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Why the customs E-port system responds that no payment info is found?

If you have called the Alipay declaration API to submit the payment info, but the customs E-port system still shows that the payment info is missing, please check according to the following steps:

  1. Call the Declaration Query Interface to check the declaration status. The payment info is only received by the E-port system when the value of customs_code is 2.
  2. If the E-port system has received the payment info, but still shows that the payment info is missing, please check whether the transaction ID in the submitted transaction info is:
  • The value of the out_trade_no in the Alipay payment API if the value of is_split is T.
  • The value of sub_out_biz_no in the request of alipay.acquire.customs API.


1、尝试调用支付宝海关报关查询接口Declaration Query Interface查询此时的推送状态,当同步返回中的customs_code为2 即:新增支付单成功时,说明对应海关已经成功接收到该支付单。


2-1 支付接口中的out_trade_no(不拆单时)
