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How do I query the refund status of a particular transaction?

To query the refund status of a particular transaction, complete the following steps:

  1. 1. Log in to Alipay Global Portal.
  2. 2. Click "Manage" under Online Payment / In-store Payment.
  3. 3. Go to My Transaction > Transaction Info > Transaction Records, and click "More options".
  4. 4. Enter the refund ID or transaction ID that is assigned by you in Partner_transaction_ID dialog box.
  5. 5. Click Search.

The following figure illustrates a successful query:

The "Status" field describes the refund status. See the following list for details:

  • P: Refund succeeded
  • W: Waiting for being processed
  • F: Refund failed or cancelled


  1. 使用商户注册邮箱登陆支付宝国际后台
  2. 点击My Transaction > Transaction Info,点击下方 "More options"。
  3. 在框中输入您的交易号或退款号点击 Search 按钮查询。


"Status" 下面的字母表示退款状态,详细如下

  • P: 退款成功
  • W: 等待退款
  • F: 退款失败或被取消 (只有境外收单的订单退款可以被取消)