How can I confirm a transaction is paid or not?
1. you can confirm the transaction in Alipay Global Portal
To confirm whether the transaction is paid, take steps as follow:
1- login into Alipay Global Portal with your Alipay merhcant account.
2- Click My Transaction > Transaction Info.
3- Click "More options".
4.1- select "partner_transaction_ID" and input the order no in your system.
4.2- or select "Transaction_ID" and input Alipay trade no.
5- Click "search".
If the Type is P , it means the transaction is paid. If no result, it means the transaction is not success.
2. if the transaction is not refunded,you can use query interface,the paid transaction for in-store is trade_success, the paid transaction for cross border is trade_finished.
Query interface for Online payment:single_trade_query
Query interface for In-store payment:alipay.acquire.overseas.query
1. 使用商户注册邮箱登陆支付宝国际后台。
1-1点击My Transaction > Transaction Info,
1-2点击下方的 "More options",⊙选择在"Transaction_ID"则在框中输入支付宝交易号后点击"search"查询交易(推荐);⊙选择在"Partner_transaction_ID"则在框中输入贵司交易号后点击"search"查询交易。
2. 如果在确定没退款的情况下,可以根据query接口查看是否交易成功,当面付交易成功状态为trade_success,境外收单为trade_finished.