For cross-border online payments, please note that merchant successfully sending the payment request does not necessarily mean the transaction No. is created in Alipay system. The actual time when the transaction No. is created is described as follows:
For Website payment (create_forex_trade)
Pay on the website: After Buyer clicks Pay to login to Alipay account with the account and password, the transaction No. is created.
Scan QR code and pay by Alipay wallet: After scanning the payment QR code by using Alipay wallet and the Alipay cashier jumps out, the transaction No. is created.
For Wap payment (create_forex_trade_wap)
H5 WAP page: Buyer clicks Pay to login to Alipay account with the account and password. After Buyer inputs the correct payment passoword, the transaction No. is created.
Alipay wallet: Buyer clicks Pay and the Alipay cashier is evoked, after inputting the correct password, the transaction No. is created.