
Parameter | Description |
Basic parameter | |
service String | Interface name
partner String(16) | The partner ID that is assigned by Alipay to identify an Alipay account. The partner ID is composed of 16 digits and begins with 2088.
_input_charset String | The charset with which the request data are encoded. UTF-8 is supported
sign_type String | Sign type. RSA, RSA2 and MD5 are supported. Use uppercase.
sign String | Sign value
notify_url URL(200) | The URL for receiving asynchronous notifications after the payment is completed.
Business parameter | |
out_return_no String(64) | The unique refund ID for the refund request
out_trade_no String(64) | The transaction ID of the original payment
return_amount Number(9,2) | The amount to refund in the settlement currency. The value is in the range of 0.01 – 1000000.00, with at most 2 digits after the decimal point. The return_amount and return_rmb_amount fields cannot be empty at the same time, therefore, one of them must be specified.
return_rmb_amount Number(9,2) | The refund amount in CNY. The value is in the range of 0.01 - 1000000.00, with at most 2 digits after the decimal point. Either the return_amount or return_rmb_amount field can be specified.
currency String(10) | The currency for the refund. The value of this field is not CNY, even when the return_rmb_amount parameter is not null. Use upper case. For more information about supported currencies, see Supported Currencies.
gmt_return String(14) | Refund transaction time, with a format of yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss. Use GMT+8.
reason String(100) | Reason for the refund
product_code String(32) | Product code of the Alipay product that you use, which is NEW_OVERSEAS_SELLER for website payment refund, and NEW_WAP_OVERSEAS_SELLER for WAP or APP payment refund.
is_sync String(1) | Indicates that the refund request is processed synchronously or asynchronously with a value of Y or N. The default value is N, which means an asynchronous response from Alipay is returned to the merchant if the merchant has set the value of the notify_url field when sending the refund request. If the value is set as Y, it means only a synchronous response is returned to the merchant.
split_fund_info String(1600) | Split fund information, which is in the JSON format. For more details, see Refund Split Detail Info.
The decimal place accuracy of amounts, such as the values of return_amount
, depends on the value of currency
. If the value of currency
, then the amount must be an integer. For example, 100 JPY. For other currencies, the amount is of two decimal place accuracy. For example, 100.00 USD. Amounts in other formats will cause error, for example, 100.999 USD. The values of parameters such as return_rmb_amount
are also of two decimal places because the currency is CNY. is_sync YNTF
Synchronous response
Parameter | Description |
is_success String | If the value of If the value of
error String | Error code that is returned when the request is failed to describe the request failure reason. For more information, see the Error Code section in this document.
Asynchronous response
Parameter | Description |
Basic parameter | |
notify_type String | Notification type
notify_time Timestamp | The time when the notification is sent. The time format is yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss.
notify_id String | Notification ID, used by the partner system to verify the notification
sign_type String | Sign type. RSA, RSA2 and MD5 are supported. Use uppercase.
sign String | Sign value
Business parameter | |
out_trade_no String(64) | The unique transaction ID that is assigned by the merchant for the refund
out_return_no String(64) | Refund ID of the partner |
refund_status String(32) | The refund status. The value can be REFUND_SUCCESS for a successful refund or REFUND_FAIL for a failed refund.
error_code String(64) | Error code that is returned when the request is failed, to describe the request failure reason. For more information, see the Error Code section in this document.
currency String(8) | The currency for the refund
return_amount Number(9,2) | Refund amount
Error codes
Business errors
Returned result | Description |
REFUNDMENT_VALID_DATE_EXCEED | The refund cannot be performed after the specified refund time period. |
SYSTEM_EXCEPTION | System exception |
ILLEGAL_ARGUMENT | Illegal argument |
REPEATED_REFUNDMENT_REQUEST | Duplicated refund request |
RETURN_AMOUNT_EXCEED | Refund amount is over the payment amount. |
CURRENCY_NOT_SAME | Different currency from the payment currency |
PURCHASE_TRADE_NOT_EXIST | The payment transaction does not exist. |
BUYER_NOT_EXIST | The buyer does not exist. |
REFUND_CHARGE_ERROR | The refund failed because the payment is in progress. Please try again later. |
MORE_THAN_ALLOW_REFUND_FOREX_FEE | The refund amount is more than the refundable amount. |
Access errors
Returned result | Description |
ILLEGAL_SIGN | Illegal signature |
ILLEGAL_SERVICE | Service parameter is incorrect. |
ILLEGAL_PARTNER | Incorrect partner ID |
ILLEGAL_SIGN_TYPE | Signature is of wrong type. |
ILLEGAL_PARTNER_EXTERFACE | Service is not activated for this account. |
ILLEGAL_DYN_MD5_KEY | Dynamic key information is incorrect. |
ILLEGAL_ENCRYPT | Encryption is incorrect. |
ILLEGAL_USER | User ID is incorrect. |
ILLEGAL_EXTERFACE | Interface configuration is incorrect. |
ILLEGAL_AGENT | Agency ID is incorrect. |
HAS_NO_PRIVILEGE | No right to visit |
INVALID_CHARACTER_SET | The character set is invalid. |
System errors
Returned result | Description |
SYSTEM_ERROR | Alipay system error |
SESSION_TIMEOUT | Session timeout |
ILLEGAL_TARGET_SERVICE | Wrong target service |
ILLEGAL_ACCESS_SWITCH_SYSTEM | Merchant is not allowed to visit system of this type. |
EXTERFACE_IS_CLOSED | The interface has been closed. |
Request sample with the return_amount field specified¬¤cy=USD&product_code=NEW_OVERSEAS_SELLER&out_return_no=out_return_no_20190904_142347&out_trade_no=out_trade_no_20190830_204330&return_amount=0.01&gmt_return=20190904142347&reason=%E4%B9%B0%E5%AE%B6%E4%B8%BB%E5%8A%A8%E8%A6%81%E6%B1%82%E9%80%80%E6%AC%BE&sign=8080dd500a1ecb05a393e168d57090d2
Request sample with the return_rmb_amount field specified¬¤cy=USD&product_code=NEW_OVERSEAS_SELLER&out_return_no=out_return_no_20190904_142347&out_trade_no=out_trade_no_20190830_204330&return_rmb_amount=0.07&gmt_return=20190904142347&reason=%E4%B9%B0%E5%AE%B6%E4%B8%BB%E5%8A%A8%E8%A6%81%E6%B1%82%E9%80%80%E6%AC%BE&sign=4c13c00a832ebbd2a08379dd3d8e2ec6
Synchronous response sample
Success response
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="GBK"?>
Error response
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
Asynchronous response sample
notify_time=2019-09-04 18:07:27